The Parathyroids and Calcium Metabolism
The Parathyroids and Calcium Metabolism
The Parathyroids and Calcium Metabolism
presented by
3. On Gastrointestinal Tract
• Parathormone increases the absorption of phosphate from GI tract
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Disorders of parathyroid glands
• Two types:
I. Hypoparathyroidism
II. Hyperparathyroidism
• Hyposecretion of PTH is called hypoparathyroidism.It leads to hypocalcemia
(decrease in blood calcium level).
• Causes for Hypoparathyroidism
1. Surgical removal of parathyroid glands i.e (parathyroidectomy)
2. Removal of parathyroid glands during surgical removal of thyroid gland
3. Autoimmune disease
4. Deficiency of receptors for PTH in the target cells.
• In this, the PTH secretion is normal or increased but the hormone cannot act on the
target cells. This condition is called pseudohypoparathyroidism
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06/28/2021 Parathyroids and calcium metabolism 28