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Canizares National High School-School of Arts and Trades

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Republic of the Philippines

Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Ministry of Basic, Higher and Technical Education
Schools Division of Cotabato City
Datu Udtog, Matalam St., RH 10, Cotabato City

A. Purpose of the SDRRMP

The Purpose of the plan is to assess the vulnerability of the school community to different types of hazards which are evident in the
area, to identify the elements at risk such as the learners, school personnel, school facilities, and other resources of the school.
More importantly, the plan consists of contingency plans which are hazard specific like for earthquake, fire, typhoon, flooding, and
human-induced, that they school will follow before, during, and after a disaster strikes.

Also, the plan includes list of partner agencies and stakeholders that may be tap in the different DRRM activities of
the school. Lastly, the SDRRM Plan contains the response protocol of the School, Division Office, and the Regional Office after a
disaster occur.

“Walang Batang Cotabateño na Mapag-iiwanan”

B. History/Background

The Canizares National High School of Arts and Trades is located in a high area along Malagapas, RH 10, Cotabato City.

There are thousands of students who are being catered in the institution who are commonly residing within the community

and nearby municipalities. Several calamities were also experienced by the settlers like fires and earthquakes.

In order to address and prevent the risk of losing lives and damage of properties both in the institution and in the community,

the school created the School Disaster Risk Reduction Management Plan with its teaching force to campaign the mission of

the Disaster Risk Reduction Management to review and equip awareness and proper skills and attitude on what to do during

emergency cases.

“Walang Batang Cotabateño na Mapag-iiwanan”

C. Department of Education Internal Policies on Disaster Preparedness and Responses
The Department of Education is a member of NDCC and one of the member agencies of the Technical Working Group (TWG) under the
Philippines Disaster Management System. The department acts as the resource and recommendatory in support of the function of this
NDCC. Based on the NDCC calamities and preparedness plan the DepEd is mandated to:
Organize reaction team in the department proper as well as the regional division offices, bureau it includes the schools, BSP, GSP and
other institution of learning areas.
Make attainable, suitable school building nearest the affected area as evacuation center.
Assist in the public educational campaign through integration in the school curricula if subject relative to the different committee. There
causes and precautionary measures. Department of Education has integrated classroom management copies in the teacher and the parent.
Undertake, compiles and provides report of damages and submits the same report to the classrooms.
Mainstreaming DRR into school curricula aims to raise awareness and provide a better understanding of disaster management for children, teachers
and communities
Improve safety of school buildings will not only protect children and their access to education but also minimize costs damages.
Good practices of lessons learned are implemented where pupils, teachers and community involvement is observed.

“Walang Batang Cotabateño na Mapag-iiwanan”

The objective of this plan is to reinforce and strengthen a synchronized quick response to the emergencies related in disaster in the
premise of Canizares National High School –School of Arts and Trades;
Plan for educational continuity in the face of expected hazards and threats; and
Protect the learners and education workers from injury and harm in schools.
Secure the safety of the student’s lives, teachers and stakeholders;
Conduct safety measures on Disaster Risk Reduction Program by the help of some stakeholders like PNP, BFP, PhiVolcs, Philippine Red
Cross, LGU and others;
Enhancement of School Disaster Risk Reduction Management;
Mainstreaming of Disaster Risk Reduction to peace process; and
Strengthening capability building of teachers through training and workshop.

“Walang Batang Cotabateño na Mapag-iiwanan”

The School Watching Team (SWT) should comprise of at least 8 members. For medium and big schools, organizing various students’ organizations and//or student
leaders for a school watching activity is preferred to maximize engagement. For very small schools (i.e. with less than five classes), teachers could integrate school
watching in their respective lessons as an outdoor activity. For very big schools, more than one team could be organized to ensure that all grade levels, sections and
groups are represented.
The Supreme Student Government (SSG) shall aid in the identification of SWT members. The team members could be student leaders of youth clubs,
academic and/or nonacademic clubs such as boy/girl scouts, Red Cross, or representatives from various grade levels and/or sections.
The moderator is encouraged to redesign the process, if necessary, to ensure appropriateness to the composition of the SWT. Preferably SSG/SPG shall also
participate in this activity.
It is important that the moderator presents the guidelines in the language that the SWT is most familiar and comfortable with.
The moderator could prepare a timeline on the conduct of this activity to ensure that this will not disrupt regular school activities and/or classes of SWT members.
The moderator will prepare route for the school watching, designate stops and provide a School Watching Checklist (D.O. 23s.2015) to Team members for guidance in the
observation of hazards.
Designate a start and end point for the school watching activity.
The moderator shall orient the SSG on school watching and hazard mapping before convening the SWT.

“Walang Batang Cotabateño na Mapag-iiwanan”

 Convenes the SDRRMC and activate school Disaster Operator Center.
 Coordinates with MDRRMC and BDRRMC for appropriate supports in event of emergency evacuation.
 Prepares with the teachers the School Disaster Management and Contingency Plans.
 Identifies and designates a School Disaster Operation Center.
 Maintains liaison with the MDRRMC and BDRRMC Chairmen
 Initiates and conducts training courses for disaster management activities with assistance from appropriate agencies.
 Coordinates arrangement for and directs all drills and exercises.
 Exercises command and responsibility for the implementation of the School Disaster Management and Contingency Plans.
 Arranges for and supervises the storage and disposition of required supplies and equipment.
 Directs and supervises evacuation activities during drills and actual disaster

“Walang Batang Cotabateño na Mapag-iiwanan”

Rescue and Recovery Action Team
 Conduct rescue and recovery operation to the disaster stricken areas in coordination with City DRRM (CDRRM) and Barangay DRRM (BDRRM);
 Conduct evaluation of disaster victims and bring them to predestinated evacuation center (barangay/school) and safer and/or higher grounds; and
 Assemble pick-up points and staying area; and
 Ask assistance from DOH, DSWD, and other private sectors for the conduct of psychological for the students.
Medical Team
 Provide first aid assistance to victims/evacuees;
 Preposition/stockpile or medicines/medical supplies at the division health clinic;
 Coordinate with government and private hospitals and medical practitioners for voluntary assistance for disaster victims;
 Institute preventive and curative measures to check and control the spread of diseases;
 Maintain health and sanitation in the affected areas and evacuation centers;
 Establish medical clinics in the evacuation cluster; and
 Coordinate and supervise all government/nongovernment entities providing health services and various evacuation centers.
Information and Communication Team Headed by DRR Coordinator
 Send information on disaster; and
 Prepare data on disaster situation for widest dissemination to the people/stakeholders.

“Walang Batang Cotabateño na Mapag-iiwanan”

School Disaster Risk Reduction Management Group
Hon. Kombol
Agnes B. Ortega CDRRMO
Secondary School Principal I Cotabato City
Juanito H. Diesto Elvis B. Balolong Students’ Quick Reaction Group
Property Custodian Focal Person/ School DRRM Coordinator
Rufino Nolasco Laiza Mae T. Ramirez
Disaster Operation Center Communication-in-charge

Nemia Joy T. Tagbo Bolkiya E. Benito

Transportation Fire Management

Sittie Saharah S. Mustapha Celia Rose D. Lingaya

Early Warning Committee Relief

Arnie B. Laguey Abdullah M. Salakadang

First Aid Search & Rescue Committee

Aljabar Mongagan Sayeed Mahfaud D. Cabilo

Evacuation & Camp Supply Officer
Abonawas T. Lumibao

“Walang Batang Cotabateño na Mapag-iiwanan”

Canizares National High School-School OF Arts and Trades
HAZARD MAP Earthquake
Hazards Early warning System Preparedness Measures Preparedness Measures
(common) (unique)

1. Wildfire Fire truck Tree

Water in gallon

2. Biological hazards Announcement to cover ones Air purifier Proper waste disposal linkages
(fumes from garbage) nose or wear face mask Disinfectant with concerned agencies
Face mask

3. Subsidence Bell warning Earth fill Riprap

Hazard/ caution line

4. Safety Hazard (city jail) Information dissemination Coordinator

5. Overpopulation Family planning Educate community on family

(community) seminars/leaflets planning coordination with

- The drills are done quarterly during the - Hazards mapping


- Student-lead Activity -how to conduct and organize proper

student-lead activity

- Application of all kinds basic First Aid - Proper implementation of reunification

to casualties (pretend) plan

- Referral system for incidents

SCHOOL ID 304628 S.Y. 2021-2022
PILLAR 1 - Conduct meetings Identifying risks or - Organizing and - DRRM protocol - Restoring and
SAFE or consultations damages hazards in training of students, - Coordination improving
LEARNING the school premises teachers and with DRRM school facilities
FACILITATIES stakeholders partners (damaged)
(DRRM) - Intensify SWM
PILLAR 2 - Mobilize the roles - Equip teachers - Application of - Gathering of - Proper waste
SCHOOL in DRRM structure and students skills through hands students data disposed
DISASTER created with skills in on activities and other - Advocate
MANAGEMENT first aid and information (CLAYGO)
rescue - Partnership with clean as you go
- create stakeholders
PILLAR 3 - Partnership with - Equip teachers - Integrate DRRM - Apply learned - Tree planting
RISK organizations with knowledge to topics in lesson skills and
REDUCTION - Linkages be able to integrate knowledge in
AND DRRM in their specific activities

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