2 Why Ethics in Business

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Why Ethics in Business?

Dr. Raghavendra Rao

• Some people object to the entire notion. They make three general objections:

• First, they argue that the pursuit of profit in perfectly competitive free markets will, benefit the
(Producing what the buying public wants may not be the same as producing what the entirety of
society needs.)

• Second, they claim that employees, as "loyal agents," are obligated to serve their employers
(But this argument itself rests on an unproven moral standard that the employee has a duty to
serve his or her employer and there is no reason to assume that this standard is acceptable)

• Third, they say that obeying the law is sufficient for businesses and that business
ethics is, essentially, nothing more than obeying the law
(However, the law and morality do not always coincide again, slavery and Nazi Germany are
relevant examples).
Thus, none of the arguments for keeping ethics
out of business seems forceful.
In contrast, there are fairly strong arguments
for bringing ethics into business.
Arguments for ethics
• One argument points out that since ethics should govern
all human activity, there is no reason to exempt business
activity from ethical scrutiny.
• Another more developed argument points out that no
activity, business included, could be carried out in an
ethical vacuum.
• One interesting argument actually claims that ethical
considerations are consistent with business activities such
as the pursuit of profit. Indeed, the argument claims that
ethical companies are more profitable than other
• Most interesting is the “Prisoners Dilemma”
Prisoners Dilemma
• Is a situation in which two parties are each faced with a
choice between two options: Either cooperate with the
other party or do not cooperate.
• If both parties cooperate, they will both gain some
• If both choose not to cooperate, neither gets the benefit.
• If one cooperates while the other chooses not to
cooperate, the one who cooperates suffers a loss while
the one who chooses not to cooperate gains a benefit.
• The prisoner's dilemma demonstrates that cooperation is
more advantageous
Unethical practices (Internal)
• Managers lying to employees
• Nepotism and favoritism
• Taking credit for others work
• Receiving or offering kick backs
• Stealing from the company
• Firing an employee for whistle blowing
• Padding expense accounts
• Divulging confidential information/trade secrets
• Terminating employment without giving sufficient notice
• Using company’s property and material for personal use
Unethical practices (External)
• No transparency in dealings
• No accountability to stakeholders
• Not honoring the contracts
• Supplying faulty/outdated technology and
services at a very high cost
Unethical practices (Environmental)
• Buying natural resources and goods from
developing economies at a cheaper price
• Exploiting services and labour of developing
• Exploit natural resources of developing
countries (hamburgerization of Amazonian
Ethics means money!
• Acting legally and ethically means saving billions of
dollars each year from law suits, settlements and
• Work place theft in US costs 40 billion $ each year
• Costs to business also include:
– Deterioration of relationships
– Declining productivity, creativity, loyalty, absenteeism
– Difficulty recruiting and retaining valued professionals
Morality and Ethics in international context

• how they are to be applied in foreign

countries is more complex.
• Petty bribery, which is considered unethical in
the U.S., is a standard practice in Mexico and
other countries
• Nepotism and sexism occur as a matter of
course in some Arabic business environments.
Ethical Dilemmas
• Should multinationals follow the laws of the
less developed countries in which they
• Should they try to introduce their own
• How do they treat their own employees doing
the same job in two very different countries?
• Do they pay them the same wage?
• 1. What does the action really mean in the local
culture's context?
• 2. Does the action produce consequences that
are ethically acceptable from the point of view of
at least one of the four ethical theories?
• 3. Does the local government truly represent the
will of all its people?
• 4. If the morally questionable action is a
common local practice, is it possible to conduct
business there without engaging in it?
Systemic issues
• Systemic issues─questions raised about the
economic, political, legal, or other social
systems within which businesses operate.
• These include questions about the morality
of capitalism or of the laws, regulations,
industrial structures, and social practices
within which businesses operate.
Corporate issues
• Corporate issues─questions raised about a
particular company.
• These include questions about the morality of
– activities,
– policies,
– practices, or
– organizational structure of an individual company
taken as a whole
Individual issues
• Individual issues─ questions about a
particular individual within an organization
and their behaviors and decisions.
• These include questions about the morality
of the
– decisions,
– actions, or
– character of an individual
Globalization and Business Ethics
• Virtually all of the 500 largest U.S. industrial corporations today are
• Operating in more than one country at once produces a new set of ethical
• Multinationals can escape environmental regulations and labor laws by
shifting to another country, for example.
• They can shift raw materials, goods, and capital so that they escape taxes.
• In addition, because they have new technologies and products that less
developed countries do not, multinationals must decide when a particular
country is ready to assimilate these new things.
• They are also faced with the different moral codes and laws of different
countries. Even if a particular norm is not unethical, they must still decide
between competing standards in their many operations.
Ethical relativism
• Ethical relativism is the theory that, because
different societies have different ethical
beliefs, there is no rational way of determining
whether an action is morally right or wrong
other than by asking whether the people of
this or that society believe it to be right or
Finally, new technologies developed in the closing decades of the 20th century and
the opening years of the 21st century are again transforming society and business
and creating the potential for new ethical problems.

They bring with them questions of risks, which may be unpredictable and/or

Who should decide whether the benefits of a particular technology are worth the

How will victims of bad technology be compensated for their loss?

How will risk be distributed?

How will privacy be maintained?

How will property rights be protected?

Moral blame
• A person is NOT morally responsible for an
injury or a wrong if:

• 1. The person did not cause and could not

prevent the injury or wrong;
• 2. The person did not know he was inflicting
the injury or the wrong;
• 3. The person did not inflict the injury or
the wrong of his own free will
Some theorists maintain that moral notions apply only to individuals, not to
corporations themselves.

Others counter that corporations do act like individuals, having objectives

and actions, which can be moral or immoral just as an individual's action
might be.

In 2002, for example, the Justice Department charged the accounting firm of
Arthur Andersen for obstruction of justice.

Arthur Andersen was caught shredding documents showing how they

helped Enron hide its debt through the use of several accounting tricks.

Critics afterward claimed that the Justice Department should have charged
the individual employees of Arthur Andersen, not the company, because
"Companies don't commit crimes, people do."
Perhaps neither extreme view is correct.

Corporate actions do depend on human

individuals who should be held accountable
for their actions.

However, they also have policies and culture

that direct individuals, and should therefore
be held accountable for the effects of these
corporate artifacts.
Mitigating factors
• there are also three mitigating factors that
diminish moral responsibility. They are:

• 1. Circumstances that leave a person uncertain

(but not unsure) about what he or she is doing;
• 2. Circumstances that make it difficult (but not
impossible) for the person to avoid doing it;
• 3. Circumstances that minimize (but do not
remove) a person's involvement in an act.
KFC in India
Exxon valdez,
Coca cola in India,
Boeings unethical practices
The Tata Tea/ULFA story
The Bhopal gas tragedy
The T-Series story
The McDonald's 'Beef Fries' Controversy
The Recall of Vioxx
Johnson & Johnson Tylenol controversy
Childhood Obesity: Should Junk Food be
Rio Tinto: The Mining Giant Pollutes
Indonesia's Environment
Fall of Arthur Andersen, the accounting firm
Reebok - Managing Human Rights Issues 'Ethically?'
Kmart - Forced Towards Bankruptcy?
Nestle’s infant formula controversy
Microsoft playing monopoly
GlaxoSmithKline, Bristol-Myers Squibb and AIDS in Africa
Ford/Firestone controversy
Ethical issues in BPOs in India
The bribery scandal in Siemens AG
De-nocil’s bribery case
BT cotton controversy
Foreign patenting of domestic products
Retail chains in fruits and vegetables
Child labour in the sandstone industry
Harshad Mehta and Indian financial scam
Marketing of Fairness Creams and the Question of Ethics

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