Hardening Function For Large Scale Distributed Computations: Doug Szajda Barry Lawson Jason Owen

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Hardening Function for

Large Scale
Doug Szajda
Barry Lawson
Jason Owen

Large Scale Distributed

• Easily Parallelizable Compute Intensive

• Divide into independent tasks to be
executed on participant PCs
• Significant results collected by
• Participants may receive credits
– Money, e-cash, ISP fees, fame and glory
Application Domains

• DNA sequencing • Monte Carlo

• Protein folding Simulation
• Graphics • Data Mining
rendering • Genetic
• Exhaustive Algorithms
Regression • Finding Martians
• seti@home • SmallPox study
• folding@home – United Devices
• GIMPS (Entropia) – IBM
– Department of
• Distributed.net Defense
– Sloan-Kettering
Cancer Center
– University of
Western Ontario
The Problem(s)
• Code is executing in untrusted
– Results may be corrupted either
intentionally or unintentionally
– Significant results may be withheld
– Cheating : credit for work not performed
• Code may be operating on confidential
An Easy(?) Solution
• Assign Tasks Redundantly
• Collusion may seem unlikely but…
– Firms solicit participants from groups
such as alumni associations and large
• Processor cycles are primary
resource of firm providing the
Related Work
• Golle and Mironov (2001)
• Golle and Stubblebine (2001)
• Monrose, Wyckoff, Rubin (1999)
• Body of literature on protecting
mobile agents from malicious hosts
– Sander and Tschudin, Vigna, Hohl, and
Why Isn’t This Same As
Mobile Agent Problem?
• Mobile agent task execution often
cannot be performed a priori
– Required data is typically lacking
– I.e. gathering airfare information
• Metacomputation tasks can be
executed a priori
• Key issue is verification
• Assumed to be intelligent
– Can decompile, analyze, modify code
– Has knowledge of algorithms assigned task
and measures used to prevent corruption
• Motivation may not be rational…
– I.e. gaining credits may not be important
– E.g. business competitor
• But does not wish to be caught
Our Approach
• Hardening functions
– Verb, not noun
• Does not guarantee resulting
computation returns correct results
• Does not prevent an adversary from
disrupting a computation
• Significantly increases likelihood that
abnormal activity will be detected
• Computation is evaluation of
algorithm f : D -> R for every input
value x in D
• Tasks created by partitioning D into
subsets Di
• Each task assigned filter function Gi
with domain power set of R and range
power set of f(Di)
• For x in Di, f(x) is significant if and
only if f(x) is in Gi(f(Di))
• Generality required for cases where
significance of computed value is
relative to values of f at other
elements of Di
– E.g. Return your ten best results
Two General Classes
• Non-sequential
– Computed values of f in task are
independent of one another
• Sequential
– Participant given single value x0 and
asked to compute first m elements of
sequence xn = f (xn-1)
Hardening Non-sequentials

• IOWF: Given f and y, find x s.t. f(x) = y

• Extend Golle and Mironov’s ringer
strategy for IOWF
• Before transmitting task, supervisor
chooses n random values xj from Di and
precomputes each f(xj)
Hardening Non-sequentials
• Participant given all the f(xj) along with
y and instructed to return any x that
maps to any of these values
• Works because IOWF has some nice
– Limited ways it can be disrupted
– Results are easily verified
Our Extension
Plant each tasks data set with values ri
such that the following hold:
1. Supervisor knows f(ri) for each i
2. Participant cannot distinguish ri
from other data values regardless
of number of tasks a participant
Our Extension
3. Participants do not know number of
ri in data space
4. For some known proportion of ri,
f(ri) is a significant result
5. It is at least as easy to modify
computation than to redundantly
assign tasks
Our Extension
Nice, but not necessary:
• Same set of ri can be used for many
different partitions of the data
space so effort of computing ri is
• ri are indistinguishable only if they
generate truly significant results
• What is indistinguishable in theory may
not be in practice
– E.g. DES key search: Tasks given
ciphertext C and subset Ki of key space,
told to decrypt C with each ki and return
any key that generates plausible plaintext
Even Filter Function Can Be
• E.g. Traveling Salesperson with five
precomputed circuits of length 100,
105, 102, 113, 104
– Return any circuit whose length is any of
the above or less than 100
– Return the ten best circuits found
– Return any circuit with length less than
Optimization Problems
• Designate small proportion of tasks
as initial distribution
• Distribute each of these tasks
• Check returned values Handle non-
matches appropriately
• Retain k best results and use them as
ringers for remaining tasks
• If task in initial distribution is
assigned to colluding adversaries,
supervisor will initially miss this
• Honest participants not in initial
distribution will eventually return
results that do not match
• Supervisor can then determine which
participants have been dishonest
Size of Initial Distribution
• Probability that at least k of n best
results are in proportion p of space is

 n pi (1  p)n i
ik  k 

n k p prob For exhaustive

regression on 32
50 8 0.25 0.9547 variables, best 105
results represents
150 5 0.1 0.9967 better than 99.99999th
105 100 0.02 ≈1
• Previous figures assume:
– n, k much less than size of data space
– proportion of incorrect results is small
• Probability should really be adjusted
to reflect expected number of
incorrect results returned in initial
The Good
• No precomputing required
• Hardening is achieved at fraction of
cost of simple redundancy
• Ringers can be used for multiple tasks
• As additional good results are
obtained, these can be used as ringers
• Collusion resistant since ringers can be
combined in many ways
The Bad
• Time cost of an individual compute
job is at least doubled, assuming each
task requires same time to complete
• But, by running multiple projects
concurrently, overall throughput
rates can be reduced to factor of 1+p
times rate of unmodified job
The Ugly
• In some cases, implementation details can
give away identities of ringers (or require
significant changes to app)
• E.g. Exhaustive Regression
– Specify variables on which to regress using bit
– Would like to be able to specify a start and end
bit string as opposed to listing all of them. This
implies some regularity
– It is difficult to hide ringers in any systematic
distribution scheme
Sequential Computations
• Seeding the data is impractical
• Often the validity of returned results
can only be checked by performing
the entire task
• Ex: Mersenne Primes
– nth Mersenne Number, Mn, is 2n-1
– Mn is prime  S(n-1) = 0 (mod Mn) where
S(0) = 4, S(k+1) = S(k)2-2
The Strategy
• Share the work of computing N tasks
among K participants
• K > N is very small proportion of total
number of participants in computation
• Assume:
– Each task requires roughly m iterations
– K/N < 2, else simple redundancy is cheaper
The Algorithm
1. Divide tasks into S segments, each
containing roughly J = m/S
2. Each participant in group is given an
initial value and computes first J
iterations using this value
3. When J iterations complete, results
returned to supervisor
The Algorithm
4. Supervisor checks correctness of
redundantly assigned subtasks
5. Supervisor permutes N values and
assigns these values to K
participants as initial value for next
6. Repeat until all S segments
The Numbers
• If K/N < 2 and each task assigned to no
more than two participants, in absence of
collusion, probability of catching cheater
in a segment is 2(K-N)/K
• If adversary cheats in fraction L of S
segments, then
 2N  K 
P(nabbed)  1   
 K 
More Numbers
• Last equation is not independent of S because
S is upper bound for L
• In order to have at least P probability of
catching cheater, need
K 1
1  (1  P) L

• So small value of S (limiting L) means more

redundancy required for given security level
K N S L P(caught)
5 4 5 5 0.9222
5 4 10 10 0.9939
5 4 10 2 0.64
5 4 20 4 0.8704
10 9 10 10 0.8926
10 9 10 2 0.36
Redundancy vs. P values
P 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
K/N 1.05 1.11 1.18 1.25 1.33 1.43 1.54 1.67 1.82 2.0


P 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
K/N 1.03 1.06 1.09 1.13 1.17 1.23 1.29 1.38 1.52 2.0
• Far fewer task compute cycles than simple
• Values need not be precomputed
• Method is relatively collusion resistant
(unless supervisor picks an entire group of
colluding participants)
• Method is tunable
• Can also be applied to non-sequential case
• Increases coordination and
communication costs for supervisor
• Need for synchronization increases
time cost of job
– Especially problematic if participants are
connected via dial-up line or operate
sporadically (PC owners using them)
• Strategy does not protect well
against adversary who cheats once
• Cheating damage can be magnified
because undetected incorrect results
become inputs to subsequent stages
of calculation
• Presented two strategies for hardening
distributed metacomputations
• Non-sequential: Seed data with ringers
• Sequential: Share N tasks among K > N
• Small increase in average execution time of
modified task
• Overall computing costs significantly less
than redundantly assigning every task

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