Baseband 5216/5212 Knowledge Transfer
Baseband 5216/5212 Knowledge Transfer
Baseband 5216/5212 Knowledge Transfer
Knowledge transfer
Baseband 5216 Network Diagram
• The Ericsson Baseband 5216 RAN network solution provides high
speeds and reliability of mobile broadband service, which can be used
in a dense urban environment, such as a sports stadium, a shopping
mall or a central train station, where a larger number of mobile users
are concentrated in a relative small area. These Baseband 5216
products enhance Macro cell solution
Baseband Unit
Initial Configuration Steps for
Baseband 5216/5212.
Scratch Install procedure:
Press Start/Stop
. Put in the relevant information, make sure all files pointed out in the
Summary file are on the SFTP server
• Upload all the required scripts to OSS and login to Required RNC and run
the scripts as per below sample command. Process is same to run all the
scripts in RNC
trun /home/ericsson/
Process to check the status of defined sites in
RNC: Some Useful commands with printouts
Ping status from RNC to Any Base Band IuB
Interface IP:
To Delete any MO for Example any NBR:
Some Commands to Check the RNC Health
Check-up as below:
• cabx (Hardware Status)
• st Plugin (Pluginunit status)
• strt (Combined status of all Iub and Utrancell exist in RNC).
• st ipinterface (Status of IpInterface of all the Interfaces like- iub, iucs,iups,sigtran)
• st ipaccesshostet (status of all the RNC internal hosts for different interfaces.
• alt ( status of present Alarm in RNC)
• pmr (then select the required counter to get the information and it is for KPI monitoring
• st ranap (status of Iucs, IuPs Interfaces)
• st rnsap (status of Iur Interfaces)