Diction Syllable.
Diction Syllable.
Diction Syllable.
6. Choose the correct way to divide the word in quotations into syllables.
Soft "music" filled the air. (a) m/usic (b) mu/sic (c ) mus/ic musi/c .
7. How many syllables are in the word PROBABLY? (a) 3 (b) 1 (c ) 2 (d) 4
8 How many syllables is in the word COMMUNICATION? 3 2 4 5
9. Choose the correct way to divide the word in quotations into syllable. A
"magnet" has two poles. (a) ma / gn / et (b) m / ag / net © ma / gnet
mag / net.
10.Choose the correct way to divide the word in quotations into syllables.
Will want to practice to be a better "problem " solver. (a) pro / blem
(b) prob / lem © probl / em (d) prob / le / m