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12V DC To 220V Ac Inverter Using D-Mosfets

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12V DC TO 220V AC

Contents :
• Introduction
• Literature Review
• Methodology
• Results
• Teamwork / Tasks Division
• Timeline
• Societal Impact
• Environmental Impact
• Learning
• Conclusion
• Brief introduction to the CEP
• Inverters are often needed at places where it is not possible to get AC supply from the Mains.
• An inverter circuit is used to convert the DC power to AC power. 
•  Inverters can be of two types True/pure sine wave inverters and quasi or modified inverters.
• These modified inverters produce a square wave and these are not used to power delicate
electronic equipments .

The basic idea behind every inverter circuit is to produce oscillations using the given DC and apply
these oscillations across the primary of the transformer by amplifying the current. This primary
voltage is then stepped up to a higher voltage depending upon the number of turns in primary and
secondary coils.
Motivation and Applications

• Market cost of inverters are bit high because of Microcontroller based

SPWM generator .
• In most of The rural areas, people are unable to afford the cost of this
• The brightness of DC LED is not enough to eradicate darkness.
• Most of the senior citizens are suffering various eye diseases for
lacking of sufficient light.
• The home inverter is widely applicable to solar and wind power
conversion, outdoor work, and household appliances operation.
Aims and objectives
We aim to prepare a cheap prototype to show the capabilities of our project on a huge scale.
There are some objectives need to be achieved in order to accomplish this project. These
objectives will act as a guide and will restrict the system to be implemented for certain
• To research on the project and understand fully about the function of all the components used in the circuit.
• Start the mathematical model and do all the required calculations for ratings on the components.
• Start the simulation on Proteus and check if the circuit is working on the given input and gives the desired
• Purchasing on the components and working on the physical model.
• Rechecking all of our material and circuits to ensure the working of the circuits.
Literature Review
• Process of Project Selection
We researched on 3 different projects
• Cell phone detector
• Fire alarm using 555 timer IC and MOSFET
• 12V Dc to 220V Ac inverter

After some group discussions in our group, we chose the inverter to be our final project as it was the most
relevantly related to our course and we had the most interest towards it.
• Mathematical model:
• Oscillator Design:An astable multivibrator can be used as an oscillator. Here an 
astable multivibrator using 555 timer is designed. We know, frequency of oscillations for a 555 timer in astable
mode is given by:
• T= t1+t2=0.693(R1+2R2).C
f = 1.44/(R1+2*R2)*C
where R1 is the resistance between discharge pin and Vcc, R2 is the resistance between discharge pin and
threshold pin and C is capacitance between threshold pin and ground.  Also the duty cycle of the
output signal is given by:
• D = (R1+R2)/(R1+2*R2)
Since our requirement is f =50Hz and D = 50% and assuming C to be 0.1uF, we can calculate the values of R1 and
R2 to be 10K and 140K Ohms respectively. Here we prefer using a 150K potentiometer to fine tune the output
Also a ceramic capacitor of 0.01uF is used between the control pin and ground.
Mathematical Model (continued) :
• Switching Circuit Design:Our main aim is to develop an AC signal of 220V.
Then, we use both N-type MOSFET, IRF540 (Q2, Q3) to drive a transformer coil (primary winding).
• The output current at Pin 3 of IC1 will flow two ways.
• First, through R3 to a gate of Q2.
• Second, flows to Q1-transistor BC549 as inverter logic form to reverse signal difference first ways.
Next, the current flows to the gate of Q3 to also drive the transformer. 
• Output Load Design: It induces low AC voltage to high volts, about 220V to 250V.  According to the condition of the
battery, 12V to 14.4V. The transformer used gets 2A current and 12V input giving output power more than 100 watts. Since
it is required to get 220V output, it is preferred to use a step up transformer. Here a 12V/220V step up transformer is used.
• Inductance of a coil is proportional to square of the number of turns in the coil. so that gives the inductance ratio as L1/L2 =
System design / Block diagram
Simulation/hardware model
Circuit diagram
• Data used and experimental setup for
S.No Parameters Symbols Units

1. Voltage V Volts

2. Resistance Ω ohm

3. Capacitance C Farads

4. Frequency Hz Hertz

5. Inductance L Henry

6. Current A Amphere
Simulation Results
Hardware results
Theoretical / analytical results

• Both the Analytical and Simulation results are almost similar. There
were some minor differences in the values of components used in the
hardware model due to lack of availability so the outputs may differ a
Teamwork/Tasks Division
• The workload of our project was divided in
CEP Progress
the following way:
• Ali Hamza : Incharge of making the project Proposal 1

documentation .i.e proposal,report etc Mathmethical Model 3

and helped in determining the values of

the components used. Simulation Model 5

• Babur Iqbal: Incharge of finding the right Hardware Model 6

components for the hardware model and

helped in compiling the documents . Presentation/Report 7

• Nabeel Ahmed : Incharge of assembling 0 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8

the hardware and simulation model

Societal Impact Environmental Impact

Advantages of this Inverter: • Our project (12V DC to 220V AC

Simple design can be built by beginners. inverter) is a very environment
Decent efficiency around 75 to 80%.
Stable frequency around 50 Hz
friendly project and it is highly
Well tested circuit. sustainable as it doesn't require
Disadvantage of this Inverter: any special environmental
Output voltage varies as the load increases. conditions to work in.
Square wave is not suitable for sensitive
electronic gadgets such as medical

(The teacher should assess CLO6 here based on the given rubrics)
Learning from this project
• In this project we learned about some new components
and how they operate . we also learned the right of
making presentation, reports and it helped us have a
better time management Strategy and work load
• In this presentation we discusses the design and implementation of the cost
effective efficient DC to AC inverter.
• The main objective of this project was to find an efficient power conversion
system to meet the increasing power demands.
• Specially for rural areas people who are unable to buy a costly inverter.
• The efficiency of the inverter is relatively good for lower input power.
• The inverter works perfectly and its cost is almost one third of conventional
• It has met every goal set at the commencement of this venture, though more
experimental data is needed to be gathered before applying it at any operation.

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