2.2 - Details of Shell & Tube H.E

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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

Shell And Tube
Heat Exchanger


Because of their wide acceptance, the

TEMA standard are applicable, but
metric (DIN) standards are introduced
whenever possible.

The following tables show suggested dimensional

series for inch based practice and for metric as
per DIN 28 008 and other industrial standards.

Notice that the inch based dimensions

use the inside shell diameter, whereas
the metric standards are based on the
outside shell diameter as the primary
dimension, therefore requiring the shell
wall thickness for Ds determination
Suggested Inside Shell Diameter- Inch

Standard Pipe Rolled Shells

In mm-equivalent mm-equivalent Increment

5.047 128.19 12 (304.8) 1 in (25.4 mm)

6.065 154.05 :  
8.071 205.00 :  
10.136 257.45 22(558.8) 2 in (50.8 mm)

12.09 307.09 :  
13.25 336.55 :  
15.25 387.35 60(965.2) 3 in (76.2 mm)

17.25 438.15 :  
19.25 488.95 :  
21.25 539.75 102(2590.8) 3 in (76.2 mm)
Shell Inside Diameter Ds

In the inch-based series, the shells up to

21.25 in (535.75 mm) diameter are referred
to as “standard pipe” ; however, above 12
in, shells are usually rolled and welded.
160 mm (6 5/16 inches) Plate being Hot Rolled
Shell Inside Diameter Ds

There is no mandatory accepted standard,

the values in the presented tables
representing only a recommended
series, giving approximately 10%
increments in heat transfer surface
Shell Dimensions and Inside Shell
Diameter for Fixed Tube Sheets- mm
Nominal Shell Outside Shell Shell wall thickness, mm Shell inside diameter, Ds , mm
diameter diameter
(1) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3)
150 168 4.5   4 159   160
200 219 5.9   4 207.2   211
250 273 6.3   4 260.4   265
300 324 7.1   4 309.8   316
350 355 8 6 4 339 343 347
400 406 8.8 6 4 388.4 394 398
500 508   6 4   496 500
600 600   6 5   588 590
700 700   8 5   684 690
800 800   8 5   784 790
900 900   10 6   880 888

1000 1000   10 6   980 988

1100 1100   12 7   1076 1086

1200 1200   12 7   1176 1186

Shell dimensions and tube inside shell
diameter for floating head tubesheets- mm
Nominal Outside Shell wall thickness, Shell inside diameter, Ds , mm
Shell Shell (1) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3)
diameter diameter
150 168 4   3.2 160   161.6
200 219 4.5   3.2 210   212.6
250 273 5   3.2 263   266.6
300 324 5.6 6 3.2 312.8 312 317.6
400 406 6.3 6 4 393.4 394 398
500 508 6.3 6 4 495.4 496 500
600 600   6 5   588 590
700 700   8 6   684 688
800 800   8 6   784 788
900 900   8 6   884 888
1000 1000   8 6   984 988
1100 1100   10 8   1080 1084
1200 1200   10 8   1180 1184
Diameter and thickness





Integrally finned
Tubes Dt

Small Diameter Large Diameter

Closely packed tubes Widely spaced tubes
Compact Units Less Compact units
Difficult to clean No cleaning Problems
Tubes Thickness

Withstand Pressure

Basis of cost Standardization

Corrosion Resistance
Recommended Tube Dimensions for Carbon Steel

Tube OD Wall thickness Tube ID

In BWG in in
¼ (0.25) 22 0.028 0.194
  24 0.022 0.206
3/8 (0.375) 18 0.049 0.277
  20 0.035 0.305
  22 0.028 0.319
½ (0.5) 18 0.049 0.402
  20 0.035 0.430
5/8 (0.625) 16 0.065 0.495
  18 0.049 0.527
  20 0.035 0.555
¾ (0.75) 12 0.109 0.530
  14 0.083 0.584
  16 0.065 0.620
  18 0.049 0.652
  20 0.035 0.680
7/8 (0.875) 14 0.083 0.709
  16 0.065 0.745
  18 0.040 0.777
  20 0.035 0.805
1.0 12 0.109 0.782
  14 0.083 0.834
  16 0.065 0.870
  18 0.049 0.902
1.25 10 0.134 0.982
  12 0.109 1.282
  14 0.083 1.334
  16 0.065 1.37
2.0 12 0.109 1.782
Tube Material Alter the Thickness As Shown
in the Following Thickness

Outer Carbon and Low Stainless Steels

Diameter Alloy steel thickness and copper

5/8 in 16 BWG 18 BWG

¾ in 14 BWG 16 BWG

1 in 12 BWG 14 BWG

1. ¼ 10 BWG 12 BWG
Recommended Tube Dimensions

Tube OD, mm Wall thickness, Tube ID, mm

6.0 0.5 5.0
8.0 1.5 5.0
10.0 1.5 7.0
12.0 1.5 9.0
14 2.0 10.0
16 2.0 12.0
18 2.0 14.0
20 2.0 16.0
22 2.5 17.0
25 2.5 20.0
30 2.5 25.0
38 2.5 33.0
44.5 2.5 39.5
51 2.5 46.0
Tubes Dt

Cleaning limit the selection of tube

diameter to 20 mm as a minimum.

Small tube diameters are preferred

because of better heat transfer

Typical do are 5/8, ¾, 7/8 ,and 1in.

Tubes Dt

The ratio of Ds to Dt must be maintained within

reasonable limits.

The approximate ratio of minimum Ds to Dt

should generally be about 15

Larger ratios can be used

Recommended Combination of Shell and
Tube Diameters.

Ds 100 200 300 500 700 1000 1500

          Acceptable  for
6 Mechanical



white areas are those preferred, gray areas are acceptable under specific conditions.
Tubes Dt

The number of tubes depends on:

The shell inside diameter Di,s ,

Tube diameter do

Pitch St layout

Tube passes Ntp .

TUBES (b) Length
For a given surface area, the cheapest
exchanger is obtained by making it as:
1- Small in diameter
2- long as possible
3- Consistent with the space and
handling facilities available at site
4- limited only by the tube length
available from the suppliers.
TUBES (b) Length
Two exchangers with the same area
6060 ft2 (564 m2) , fixed tubesheet, 30
bar both sides, carbon steel, ¾ in (19
mm) tubes .
length Diameter Tubes Cost
10 ft 60 in 3139 base
60 ft 25 in 523 50%
TUBES (b) Length

A clear length of twice the tube length

for tube bundle withdraw.

Common tube length range is 3.6 to 9 m ,

with a bundle weight limits 20 ton.

22 m long have been made

Tube Sheets
Tube Sheets
Tube sheets usually are made from a round,
flat piece of metal.
Holes are drilled for the tube ends in a
precise location and pattern relative to one
Tube sheets are manufactured from the
same range of materials as tubes.
Tubes are attached to the tube sheet by
pneumatic or hydraulic pressure, or by roller
expansion. If needed, tube holes can be
drilled and reamed
CNC Drilling of Tube Sheet
Tube Sheets
The tube sheet is in contact with both fluids,
so it must have corrosion resistance
allowances and metallurgical and
electrochemical properties appropriate for
the fluids and velocities.

Low carbon steel tube sheets can include a

layer of a higher alloy metal bonded to the
surface to provide more effective corrosion
resistance without the expense of using the
solid alloy.
Tube Sheets
In cases where it is critical to avoid fluid intermixing, a
double tube sheet can be provided.

In this design, the outer tube sheet is outside the shell

circuit, virtually eliminating the chance of fluid intermixing.

The inner tube sheet is vented to atmosphere, so any

fluid leak is detected easily.
Tube Sheets
Where the tube and tube sheet materials are joinable
weldable metals, the tube joint can be further
strengthened by applying a seal weld or strength weld
to the joint.

In a strength weld, a tube is slightly recessed inside

the tube hole or slightly extended beyond the tube
sheet. The weld adds metal to the resulting lip.

A seal weld is specified to help prevent the shell and

tube liquids from intermixing. In this treatment, the
tube is flush with the tube sheet surface. The weld
does not add metal but rather fuses the two materials.
Welding Tube to Tubesheet

An orbital welding head which can be used for welding

tubes to tube sheets
Tube Sheets
The tube hole pattern, or "pitch," varies the distance
from one tube to the other as well as the angle of the
tubes relative to each other and to the direction of flow.

This allows the fluid velocities and pressure drop to be

manipulated to provide the maximum amount of
turbulence and tube surface contact for effective heat
Tubes Layout
Three standard types of tube
arrangement are : (30), (45) & (90).

These triangular and square arrangement

are similar to the staggered and inline
tube bank arrays.
Tube Layout
Tubes Layout

In applications in which the pressure drop

is not a primary consideration, such as
high-pressure operation with liquids, it may
be desirable to pack as much surface as
possible into a given size shell.
Tubes Layout

A less dense arrangement that provides lower

resistance to flow may be required for gasses
at moderate pressure since in this case the
pressure drop is of primary importance.
Tubes Layout 30 staggered
This layout has the highest tube density,
the largest heat transfer surface within a
given shell.

It produces the highest pressure drop for a

given tube pitch.

This layout should be primary selection,

unless other considerations predominant .
Tubes Layout 45 staggered
This layout permits only about 85% of
tubes, as compared to a 30 layout.

For a given pitch , the pressure drop is

less than for a 30 layout.

Shell-side cleaning from outside by

Mechanical means is possible.
Tubes Layout 90 in-line
The layout should be avoided in laminar
shell-side flow.

It should be considered if low pressure

drop is desired.

External cleaning is convenient

Tubes Pitch

TEMA specifies that tube pitch /outside

diameter ratio should not be less than
For external fouling services there
should be a minimum gap of 6.35 mm
(1/4 in ) between adjacent tubes to
assist external cleaning by mechanical
Tubes Dt
c) Pitch

15.88 mm (5/8 in) 15.88 mm 22.22 mm (7/8 in)

(5/8 in )
19.05 mm ( ¾ in) 23,81 mm 25.40 mm ( 1 ¼ in )
(15/16 in )

25.40 mm ( 1 in) 31.75 mm 31.75 mm ( 1 ¼ in)

( 1 ¼ in )
31.75 mm ( 1 ¼ in ) 39.69 mm 39.69 mm ( 1 9/16 in)
( 1 9/16 in)
Tubes Bimetal
When it is difficult or expensive to obtain
a single metal that will resist corrosive
action of both fluids, Bi-metal tubes are

Almost any pair of metals may be drawn

together to form a bimetal tube, with
more expensive metal made with
limited thickness to reduce cost.
Integrally finned Tubes

Low integrally finned tubes 11 to 40 fins

per 25-mm length ( fins per inch)
fin heights 0.8 to 1.5 mm

Designed specially to fit into shell and

tube heat exchangers in the same
manner as plain tubes.
Integrally Finned Tubes

Surface area= 1.5 and 3.5 times that

of plain tubes of the same Dt

Performance may be boosted by

substituting integrally finned tubes.
Integrally Finned Tubes

Available in variety of metals including

Stainless steel, Titanium and Inconels

It contains flat parts to go to tube sheet

and baffle locations
Integrally Finned Tubes

Partition plates

Number of passes
Tube Side Passes:
(a )- Partition Plates

Each traverse of the tube-side fluid

from one end to the other is termed
a pass.
The heads are fitted with flat metal
plates, known as partition plates,
which divided the head into separate
Tube Side Passes:
(a )- Partition Plates
Tube Side Passes:
(a )- Partition Plates

The thickness of pass partition plates

depends on head diameter but is usually 9
to 16 mm for carbon and low alloy steel and
6 to 13 mm for the more expensive alloy.
Tube Side Passes:
( B)- Number of Passes

 A fixed tubesheet and outside-packed floating-

head exchanger may have one, two, four, six
and eight passes are the most common, with
three or five passes less often used.
Tube Side Passes:
( B)- Number of Passes

 U-tube exchanger must have an even number of passes;

two and four passes are the most common.
 The lantern floating-head is limited with one or two passes
 The Split packing-ring and Pull-through floating-head
exchangers may have two, four, six and eight passes.
Application of Fluids
If a fluid use requires periodic cleaning of
the heat transfer surface or has other
special needs ( if it is fouling, corrosive,
toxic, or a high temperature), it is normally
flowed through the tubes.
Put high pressure stream in the tubes to
avoid thick expensive shell
If the allowable pressure drop for one
stream is very limited, that stream should
normally go to the shell side.
Application of Fluids

Turbulence is more easily initiated on the shell

side because of the more complicated flow path
there. Hence, apply higher viscosity and lower
flow rate fluids on the shell side, all other factors
being equal.

Cross flow gives higher coefficient than in plane

tubes, hence put fluid with lowest coefficient of
heat transfer on the shell side
Application of Fluids

Some times there will be conflict between these

“rules” for example one fluid may be at high
pressure and the other corrosive.
The decision is the lower cost option ; however
safety considerations or differences in reliability
of operation might overrule a purely economic
Selection of Shell Arrangement

It is often necessary to use more than one

exchanger to accomplish a given service.
The parallel arrangement is mainly used when
pressure drop limitations ( coupled with length,
diameter and baffle spacing limits) force a
reduction in shell velocity and thus throughput
per unit.
For identical units, each exchanger may be
separately analyzed using its proportional share
of the flow rates.
Selection of Shell Arrangement
The purely series arrangement is mainly used
1 There are limitations on shell length and /or
diameter ,requiring the total area to be
disposed in more than one shell.
2 The single shell with multiple tube passes gives
too low a value for F, the correction factor for
the mean temperature difference.
The shells are usually identical for economy in
manufacturing and ease and flexibility of
installation, operation and maintenance
Selection of Shell Arrangement

A variety of Series- Parallel arrangements:

The most common is several exchanger trains in
parallel ( to split the flows down to rates that
can be conveniently handled in the maximum
acceptable exchanger size) ,with each train
composed of several exchangers in series ( to
improve the mean temperature difference).
Bundle and Shell Geometries

The inlet, central and outlet baffle spacing are

shown and are identified as Lbi, Lbc, and Lbo,
Bundle and Shell
Lbi and Lbo, are often equal in length to
Lbc except when the first and last baffle
compartments must be enlarged to
allow for the placement of the
respective shell-side nozzles.
The effective tube length Lta is equal to
the total tube length less the combined
thickness of the two tubesheets.
Baffle and tube bundle

Dotl is the outer tube limit diameter

Dctl is the centerline tube limit diameter
D = D , - D where D is the outside diameter of the tubes).
Baffle cut and clearance

The baffle cut height is shown as a height Lbch the value of the
baffle cut Bc is (Lbch /DS) x 100% , i.e. given in terms of the
percent of the shell internal diameter.
Baffle cut and clearance

The diametric clearance between the shell internal diameter DS and outer
tube limit diameter Dot, is Lbb
One-half of Lbb is the width of this bypass channel
Baffle cut and clearance

The diametric clearance between the shell internal

diameter DS and the diameter of the baffle Db is Lsb,
where the gap is equal to Lsb/2.
Baffle cut and clearance
If Lsb is not known, it can be assumed

Lsb = 2.0 mm for DS < 400 mm (15.75 in.)

For larger shells

Lsb = 1.6 + 0.004Ds (mm).
Baffle cut and clearance
If the diametric clearance between the
baffle holes and the outside of the tube
is not known, the maximum TEMA
value can be assumed 0.794 mm (1/32
in.) or a smaller value in the range from
0.397 mm (1/64 in.) to 0.794 mm.

This clearance is equal to the baffle

hole diameter minus Dt. Thermal
performance is significantly improved
by minimizing this clearance.
Baffle cut and clearance
Lsb can be assumed to be equal to 9.525 mm
(3/8 in.) for DS < 300 mm (11.81 in.)
Lsb can be assumed to be 15.875 mm (5/8 in.)
for DS > 1000 mm (39.37 in.).
For DS from 300 to 1000 mm inclusive, Lsb can
be assumed to be 12.7 mm (1/2 in.).
These values are typical of TEMA heat
exchanger specifications but are often smaller
for direct­expansion evaporators.
Tube Layouts
The three tube layouts addressed are shown;
30°, 45° and 90°.
The tube pitch is Ltp and is defined as the
distance center-to-center between tubes in
the bundle.
The pitch parallel to the direction of flow is Lpp
while that pitch normal to the direction of the
flow is Lpn.
Tube Layouts
The number of tubes that fit
within a shell depends on a
number of geometrical factors,
dimensions and clearances,
principally the type of tube
layout (triangular, square or
rotated square) and the tube
Number of Tubes
The simple estimation method for fixed
tubesheets for single tubepass units without
any tubes removed in the nozzle entrance
and exit areas is:

where Ntt is the number of tubes, Dctl, is the centerline tube

limit diameter and Ltp is the tube pitch. The constant C1 =
1.0 for square (90°) and rotated square tube (45°) layouts
and C1 = 0.866 for triangular (30°) tube layouts.
Baffles :
Baffles are generally used to increase the heat-
transfer performance in shell-and tube exchangers by
diverting the flow on the shell side across
Baffles :
The use of baffles also provides a
means of strengthening the mechanical
structure of the exchanger to prevent
sag and vibration.
There are two types of baffles:
Segmental baffles and longitudinal.
The most common arrangement
features the use of segmental baffles.
Heat Exchanger With Baffles
Segmental Baffles
Longitudinal Baffle
Segmental baffles are characterized
by the ratio of height of the cutout
segment to the inside diameter Di,s of
the shell.
The optimum heating-to-pumping power
performance has been found to occur
for a baffle cut Bc of about 20 to 25%.
The baffle spacing, also known as baffle
pitch, is designated by Lb
The baffle spacing is generally
maintained between 0.2 to 1 times Di,s .
Except for large- diameter shells which
necessitate restrictions on the maximum
unsupported length for mechanical
The best shell-side performance is
normally achieved with baffle spacing
between 0.4 and 0.6 of Di,s .
TEMA specified minimum baffle thickness,
which is related to diameter and unsupported
tube length. Typical examples are as follows:
Baffles thickness, mm
Unsupported tube length, mm
Shell ID, mm Less than 610 Greater than 1542

Less than 355 3.2 9.5

Greater than 9.5 19.1

Maximum Pitch

TEMA specifies the following maximum

unsupported tube length (MUTL) for
carbon, low alloy, stainless steel, and
nickel alloy.
For aluminum alloys, copper alloys and
titanium the MUTL is reduced to 0.568
of the given values
Maximum Pitch

18.88 mm (5/8 in) 1321 mm (52 in)

19.05 mm (3/4 in) 1524 mm (60 in)

25.40 mm (1 in) 1880 mm (74 in)

31.75 mm (11/4 in) 2235 mm (88 in)

For construction purposes there must
always be clearance between the tubes
and holes in the baffles, and also between
the outside of the baffles and the inside of
the shell
Lsb= 4.45 mm (0.175 in) Ds=610 and
Lsb= 11.12 mm (0.438) Ds=2159 and 2540
The outer tube limit (OTL) is the diameter
of the largest circle, drawn about the
tubesheet center, beyond which no tube
may occupy.
The OTL for the split-packing ring and
pull- through floating head types is
dependent on pressure and whether the
tubes are expanded or welded to the tube

Welded tube ends provide a slightly

smaller OTL than expanded tube ends

The OTL for fixed tubesheet and U-tube

exchanger is independent of both
pressure and tube end attachment

Fixed tubesheet type L,M,N 11 to 18

U-tube type U 11 to 18
Split backing ring floating head types S 35 to 50
Pull through floating head type T 95 to 160
Packed lantern ring floating head type W 15 to 35
Outside packed floating head type P 25 to 50
Typical Diametrical Clearances

Exchanger Fixed Split-backing Pull-Through floating-

ID, mm Tubesheet ring Floating head
And U-Tube head tube-side pressure,

      1 2 3

Up to 500 11 35 95 95 100

Up to 1000 15 41 110 116 135

Up to 1500 18 50 130 136 160

Up to 2500 18 -- -- -- --
Data for Shell and Tube H.E
Typical Number of Passes –Shell / Tube

Fixed Tube sheet 1-2 / 1-4

U-Tube 1-2 / 1-4

Floating head 1-2 / 1-4

Data for Shell and Tube H.E
Maximum Operating Temperature C

Fixed Tube sheet 150

U-Tube 350

Floating head 350

Data for Shell and Tube H.E
Typical Maximum Operating Pressure, Bar
Shell / Tube

Fixed Tube sheet 140 / 140

U-Tube 140 / 140

Floating head 140 / 140

140 bar = 2100 psi

Data for Shell and Tube H.E
Maximum Practical T Approach

Fixed Tube sheet 5C = 9  F

U-Tube 5C= 9  F

Floating head 5C= 9 F

Data for Shell and Tube H.E
Typical Mean Flow velocity ,m/s

Fixed Tube sheet Liquid , Shell /tube 1-2 / 2-3

Gas , Shell / tube 5-10 /10-20

U-Tube Liquid , Shell / tube 1-2 / 2-3

Gas , Shell / tube 5-10 /10-20

Floating head Liquid , Shell / tube 1-2 / 2-3

Gas , Shell / tube 5-10 /10-20

Note: 1 m = 3.2 ft
Data for Shell and Tube H.E
Relative Cost, 1 = low, 4 = high

Fixed Tube sheet 1

U-Tube 1

Floating head 2
Typical Allowable
Pressure Drop
For liquids, a value of 7.5 -11 psi ( 0.5 –
0.7 kg/cm2 ) is permitted per shell. A
higher pressure drop is usually warranted
for viscous liquids in the tubeside.
For gases, the allowed value is
generally .75- 3 psi (0.05 –0.2 kg /cm2 )
with 1.5 psi being typical
Effect of Shell-Side Design
pressure on heat Exchanger Cost
Mpa - psi Relative Cost
2- 300 1.0

4 – 600 1.3

5 – 750 1.6

7 - 1000 2.0

8- 1200 2.5
Typical Shell Flow
In a baffled shell-and-tube heat exchanger, only a
fraction of the fluid flow through the shell-side of a
heat exchanger actually flows across the tube
bundle in the idealized path normal to the axis of
the tubes.

The remaining fraction of the fluid flows through

"bypass" areas.
Typical Shell Flow

As can be expected, the fluid seeks the flow path

of less resistance from the inlet to the outlet of the

In a typical design, the non-ideal flows represent

up to 40% of the total flow and hence it is
imperative to account for their effects on heat
transfer and pressure drop.
Stream A
The tube hole leakage
Stream A

The tube hole leakage stream

represents the flow from one baffle
compartment to the next that passes
through the annular openings
between the oversized holes for the
tubes in the baffles and the outside of
the tubes
Stream A
The flow is driven by the pressure
drop from one baffle compartment to
the next.

This bypass stream is minimized by

reducing the diametric clearance
and completely eliminated if the
clearance becomes zero.
Stream B “The crossflow”

The crossflow stream is the idealized

cross flow over the tube bundle normal to
the axis of the tubes.
This is the preferred flow in a baffled shell-
and-tube heat exchanger
Stream C: The bundle
Stream C: The bundle
The bundle bypass stream flows through
the annular opening between the outside
of the tube bundle and the inner shell wall .

The diametric clearance for this flow to

pass through is equal to the shell internal
diameter minus the outer tube limit
diameter of the tube bundle.
Stream C: The bundle bypass
The bundle bypass stream is reduced
by minimizing the diametric clearance
between the shell internal diameter
and the outer tube limit diameter of
the tube bundle and by installing pairs
of sealing strips around the perimeter
of the tube bundle to block this flow
path and thereby force the fluid back
into the tube bundle.
Stream E: The shell-to-
baffle bypass
Stream E: The shell-to-
baffle bypass
Refers to the flow through the gap between
the outer edge of the baffle and the inner shell
wall .
The diametric clearance is equal to the shell
internal diameter minus the diameter of the
baffle and is minimized by decreasing the
construction clearance between the shell and
the baffle to its feasible minimum.
Stream F: The pass partition

Refers to the flow through the open lanes in a tube bundle

formed by omission of tubes in the bundle and tubesheet for
placement of tubepass partition plates in the heads of multi-
pass heat exchangers.
Stream F: The pass partition

This stream only refers to those openings

oriented in the direction of the fluid flow. Pass
partition openings oriented normal to the flow
path do not cause a bypass.

This bypass stream thus only occurs in some

multi-pass tube layouts and they can be
eliminated by placement of several dummy
tubes in each bypass lane to drive the fluid back
into the tube bundle.

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