Chapter 1 Nature of Globalization (My Book)

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Chapter 1

Specific Learning Objectives:
At the end of the class, the students are able
1.Arrive at a realization that the essence of
globalization is inherently interdisciplinary;
2. View the nature of the contemporary
world from a broad variety of lenses; and
3. Allow students to examine the various
globalizing processes.
• People in the world today interact with one
another in a variety of ways.
• In the Philippines, more and more Filipinos
have increasingly related with people not
just beyond their towns and provinces but
even beyond the boundaries of the country.
* For instance- air travel cost, a lot lower
• This is the result of globalization- more access
to territories- lesser government restrictions.
* In the Philippines- presidency of Fidel Ramos
(1992-1998)- He envisioned Filipinos to be
self-reliant and globally competitive by
fostering ties with neighboring foreign
economies, and by exploring other avenues for
expanding international trade and investments.
* The Ramos administration
dismantled monopolies in the
communications and
transportation networks, privatized
basic utilities provider like water,
and liberalized trade ( Bernardo &
Tang, 2008 ).
* With the states’ intention to boost
productivity within the bounds of their
territories, states often have the
tendency to liberalize trade, which
paves the way for multinational
corporations (MNCs) and transnational
corporations (TNCs) to become major
players in most states’ local economy.
• Foreign corporations are primary actors in the
international system and have a growing role in
a number of states’ policy outcomes ( Stopford
& Strange, 1991).
* The way people relate and interact with each
other across boundaries and borders has led
the way to the rise of an international society
centering on cooperation among states with
shared values as playing a key role in states’
policy outcomes ( Micheals, 2001).
• Globalization refers to the expansion and
intensification of social relations and
consciousness across world-time and world-
space. ( Manfred Steger, 2014 )
* The emergence of TNCs and MNCs have
influenced many states’ policies in relation to
the particular states’ political policies. ( Their
revenues are bigger than the GDP or Gross
Domestic Product of independent states).
* States formed themselves into an
association of states so that they could
address together with their political,
economic, and even social issues. ( For
example- those countries located in the
West Philippine Sea- the ASEAN or
Association of South East Asian Nations
was established on August 8, 1967 in
Bangkok- with the five original
Member-countries ( Indonesia,
Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and
Thailand ).
* Brunei Darussalam joined on January
8, 1984; Vietnam on July 28, 1995;
Laos and Myanmar on July 23, 1997,
and Cambodia on April 30, 1999.

1. To accelerate the economic growth, social

progress and cultural development in the region
through joint endeavors in the spirit of equality
and partnership in order to strengthen the
foundation for a prosperous and peaceful
community of Southeast Asian nations, ; and
2. To promote regional peace and stability through
abiding respect for justice and the rule of law in
the relationship among countries in the region and
adherence to the principles of the UN charter.
• In 1995, the ASEAN Heads of State and
Government re-affirmed that, “ Cooperative
peace and shared prosperity shall be the
fundamental goals of ASEAN.” * The Treaty of
Amity and Cooperation ( TAC ) in Southeast
Asia, signed at the First ASEAN Summit on
February 24, 1976, declared that in their
relations with one another, the High
Contracting Parties should be guided by the
following fundamental principles :
1. Mutual respect for the independence,
sovereignty, equality, territorial integrity, and
national identity of all nations;
2. The right of every state to lead its national
existence free from external interference,
subversion, or coercion;
3. Non-interference in the internal affairs of one
4. Settlement of differences or disputes by peaceful
5. Renunciation of the threat or use of force;
6. Effective cooperation among themselves,
( ASEAN, 2017 )
• Globalization greatly increased free trade.
• The rise of regional blocks all over the world
lead to facilitate easy trade relations among
member-states of regional blocks since one
of the objectives of such organizations is to
promote economic prosperity.
* For example- FTA ( Free Trade
Agreements )– it essentially removes trade
barriers such as tariffs and import quotas
among the member-states of the regional
blocks ( Urata, 2002 ).
•Globalization has also increased the speed
of trade with the development of computer
and communication technologies.
* The emergence of the information
technology era have led to the development
of High Frequency Trading ( HFT ).
• In essence, HFT is the use of computer
algorithms to rapidly trade stocks. It is a
business dominated by a few giants as it is
a sandbox that costs many millions to play
in ( Finger, 2013 ).
* Global Economic Organizations ( GEOs)-
played a role on the spread and influence
of globalization in the economic arena.
• The three major international economic
organizations are the World Bank, the
International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the
World Trade Organization (WTO).
* The WTO emerged out of the General
Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT) in
1995, which delves more on the arrangement
across countries that serve as a forum for
negotiations on trading rules ( Krueger, 1998).
• Globalization has greatly changed how
people live.
• It has also affected and changed people’s
needs, desires, and even their wants.
( Chirico, 2014).
* Moreover, improvements in the realm of
communication accelerate flows of ideas
and information.
• Culture flows through the world wide web,
changing people’s ideas, influencing their
imaginings about each other and the other
parts of the world, and even leading to the
invention of new social forms.
* It is already apparent that technology is “
shrinking the world “ of the present
generation of the world’s citizens.
• People, in one way or another, are going
into a direction in which they act in concert
and cohort creating the conditions through
which many of them imagine themselves as
part of one world- a global imaginary,
which Marshal McLuhan (1962) called
the global village.
* Yet, globalization is also construed as
potent medium for cultural imperialism.
• Western culture becomes very noticeable
from music, to food, fashion, sports, show
businesses, and to almost every aspect of
human life.
* It refers to the imposition by one usually
politically or economically dominant
community of various aspects of its own
culture onto another, nondominant
* Cultural imperialism- is a form of
imperialism in that the imposing community
forcefully extends the authority of its way of
life over the other population by either
transforming or replacing aspects of the
non-dominant community’s culture (Tobin,
• Connectivity can be diverse and affect
society in a society in a variety of ways.
• This connectivity can be economic in the
sense that when the West experiences
financial crisis in their homeland, a large
number of other countries would also be
affected by such crisis.
* Most countries in the world have financial
connectivity with the United States.
• If the U.S. is in a recession, and American
consumers cut back spending on things like
computers or clothes, the countries that
manufacture those products are in trouble
( Rampell, 2008 ).
* People also have connectivity with other parts of
the world such as Europe, Africa, and the rest of
Asia. ( Asian Financial Crisis of 1997, it only
started in Thailand but its effects were very much
felt in the industrialized states like South Korea ).
• Connectivity can be felt not only in
economics but also in the music industry.
• Political connectivity is also a product of
* The spontaneity of the phenomenon had
been attributed to the power of social and
mainstream media, which manifested
globalization essence as connecting people
across world space and time.
• Social media had proven itself to be a good
mobilization tool to even a thousand people
since it connected people in a variety of ways
( Manfreda, 2017 ).
* One has to take note that the effects of the
degrees of interconnection are uneven and
unequal. ( Arab Spring ) Globalization is a
process, and in a process, effects are more
often than not, not uniform and mostly unequal.
• One of the agents for expanding such
relationships is the emergence of non-
government organizations (NGOs) – these
organizations mostly aid groups whose main
objective is to alleviate the lives of people
especially those in distress.
• Typhoon Haiyan hit Leyte in 2013
* Social media find a degree of connection among
them even if that connection is not grounded on a
personal relationship.
• Through the advancement of
communications and transportation
• Social media
• Quick travel
* With all these present in the contemporary
society, McLuhan (1964) has predicted that
globalization would reduce the wide world
into a smaller global village.

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