Bahir Dar University Mechanical Engineering Staff Summer Externship Seminar Presentation

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Prepared by Addisu Yenesew

Faculty of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

January 2019
Well come to my presentation
internship experience
Dashen brewery share company (DBSC) was established in September 2001,
under the commercial law of Ethiopia, with a total paid up capital of birr 96

The name Dashen is taken from the famous mountain Dashen, which are
located 100km from the brewery, Ethiopia’s highest mountain (Elevation 4523

Dashen brewery SC is the first brewery to be ISO 14001,2004

EMS(Environmental management system),and ISO 9001,2008 QMS(Quality
management System)certified which enables the company to focus customer
Before expansion, Dashen brewery had annual production capacity of

300,000 hector litters, by expanding its capacity into three fold: the

brewery has now annual production capcity709, 000hecto litter.

Currently, the total work force in Dashen brewery S.C is 660 employees of

which 566 are permanents and 94 are contracts employees.

Dashen brewery S.C participates in different development activities such

as education, health, sport, art, environmental and job opportunity.

The main products of the Dashen Brewery S.C are:
 Dashen beer
 Dashen draught
 Dashen cellar

The basic raw materials which the company used to produce it’s products
malt and

And uses some chemicals such as:

CaCl2 and
Dashen Draught: Is beer which has less amount of hop content
when compare to beer. This is none pasteurized beer.

Dashen cellar: Which is not well pasteurized and it has not long
In the company there are different sections that they use for
different purpose these are:
 utility section
 Material handling section
 Brew house
 bottling section
 Mechanical Workshop
Utility section:

In utility section there are six small plants this are:

1-steam plant- The steam generator which is called a boiler in the utility section,
is working by burning of a Furness oil (fuel).

This Furness oil has two grade the one is the heavy duty and the other one is the a
light duty, sometimes the Furness oil provided or used by mixing of the naphtha

and the thermal energy given to the water , burning of this fuel by air and igniter.

boiler produce steam for different purpose like cleaning, pasteurize, washer
The maximum temperature of the steam generated is in the range
of 1800c to 2100c, but currently the steam generator(boiler) does
not working by its 100% capacity

So now, it works by 65% up to 70% capacity because the boiler is

aged and due to corrosion effect.

While the boiler works by its full capacity, the rate of steam
generated is 10,000kg/hr.
2-carbon di oxide recovery plant-

First CO2 is produced during fermentation of the beer and with a

small overpressure it reaches the recovery plant. CO2 used for
packaging of beer, cleaning bottle and draught kegs.

3-Ammonia cooling plant-

Liquid NH3 expands through the expansion valve and it

exchanges heat with co2 and evaporates then NH3 passes NH3
compressor ( it compresses to around 15 bar and 80 ⁰C) ,
The compressed NH3 passes through the condenser which
condenses NH3 by using water cooling tower) and the ammonia
goes back to the ammonia receiver.

4-Air compressor plant- produces 600bar atmospheric air and

distributes for the users. First collection and filtration of air is
take place, the atmospheric air will be sucked and collected by air
compressor and filtered by its air pad filters to remove dusts and
any impurities.
5-waste water treatment plant-Wastewater treatment refers
to the process of removing pollutants from water previously
employed for industrial, agricultural, or municipal uses.

The techniques used to remove the pollutants present in

wastewater can be broken into biological, chemical, physical
and energetic. These different techniques are applied through
many stages of wastewater treatment.
6-water treatment plant-Ground water is pumped from a
ground reservoir and allowed in to the sand filter, in this
section there are different grades of sand which import from
Water is enter at the top of the sand filter tank and it
contains two by 25 m3 of water,

then after filtration process takes place, water leaves out

and going through in two different diverging pipes.

In the one way the chlorine (Cl) chemical is added from

the chlorine tank.
In the other way water is allowed go into a hardness tank and finally
the purified chlorine contain water is stored at the big tank which is
called the service tank and the size of the tank is 177m3 of water.

The water from the service tank is pumped by a four series connected
pumps and allowed in to the pressure tank this tank contains 6m 3 of
water. This pressure tank distributes water for service water and for
process water.

But the process water is further purified specially chlorine is not

needed for beer process.
Then water is pumped to the carbon dioxide (Co 2) digester tank,
so during this process hydrochloric acid (HCl) going to be added
to remove carbon dioxide (CO2) gas from water,

the PH value also checked and it must be in the range of 7.9 to

Water with chlorine content is allowed in to the carbon fill tank to
remove the chlorine chemical

Finally the process water is pumped and supplied to the brew

house by the amount of 50m3/hr.
Raw material handling section:
In this section, malt is cleaned by passing through different machines.
First malt is added to intake hopper then the malts are discharged in to bucket elevator
which lifts the malt and fed it in to pre cleaner.

Bucket elevator is used for vertical transportation of grains. The parts in bucket elevator
are: upper pulley with drive, lower pulley with tensioning device, conveyor belt with
buckets, roller, covering and discharge outlet.

A pre cleaner used as remover of everything which is not malt, includes fragment, pieces
of wood, wire, stones, seeds other than malt, etc. pre cleaner consists of several machines
connected in series:

Different screens (sieves):

Mechanical pre cleaning:
Magnetic device

After, other objects other than malt removed, then the pre cleaned malt are discharged in
to the de-stoner which separates stones from the malt.
In Brew house the cleaned malt from the Raw material handling section is added
to mill star and milled by roller with the help of hot water.
Then the crashed malt is transfer in to mash kettle to be converted into small
components of starch (Glucose).

In the mash kettle calcium chloride and calcium sulphate which is a buffer agent
to adjust PH level are added. The product from mash kettle enters in the lauter
tun for mash separation. The lauter tun separated the wort from spent grain.

The wort from lauter tun is transferred into pre-run tank. In addition, in pre-run
tank Caramel- that gives golden color of beer is added.

The wort kettle boils the wort at approximately 120 oC. Hop and acid are dosed.
Once the wort boiling process is completed, the wort is pumped in to whirl pool.
The whirlpool separates the hot trub and wort. Then the trub is
forced into trub tank.

Finally, before the wort from whirlpool is transferred to Beer

processing, it passes through heat exchanger to lower its
After that yeast added in the line before going to the fermentation
tank which fermentation and maturation is took place.

Finally it goes to filtration tank in which yeast cells and other

materials still present with beer are removed.
Filtration is a separation process in which the yeast cells and
other turbidity-causing materials still present in the beer are
removed from the beer.
The purpose of Filtration is to make beer so stable that no visible
changes occur for a long time and so the beer looks the same as
when it was made.
Bottling and packaging section
problem identified and solution proposed
 The steam generated from the boiler is currently around
6500kg/hr due to the reason of corrosion, aging and inadequate
Then by giving a proper maintenance, it is possible to take back its
capacity up to 95%, so the steam recovered (3000kg/hr) by
maintenance, and can be used for electric power generation because
it has a high thermal energy.
 There is a loosing of steam to the atmosphere in the wort kettle.
And this steam has a less thermal energy relative to the boiler
steam and it can be recovered and used for Furness oil preheating.
 Large amount of waste is removed directly to the
environment with out function. And by installing a big
biogas digester it is possible to produce Methane and use
it as a Furness oil.

 The broken bottles are crushed by manually. But by using

the bottle crushing machine, the broken bottle can be
pulverized and it can simply handle and sell to the bottle

manufacturing company.
The overall benefits that I gained from the internship:
I gain a lot of benefits from this internship program.

Theoretical knowledge and skill

I developed my theoretical knowledge and skill in many aspects.
For example

 Working principle of boilers

 The working principal of pasteurizer
 The working principal of washer machine
 Knowing the process and method of how extracting the
beer from a malt.
 Knowing the mechanical and electrical machines, devices
and instruments used in a bear process section.
Knowing how a fermentation process is takes place and which additives

chemicals should be added during beer extracting process.

Knowing the packaging flow process and how beer can be starting to fill and

ending to storing.

Knowing how an energy source can be utilized to the bear factory.

Find out the problems and analyze the alternative solution options to solve

those problems.

Communication skills

To develop my communication skill. I try a lot to communicate with operators,

daily labours and maintenance engineers to get information about machines and

mechanical equipment's. so from this I develop my communication skill.

 Work Ethics
To develop strong work ethics I should have be:
• smooth relation with partners
• good communication skill and cooperation with
• focus primarily on work related issues
Thanks a lot for your

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