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Diction Syllable.

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Diction: Syllable.

At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to

a.Say the meaning of syllable.
b.Divide words into different syllables
c.Identify the numbers of syllable we have in words.
The meaning of syllable.
A syllable is a part of a word that contains sounds
(phonemes) of a word. It usually has a vowel in
There are several types of syllables:
a. Monosyllabic words: These are words with
only one syllable. Examples are; go, come, see,
screeched," "scratched," "scrounged," “four”
"stretched," "straights," and "strengths etc.
Di- syllabic words.
These are the words with only two syllables.
Examples are:
defeat de-feat socket soc-ket
island is-land dozen do-zen
stupid stu-pid sullen su-llen
russel ru-ssel forceps for-ceps
frigid fri-gid donkey don-key
detect de-tect syntax syn-tax
Tri syllabic words.
These are the words with three syllables. Examples
a-ban-don A-bo-lish
Ab-so-lute A-ccep-tance
Ac-ci-dent ac-count-ant
A-chieve-ment ac-know-ledge
Ac-ti-vate A-ddi-tion
Ad-just-ment ad-mi-ssion
ad-van-tage ad-ven-ture
Class Activities
1. What is the correct way to divide Monument into syllables?
(a) Mo - nu- ment (b) Mon - u - ment (c ) Monu -ment
2. How many syllables are in the word "dotted"? (a) 1 (b) 2 (c )
3. How many syllables are in the word "jumped"? (a) 1 (b) 2
(c ) 3
4. Which word below has two syllables? Happy. (a) sun (b)
make (c ) free

5. Choose the correct way to divide the word in quotations into

The fields were filled with "cotton" plants. (a) cot/ton (b)
cott/on ( c) c/ot/ton (d) co/tt/on
Home work.

6. Choose the correct way to divide the word in quotations into syllables.
Soft "music" filled the air. (a) m/usic (b) mu/sic (c ) mus/ic musi/c .
7. How many syllables are in the word PROBABLY? (a) 3 (b) 1 (c ) 2 (d) 4
8 How many syllables is in the word COMMUNICATION? 3 2 4 5

9. Choose the correct way to divide the word in quotations into syllable. A
"magnet" has two poles. (a) ma / gn / et (b) m / ag / net © ma / gnet
mag / net.

10.Choose the correct way to divide the word in quotations into syllables.
Will want to practice to be a better "problem " solver. (a) pro / blem
(b) prob / lem © probl / em (d) prob / le / m

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