Cha:3 Special Instruments: Power Factor Meter Frequency Meter Synchroscope Phase Sequence Indicator

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Cha:3 Special Instruments

 Power Factor Meter

Frequency Meter
Phase Sequence Indicator
Power Factor Meter
Single Phase Electrodynamometer Type Power Factor Meter

 General construction of any power factor meter circuit include

two coils pressure coil and current coil.

 Pressure coil is connected across the circuit while current coil is

connected such it can carry circuit current or a definite fraction

of current, by measuring the phase difference between the
voltage and current the electrical power factor can be calculated
on suitable calibrated scale.

 Usually the pressure coil is splits into two parts namely inductive

and non-inductive part or pure resistive part.

 There is no requirement of controlling system because at

equilibrium there exist two opposite forces which balance the

movement of pointer without any requirement of controlling
Power Factor Meter
Single Phase Electrodynamometer Type Power Factor Meter
 Now the pressure coil is spitted into two parts one is purely inductive

another is purely resistive as shown in the diagram by resistor and


 At present the reference plane is making an angle A with coil 1. And the

angle between both the coils 1 and 2 is 90°. Thus the coil 2 is making
an angle (90° + A) with the reference plane.

 Scale of the meter is properly calibrated shown the value values of

cosine of angle A. Let us mark the electrical resistance connected to

coil 1 be R and inductor connected to coil 2 be L.

 Now during measurement of power factor the values of R and L are

adjusted such that R = wL so that both coils carry equal magnitude of


 Therefore the current passing through the coil 2 is lags by 90° with

reference to current in coil 1 as coil 2 path is highly inductively in

Power Factor Meter
Single Phase Electrodynamometer Type Power Factor Meter
Torque Equation:
 Now there are two deflecting torques one is acting on the coil 1 and another is acting on the

coil 2.

 The coil winding are arranged such that the two torques produced, are opposite to each other

and therefore pointer will take a position where the two torques are equal Let us write a
mathematical expression for the deflecting torque for coil 1- T1= KVIMCosA.CosB

 Where M is the maximum value of mutual inductance between the two coils, B is the angular

deflection of the plane of reference.

 Now the mathematical expression for the deflecting torque for coil 2 is-
T2= KVIMCos(90-A)Sin(90+B) = KVIMSinA.CosB

 At equilibrium we have both the torque are equal thus on equating T 1=T2 we have A = B. From

here we can see that the deflection angle is the measure of phase angle of the given circuit.
Power Factor Meter
Single Phase Electrodynamometer Type Power Factor Meter
Torque Equation:
 The phasor diagram is also shown for the circuit such that the current in the coil 1 is

approximately at an angle of 90° to current in the coil 2.

Power Factor Meter
Three Phase Electrodynamometer Type Power Factor Meter
Torque Equation:
 This meter is only useful for balance load.

 The two moving coils are so placed that the angle

between their planes is 120⁰. They are connected

across two different phases of the supply circuit. Each
coil has the series resistance.

 There is no necessity for phase splitting by artificial

means, since the required phase displacement

between currents IA and IB in the two moving coils can
be obtained from the supply itself .

 Voltage applied across coil A is V12 and as its circuit is

resistive, current IA is in phase with V12. Voltage applied

across coil B is V13 and current IB is in phase with V13

as the circuit of coil is resistive.
Power Factor Meter
Three Phase Electrodynamometer Type Power Factor Meter
Torque Equation:

 Thus the angular defection of the pointer from the plane of reference is equal to the phase angle

of the circuit to witch the meter is connected.

 The three phase power factor meter gives indication which are independent of waveform and

frequency of supply, since the currents in the two moving coils are equally affected by any
changes of the frequency.
Frequency Meter
Weston Frequency Meter: Principle of Working
 when an current flows through the two coils which are

perpendicular to each other, due to these currents some

magnetic fields will produce and thus the magnetic
needle will deflects towards the stronger magnetic field
showing the measurement of frequency on the meter.

 Construction of weston frequency is as compared to

ferrodynamic type of frequency meter. In order to

construct a circuit diagram we need two coils, three
inductors and two resistors.

 Axis of both coils are marked as shown. Scale of the

meter is calibrated such that at standard frequency the

pointer will take position at 45°.

Frequency Meter
Weston Frequency Meter: Principle of Working
 Coil 1 contains a series resistor marked R1 and

reactance coil marked as L1, while the coil 2 has a series

reactance coil marked as L2 and parallel resistor
marked as R2.

 The inductor which is marked as L0 is connected in

series with the supply voltage in order to reduce the

higher harmonic means here this inductor is working as
a filter circuit.

 Now when we apply voltage at standard frequency then

the pointer will take normal position, if there increase

the frequency of the applied voltage then we will see
that the pointer will moves towards left marked as
higher side as shown in the circuit diagram.
Frequency Meter
Weston Frequency Meter: Principle of Working

Again we reduce the frequency the pointer will start moving towards the right side, if lower the frequency below

the normal frequency then it cross the normal position to move towards left side marked lower side as shown in
the figure.

Voltage drop across an inductor is directly proportion to frequency of the source voltage, as we increase

the frequency of the applied voltage the voltage drop across the inductor L1 increase that means the
voltage impressed between the coil 1 is increased hence the current through the coil 1 increase while the
current through the coil 2 decreases.

Since the current through the coil 1 increases the magnetic field also increases and the magnetic needle attracts

more towards the left side showing the increment in the frequency. Similar action will takes if decrease the
frequency but in this the pointer will moves towards the left side.
Frequency Meter
Electrodynamometer Type Frequency Meter
 The fixed coil is divided into two parts 1 and 2. the two

parts of the fixed coil form two separate resonant circuits.

 Fixed coil 1 is in series with an inductance L1, and

capacitance C1 forming a resonant circuit of frequency F1

slightly below the lower end of the instrument.

 Fixed coil 2 is in series with inductance L2 and capacitance

C2 forming a resonant circuit of frequency F2 slightly

higher than the upper end of the instruments.

 In the case of instruments for power frequency

measurements, the circuits may be timed to frequencies of
40Hz and 60Hz respectively with 50Hz in middle of scale.
Frequency Meter
Electrodynamometer Type Frequency Meter
 The two parts of the fixed coil are arranged as shown in the

diagram, their return circuits being through the movable


 The torque on the movable element is proportional to the

current through the moving coil.

 For the applied frequency, within the limits of the

frequency range of the instrument, the circuit of fixed

coil 1 operates above resonant frequency (as X L1> XC1 )

with current I1 through it, lagging the applied voltage.

The circuit of fixed coil 2 operates below the resonant
frequency (as XC2 > XL2) with current I2 leading the
applied voltage.
Frequency Meter
Electrodynamometer Type Frequency Meter
 One fixed coil circuit is inductive and other is capacitive

and therefore the torques produced by the two currents I1

and I2 act in opposition on moving coil .

 The resultant torque is a function of frequency of the

applied voltage and there fore the meter scale can be

calibrated in terms of frequency . The instrument scale
spreads over an angle of about 90⁰

 A synchroscope is used to determine the correct instant for closing the switch witch connects

an alternator to the power station busbars.

 This process of connecting at the correct instant or synchronizing is necessary when an

unloaded “incoming” machine is to be connected to the busbars in order to share the load.

 The correct instant of synchronizing is when the busbar and incoming machine voltages

1. Are equal in magnitude

2. Are in phase

3. Have the same frequency

 For a 3 phase machine the phase sequence of the two should be the same. This condition is

verified by the phase sequence indicator.

 The voltage can be checked with the help of a voltmeter. The function of the synchroscopre is

to indicate the difference in phase and frequency of voltages of the busbar and incoming
Electrodynamometer ( Weston)Type Synchroscope
 Fig. shows a simple circuit of a weston type

synchroscope. It consists of a three limbed transformer.

The winding on one of the outer limbs is excited from
busbars and that on the outer limb is by the incoming
machine. The winding on the central limb is connected
to a lamp.

 The windings on the outer limbs produce two fluxes

which are forced through the central limb. The resultant

flux through the central limb is equal to the phasor sum
of these fluxes.

 The resultant flux induces an emf in the winding of the

central limb.
Electrodynamometer ( Weston)Type Synchroscope
 The two outer limb windings are so arranged that when

the busbar and the incoming machine voltages are in

phase, the two fluxes through the central limb are
addative and thus emf induced in the central limb winding
is maximum.

 Hence under these conditions the lamp glows with maximum


 When the two voltages are 180⁰ out of phase with each other

the resultant flux is zero and hence no emf is induced in the

central limb winding, with the result the lamp does not glow at
all and dark.

 If the frequency of the incoming machine is different from

that of the busbars, the lamp will be alternately bright and

dark or in the other words the lamp flickers.
Electrodynamometer ( Weston)Type Synchroscope
 The frequency of flickering is equal to the difference in

frequencies of the busbar and the incoming machines.

 The correct instant of synchronizing is when the

lamp is flickering at very slow rate and is at its

maximum brightness.

 One of the defects of this simple circuit is that it

does not indicate whether the incoming machine is

too fast or too slow. This defect can be corrected by
introducing an electrodynamometer type
Electrodynamometer ( Weston)Type Synchroscope
 The electrodynamometer instrument consists of a fixed coil

divided into two parts. The fixed coil is designed to carry a

small current and is connected in series with a resistance
across the busbars.

 The moving coil is connected in series with the capacitor across

the terminals of the incoming machine.

 The instrument is provided with control springs which act as

current leads for the moving coil. The shadow of the pointer is
thrown on an opal glass.

 When the two voltages are in phase with each other,

current I1 and I2 in fixed and moving coils respectively will

be in quadrature with each other, and therefore , there will
be no torque on the instrument. The control springs are so
arranged that the pointer is in vertical position under this
Electrodynamometer ( Weston)Type Synchroscope
 Also the lamp is at its maximum brightness and the

pointer is silhouetted against the opal glass.

 If the incoming machine voltage V2 is leading the busbar

voltage V1 and incoming machine slightly too slow , the

condition of the circuit will slowly change from those the
shown in fig (b) to those shown in fig (c).

 Then the torque will change from KI1I2 Cos (90⁰+Ɵ ) to

KI1I2 Cos (90⁰- Ɵ ) i.e., from the negative value through

zero to positive value. And during this period lamp will be
bright and the pointer will be seen to move from left hand
side of dial through the vertical position to right hand side
of the dial.

 The dial can thus be marked with directions fast and slow.
Electrodynamometer ( Weston)Type Synchroscope
 During this period when the voltages V 1 and V2 are 180⁰ out of phase

the pointer will move back. But it will not be visible as under these
conditions as the lamp is dark.

 It may be observed that in order to have an exact quadrature

relationship between currents I1 and I2 when voltages V1 and V2 are

in phase, is obtained only if small inductance L is introduced in the
fixed coil circuit.
Moving Iron Synchroscope
 Fig. shows the construction of moving iron synchroscope

which is due to Lipman.

 It has the fixed coil divided into two parts. This fixed coil A

is designed for a small value of current and is connected in

series with a resistance across two phases of the busbars.

 There are two iron cylinders C1 and C2 mounted on the

spindle. Each iron cylinder is provided with two iron vanes

whose axes are 180⁰ out of each other.

 The iron cylinders are excited by two pressure coils P1 and

P2 which are connected to two phases of the incoming


 One coil has a series resistance and other has a series

Moving Iron Synchroscope
 This is done in order to create an artificial phase difference of

90⁰ between the currents of the two pressure coils.

 There are no control springs. This instrument is provided

with a pointer which moves over a dial marked fast and slow.

 When the frequency of incoming machine is the same as

that of the busbars, the instrument behaves exactly like

the corresponding from of the power factor meter. The
deflection of the pointer from the plane of reference is
equal to phase difference between the two voltages.

 However if the frequencies of the two voltages are

different, the pointer rotates continuously at a speed

corresponding to difference in frequency of the two
Moving Iron Synchroscope
 The direction of rotation depends whether the incoming

machine is too fast or too slow.

 Thus the moving system rotates with a frequency

corresponding to difference in the two frequencies.

 The direction of rotation depends upon whether the

frequency of incoming machine is higher or lower than the

frequency at the busbars.

 The instant of synchronizing is when the pointer is

stationary and when it is at its vertical position.

 Moving iron synchroscopes are more common in use. They

are cheap and their operation is simple and also they have a
360⁰ scale.
Phase Sequence Indicator

 These instruments are used to determine the phase

sequence of three phase supplies. There are two types of

phase sequence indicator.
1. Rotating Type

2. Static Type

Rotating Type:

 The Principal of working of these meters is similar to that

of 3 phase induction meter.

 They consist of three coils mounted 120⁰ apart in space.

 The three ends of the coils are brought out and connected

to three terminals marked RYB as shown in fig. The coils

are star connected and are excited by the supply whose
phase sequence is to be determined.
Phase Sequence Indicator

 An aluminium disc is mounted on the top of the coils. The

coils produce a rotating magnetic field and eddy emfs are

induced in the disc.

 These emfs cause eddy currents to flow in the aluminium

disc. A torque is produced with the interaction of eddy

currents with the field.

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