Grade 6 PPT - TLE - Q4 - W5
Grade 6 PPT - TLE - Q4 - W5
Grade 6 PPT - TLE - Q4 - W5
What are the
policies in
constructing a
project plan?
Look at the picture.
What can you see from this web page? What website is this?
What is lazada known for? (lazada is an online product
selling website)
Medium of marketing a product:
•Print and graphic arts media - Depending on the
type of message you want to communicate to your
customers, print media offers different options, including:
brochures, business cards, newspaper ads and
•Electronic media - Electronic media is a general
term for any media that requires an electronic device for
the content to be accessed. Some of the most common
forms of electronic media include television, radio,
internet and content for mobile devices/smartphone.
•Promotional gifts - like pens, key rings and
calendars, can be given to individuals and groups that
you know personally to help create a positive opinion of
your company and improve its reputation.
Group Activity:
Working in groups, have the pupils
discuss how to promote/market a
product /project of their choice using
the following technologies:
Group 1 – Television
Group 2 – Social Media
Group 3 – Smart phones
Group 4 – Brochures or News paper
Group 5 – Promotional Gift
(ex.calendars, pen, key chain)
Individual activity:
Give at least three among
the technologies which do
you think are the most
effective medium of
promoting a product?
Discuss why?
The number of pupils
enrolled in your school
is decreasing, how will
you attract more
enrollees to register in
your school this coming
What are the
technologies in
promoting a
Have pupils recall
the meaning of:
Have you tried to earn money by
selling a product?
What is that product?
Selling price - The actual final price
of a product or service that
company charges a purchaser to
buy the item.
What is the item/listed in the chart?
If you were to sell the item, what will
be the price per piece?
Define Business income, Revenue & Expense
Business Income is the amount of gain earned
from a sale of a service and/ or product after
deducting all incidental expenses incurred by the
Revenue is the amount of money received (or to
be received) in exchange for product and/or services
provided and sold. Revenue includes gross receipts
on the sale of service – or gross sale of product.
Expense is the amount of money paid (or to be
paid) in exchange for product and/ or service
received and purchased. Sample expenses include
inventory purchases, salary and wages,
transportation, advertising, electric and water bills,
communication, professional fees, etc.
Steps in Computing Business Income