Studying Marketing Environment

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Studying Marketing Environment

Topics Covered

Grasp of environment: The foundation for marketing

Grasp of environment is particularly important in present times
Mega environment and business-specific environment
The tasks in environment analysis
Developing the opportunity–threat profile
Techniques of environment analysis
Three break-out developments on the environment front
Grasp of Environment: The Foundation
for Marketing
It is in the environment that marketing operates.
It is by securing the right fit between the environment and the firm
that marketing prospers.
Opportunities as well as threats to the firm lie in the environment.
It is by tapping the opportunities and countering threats that the
firm achieves its objectives: sales, profits, growth and so on.
Grasp of Environment Is Particularly
Important in Present Times
Present times constitute an era of disruption.
Sweeping changes ushered in by technology
Exhibit 2.1 ‘Disruption Becomes the New Normal; Continuous Study of
Environment Becomes Inescapable’ explains how disruption becomes the new
normal and continuous analysis of environment becomes inescapable.
Mini Case 2.2 ‘How Technology Impacts the Environment of an Industry: The
Case of Telcos’ explains how technology impacts the environment of an
Mini Case 2.3 ‘How Government Policies Impact the Environment of an
Industry: The Case of Telcos’ explains how government policies impact the
environment of an industry.
Grasp of Environment Is
Particularly Important in Present
As value delivery acquires added significance, environment becomes more vital.
Linkage between value delivery and environment

• To know what value to be offered, to whom and how, the firm needs to
probe the environment.
• Grasp of environment becomes the bedrock of strategy.
• Marketing, as a whole, is just interaction with the environment.

Mini Case 2.1 on GM and Toyota explains the linkage between value delivery and
environment analysis.
Chart 2.1 ‘Purpose of Environment Analysis’ explains the purpose of environment
analysis in a nutshell.
Mega Environment and Business-
specific Environment

For a business firm, the environment carries two main parts:

1. Mega environment

2. Environment specific to the business of the firm

Chart 2.2 ‘Checklist of Components of Environment to Be
Analysed’ presents a complete checklist of all the components of
environment that need to be covered in environment analysis.
Mega Environment
Today, technology is the prime environmental factor.
Exhibit 2.2 ‘Mobile Apps Reach Great Heights’ explains how mobile apps
are continuously evolving to new heights and Exhibit 2.3 ‘Mobile Becomes the
Technology Platform for Several Services’ explains how the mobile has become
the technology platform for several services.

Economic environment
Chart 2.3 on economic environment lists the factors that need to be
analysed under economic environment.

Sociocultural environment
Culture, subculture and social class

Political environment
Developments on the political front keep affecting the economy/business
all the time.
Mega Environment
Legal environment/business legislation
Business legislation can be classified into various categories.
Demographic/consumer environment
For management, demographics is a major element.
 Government policies
They impact both mega environment and business-specific
Natural environment
Natural resources, ecology and climate affect the business. Ideas like
green marketing demand the attention of the firm.
Exhibit 2.4 ‘Embracing Electric Mobility’ explains how the corporates are
now getting into action and making common cause with society, government
and consumers (car users) .
Environment Specific to the
Firm’s Business
The market/demand
Nature of the demand, its size, changes, invasion of substitute
products, pattern of consumption and so on.
The consumer
Consumer tastes and preferences fluctuate.
Chart 2.4 ‘Analysing the Consumer: Factors to Be Monitored’ lists the details
about the consumers which are required for proceeding with various
marketing management tasks, which together accomplish value delivery.
Industry and competition
A fundamental requirement for developing a marketing strategy; covered
in detail in Chapter 6.
Environment Specific to the
Firm’s Business
Government policies specific to the industry
• Every industry has its share of government regulations/guidelines.
• Governments are also large buyers of products and services.
• Governments are also producers of products/services, hence
Supplier-related factors
They are allies as well as competitors.
Trade environment/distribution-related factors
Distribution/channels is a dynamic environmental factor.
Opening up of retail to FDI and growth of modern retail are examples.
Influence of society upon business
Society has its concerns about functioning of corporates.
Techniques for Environmental Analysis
Various techniques, quantitative and qualitative, are used:

• Scenario planning/scenario writing

• Problem-situation models
• Delphi studies
• MIS of the firm
• Sales forecasting techniques
• Trend analysis
• Benchmarking
• Econometric models
Three Break-out Developments on the
Environment Front
Overarching influence of the tech giants
Five big tech companies control the world’s wealth generation
They wield great influence over humanity

The creeping deglobalisation trend

A backlash against globalisation

The digital revolution

‘Digital’ now permeates all spheres of life

Marketers have to grapple with the effects of these developments.

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