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Introduction and History
 Myspace is a social networking website. Myspace was founded in
2003 and by 2006 had grown to be the most popular social
network in the world.

 Thevery first Myspace users were eUniverse employees. Some

contests was hold to know who could sign up the most users.

 Myspace has grown rapidly and showed good progress, but after
2008, we can say that it stagnated, page views and other metrics
has fallen.
How to Start to Myspace

1. You join MySpace and create a profile.

2. You invite your friends to join MySpace and search MySpace
for your friends who are already members. These people
become part of your initial "Friend Space."
3. All of the people in your friends' Friend Space become part
of your network. You now have connections to more people
than you did 15 minutes ago.
How Myspace works
From what the author can tell,
there's no way to actually view
your Extended Network in any
collective way. But this is the idea:

Now, technically, everyone on MySpace is

in your Extended Network, because when
you create a profile, MySpace co-founder
Tom Anderson is automatically added to
your Friend Space. We're all connected
through Tom.
To explore your Extended Network, you can go to one of your
friends' profiles, see who's in his Friend Space, click on a picture
to visit one of those people's profiles, see who's in that person's
Friend Space and work your way down the line.

You can request to add anyone to your Friend Space, and if your
invitation is accepted, you can send that person e-mail, 
instant messages, links to a band you discovered in MySpace
Music and anything else you might share with your friends.
Features of Myspace

 Myspace Bulletins
 Myspace IM
 Myspace TV
 Myspace Mobile
 Myspace Karaoke
What do teenagers and 20-somethings desire most? Many would
tell you it's freedom to express themselves without censorship,
and MySpace got it right in this area.
It's more accessible and more customizable than any
networking site that came before it. Users can add music, video,
graphics, new fonts and crazy layout schemes to their profiles.
They can use graphics and video files that are hosted elsewhere.

Myspace has to become famous social networking website

all around the world. Although it stagnated according to past,
it participated between the popular websites that serves as an
entertainment source for people. people can share them
photographs, watch TV, listen to music and play games to
this website so it is a kind of site which makes people be
addicted to itself.
“There's a lot more to MySpace than networking,
but that's the core concept. “

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