Physics 114C - Mechanics

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Physics 114C - Mechanics

Review for Exam2

(Walker: Chapters 6-9)
November 6,
6, 2008

John G. Cramer
Professor of Physics
B451 PAB
[email protected]

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 Homework Assignment 6 is due at 11:59 PM on
Thursday, November 6 (Tonight!). Homework up to 24
hours late gets 70% credit.
 There are now 148/167 clicker registrations. To use
the HiTT RF Clickers, in this room, set to “Channel 1” by
holding down the “double-down” arrow key until the
light flashes red, typing “0” and “1”, and holding down
the “double-down” key again until the light flashes
 My office hours are 1:30-2:20 PM on Tuesdays and
3:30-4:20 PM on Thursdays (i.e., right after this class),
both in the “114” area of the Physics Study Center on
the Mezzanine floor of PAB C (this building).
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About Exam 2
 On Friday, November 7 (tomorrow) we will have Exam 2, which covers
Walker, Chapters 6-9 and my lectures 13-22.
 Exam 2 will have assigned seating. Look for “Seating” on Tycho to get
your seat assignment before Exam 2. I will also bring a list.
 Exam 2 is closed-book, but you may bring with you one page of notes on a
8½x11” sheet of paper (both sides).
 Bring a Scantron sheet and a scientific calculator with good batteries.
 Exam 2 will have a multiple-choice section (60 pts) based on questions
taken from lecture example problems and “two-dot” end-of-chapter
problems in Walker.
 Exam 2 will have a free-response section (20 pts) based on a selected
problem from the Tycho homework.
 Exam 2 will have a free-response section (20 pts) based on “Conceptual
Questions” from end-of-chapter qualitative questions in Walker requiring
written answers.

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Lecture Schedule (Part 2)
Physics 114C - Introduction to Mechanics
Lecture: Professor John G. Cramer
Textbook: Physics, Vol. 1 (UW Edition), James S. Walker
Week Date L# Lecture Topic Pages Slides Reading HW Due Lab
20-Oct-08 13 Friction 9 27 6-1  
21-Oct-08 14 Strings & Springs 12 29 6-2 to 6-4   Newton's Laws
5 23-Oct-08 15 Circular Motion 5 30  6-5  HW4 Tension

24-Oct-08 16 Work & Energy 11 23 7-1 to 7-2  

27-Oct-08 17 Work & Power 7  25 7-3 to 7-4  
28-Oct-08 18 Potential Energy 10 26 8-1 to 8-2  
6 30-Oct-08 19 Energy Conservation I 16 18  8-3 to 8-5  HW5

31-Oct-08 20 Momentum & Impulse 8   9-1 to 9-3  

3-Nov-08 21 Momentum Conservation 11   9-4 to 9-5  
4-Nov-08 22 Collisions & CM 10 22 9-6 to 9-8  
7 6-Nov-08 R2 Review & Extension -    -  HW6
Mom. & Collisions

7-Nov-08 E2 EXAM 2 - Chapters 6-9  

We are here.

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Chapter 6
Applications of Newton’s

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Units of Chapter 6
1. Frictional Forces
2. Strings and Springs
3. Translational Equilibrium
4. Connected Objects
5. Circular Motion

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Summary of Chapter 6
 Friction is due to microscopic roughness.
 Kinetic friction:
 Static friction:
 Tension: the force transmitted through a
 Force exerted by an ideal spring:

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Example: Pulling A Sled
Two children sitting on a sled at rest in the
snow ask you to pull them. You oblige by pulling
on the sled’s rope, which makes an angle of 40°
with the horizontal. The children have a
combined mass of 45 kg, and the sled has a
mass of 5.0 kg. The coefficients of static and
kinetic friction are s=0.20 and k=0.15, and
the sled is initially at rest.
Find the acceleration of the sled and children
(a) if the rope tension is 100 N, and
(b) if it is 140 N.
 Fy  ma y  Fn  mg  T sin   0 or Fn  mg  T sin 
If sled does not move, F x  max   f s  T cos   0 or f s  s Fn  T cos 
s mg
 s (mg  T sin  )  T cos  ; to move sled, Tmin   109.7 N, so aa  0
cos    s sin 
If sled moves, F x  max   f k  T cos   mab
ab  [ k (mg  T sin  )  T cos  ] / m  0.943 m/s 2
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Dumping a file cabinet (1)
Steel on dry steel 

Free-body diagram

A 50.0 kg steel file cabinet is in the back of a dump truck. The

truck’s bed, also made of steel, is slowly tilted. What is the size of the
static friction force when the truck’s bed is tilted by 20°? At what
angle will the file cabinet begin to slide?
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Dumping a file cabinet (2)
F x  w sin   f s  mg sin   f s  0;
F y  n  w cos   n  mg cos   0;
f s  mg sin   (50.0 kg)(9.80 m/s 2 ) sin 20  168 N;

File cabinet will begin to slide when:

f s  f s max  s n  s mg cos  ;

mg sin   f s  mg sin   s mg cos   0;

sin 
s   tan  ;   arctan s  arctan(0.80)  38.7
cos 

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Summary of Chapter 6
 An object is in translational equilibrium if the
net force acting on it is zero.
 Connected objects have the same acceleration.
 The force required to move an object of mass
m in a circle of radius r is:

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Example: Connected Blocks
A block of mass m1 slides on
a frictionless tabletop. It is
connected by a string and pulley
to a hanging mass m2.
Find the acceleration a and
string tension T.
 F1, x T  m1a  T  m1a
F 2, x m2 g  T  m2 a  T  m2  g  a 

m1a  m2  g  a   m2 g  (m1  m2 )a
m2 m1m2
ag and T  g
m1  m2 m1  m2
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Example: Atwood’s Machine

Atwood’s Machine consists of two masses connected

by a string and pulley. Find the acceleration a.

F 1, x T  m1 g  m1a F 2, x  m2 g T  m2 a
m2  m1
T  m1 ( g  a )  m2 ( g  a ) ag
m2  m1
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Example: A Satellite’s Motion
A satellite moves at constant speed in a circular
orbit about the center of the Earth and near the
surface of the Earth. If the magnitude of its
acceleration is g = 9.81 m/s2 and the Earth’s
radius is 6,370 km, find:
(a) its speed v; and
(b) the time T required for one complete

acp   g
v  rg  (6,370 103 m)(9.81 m/s 2 )  7.91103 m/s  17, 700 mi/h

T  2 r / v  2 (6,370 103 m) /(7.91 103 m/s)  5, 060 s  84.3 min

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Chapter 7
Work and Kinetic Energy

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Units of Chapter 7
1. Work Done by a Constant Force
2. Kinetic Energy and the Work-Energy
3. Work Done by a Variable Force
4. Power

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Summary of Chapter 7
 If the force is constant and parallel to the
displacement, work is force times distance
 If the force is not parallel to the

 The total work is the work done by the net


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Summary of Chapter 7
 SI unit of work: the joule, J
 Total work is equal to the change in kinetic


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Example: Pushing a Puck
A 500 g ice hockey puck slides across
frictionless ice with an initial speed of
2.0 m/s. A compressed air gun is used to
exert a continuous force of 1.0 N on the
puck to slow it down as it moves 0.50 m.
The air gun is aimed at the front edge of
the puck, with the compressed air flow
30o below the horizontal. What is the puck’s final speed?

W  F (r ) cos   (1.0 N)(0.5 m) cos150  0.433 J

K  12 mv12  12 mv0 2  W

2W 2( 0.433 J)
v1  v0 2   (2.0 m/s) 2   1.51 m/s
m (0.5 kg)
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Summary of Chapter 7
 Work done by a spring force:

 Power is the rate at which work is done:

 SI unit of power: the watt, W

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The Power of a Motor
A small motor is used to operate a lift that raises a load of
bricks weighing 500 N to a height of 10 m in 20 s at constant
speed. The lift weighs 300 N.
What is the power output of the motor?

 
P  F  v  Fv cos   Fv cos  0   Fv

P  (500 N  300 N)(10 m/20 s)  400 W  0.54 hp

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Chapter 8
Potential Energy and
Conservation of Energy

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Units of Chapter 8
1. Conservative and Nonconservative
2. Potential Energy and the Work Done by
Conservative Forces
3. Conservation of Mechanical Energy
4. Work Done by Nonconservative Forces
5. Potential Energy Curves and
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Summary of Chapter 8
 Conservative forces conserve mechanical
 Nonconservative forces convert mechanical
energy into other forms
 Conservative force does zero work on any
closed path
 Work done by a conservative force is
independent of path
 Conservative forces: gravity, spring

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Summary of Chapter 8
 Work done by nonconservative force on closed
path is not zero, and depends on the path
 Nonconservative forces: friction, air
resistance, tension
 Energy in the form of potential energy can be
converted to kinetic or other forms
 Work done by a conservative force is the
negative of the change in the potential energy
 Gravity: U = mgy
 Spring: U = ½ kx2
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Example: Pike’s Peak or Bust
An 82.0 kg mountain climber is in the
final stage of the ascent of Pike’s Peak,
which 4,301 m above sea level.
(a) What is the change in gravitational
potential energy as the climber gains the
last 100.0 m of altitude? Use U=0 at sea
(b) Do the same calculation with U=0 at
the top of the peak.

U a  mgy f  mgyi  mg ( y f  yi )
 (82.0 kg)(9.81 m/s 2 )  (4301 m)  (4201 m)   80, 400 J
U b  mgy f  mgyi  mg ( y f  yi )
 (82.0 kg)(9.81 m/s 2 )  (0)  (100 m)   80, 400 J
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Summary of Chapter 8
 Mechanical energy is the sum of the kinetic and
potential energies; it is conserved only in systems
with purely conservative forces
 Nonconservative forces change a system’s
mechanical energy
 Work done by nonconservative forces equals
change in a system’s mechanical energy
 Potential energy curve: U vs. position

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Example: Find the Diver’s Depth
A 95.0 kg diver steps off a diving
board and drops into the water, 3.00 m
below. At some depth d below the
water’s surface, the diver comes to
If the nonconservative work done
on the diver is Wnc = 5,120 J, what is
the depth d?
Ei  mgh  0  mgh
E f  mg (d )  0  mgd

Wnc  E  E f  Ei  mgd  mgh

d  (Wnc  mgh) / mg  2.49 m

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Chapter 9
Linear Momentum and

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Units of Chapter 9
1. Linear Momentum
2. Momentum and Newton’s Second Law
3. Impulse
4. Conservation of Linear Momentum
5. Inelastic Collisions
6. Elastic Collisions

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Units of Chapter 9

7. Center of Mass

8. Systems with Changing Mass:

Rocket Propulsion

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Summary of Chapter 9
 Linear momentum:
 Momentum is a vector
 Newton’s second law:
 Impulse:
 Impulse is a vector
 The impulse is equal to the change in
 If the time is short, the force can be quite
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Example: Hitting a Baseball (1)
A 150 g baseball
is thrown at a speed
of 20 m/s. It is hit
straight back to the
pitcher at a speed
of 40 m/s. The
interaction force is
as shown here.
What is the
maximum force Fmax
that the bat exerts
on the ball?
What is the
average force Fav
that the bat exerts
on the ball?

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Example: Hitting a Baseball (2)
Use the impulse
Neglect all other
forces on ball during the
brief duration of the
px  I x
 (area under force curve)
 12 Fmax (6 ms)  Fmax (.003 s)

px  mv fx  mvix  m(v fx  vix )

 (0.15 kg)(40 m/s + 20 m/s)
 9.0 kg m/s

Therefore, Fmax  (9.0 kg m/s) /(.003 s)  3,000 N

px (9.0 kg m/s)

Fav = =  1,500 N
t (.006 s)
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Summary of Chapter 9
 Momentum is conserved if the net external
force is zero
 Internal forces within a system always sum to
 In collision, assume external forces can be
 Inelastic collision: kinetic energy is not
 Completely inelastic collision: the objects stick
together afterward
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A Runaway Railroad Car
A runaway 14,000 kg railroad car is rolling
horizontally ay 4.00 m/s toward a switchyard.
As it passes a grain elevator, 2,000 kg of
grain suddenly drops into the car. Assume
that the grain drops vertically and that
rolling friction and air drag are negligible.
How long does it take for the car to travel
the 500 m distance from the grain elevator
to the switchyard?

    Psys Psys x
 Fi ext  Fg grain  Fg car  Fn  t Fg grain x  Fg car x  Fn x  0 
 Psys fx  Psys ix (mc  mg )v f x  mc vix  mg (0) v f x  vix
mc  mg

d ( mc  mg ) (500 m)(14000 kg  2000 kg)

d  v fx t  t    143 s
mc vix (14000 kg)(4.00 m/s)

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Summary of Chapter 9
 A one-dimensional collision takes place along a
 In two dimensions, conservation of momentum
is applied separately to each
 Elastic collision: kinetic energy is conserved
 Center of mass:

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Example: Velocity of a Bee

A honeybee with a mass of 0.150 g lands on one end of a floating

4.75 g popsicle stick. After sitting at rest for a moment, it runs to the
other end of the stick with a velocity vb relative to still water. The
stick moves in the opposite direction with a velocity of 0.120 cm/s.
Find the velocity vb of the bee.
ps  ms vs
Conservation of x-axis momentum: ps  pb  0
pb  mb vb   ps  ms vs
ms (4.75 g)
vb   vs   (0.120 cm/s)  3.80 cm/s
mb (0.150 g)
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Example: Ballistic Pendulum
A projectile of mass m
is fired with an initial
speed v0 at the bob of a
pendulum. The bob has
mass M and is suspended
by a rod of negligible mass.
After the collision the projectile and bob stick together and swing at
speed vf through an arc reaching height h.
Find the height h. m
Momentum Conservation: v f  v0
Energy Conservation: E  12  m  M  v 2f   m  M  gh
v 2f
 m  v0
h  
2g  m  M  2g
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A Collision with an Empty Box
A bullet passes through an empty box, and a
laser ranging device reports that the bullet
emerged with half its initial speed.
How high did the box rise after the collision?

Energy Conservation: 1
m2 v22  m2 gh

v2  2 gh

Momentum Conservation: m1v1i  m2 v2  m1 ( 12 v1i )


v1i 
v2 
8 gh 1  v1i m1 
h  
m1 m1 g  8m2 
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Summary of Chapter 9
 Center of mass:

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Summary of Chapter 9
 Motion of center of mass:

 Rocket propulsion:

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Changing Places in a Rowboat
Pete (mass 80 kg) and Dave (mass 120 kg) are
in a rowboat (mass 60 kg) on a calm lake. Dave is
near the bow of the boat, rowing, and Pete is at
the stern, 2.0 m from the center. Dave gets
tired and stops rowing. Pete offers to row, so
after the boat comes to rest they change places.
How far does the boat move when they change
Mxcm i  mPete xPete i  mDave xDave i +mboat xboat i Mxcm f  mPete xPete f  mDave xDave f +mboat xboat f

M xcm  mPete xPete  mDave xDave +mboat xboat

0  mPete (d  L)  mDave (d  L)+mboat d

mDave  mPete (120 kg)  (80 kg)

dL  (2.0 m)  0.31 m
mPete  mDave +mboat (120 kg)  (80 kg)  (60 kg)

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End of Review 2
 Before Monday, read Walker Chapter 10.1-
 Homework Assignments #6 should be
submitted using the Tycho system by
11:59 PM on Thursday, Nov. 6 (Tonight!).
(24 hours late  70% credit)
 Register your clicker, using the “Clicker”
link on the Physics 114C Syllabus page.

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