Compliance, Data and Identity Protection
Compliance, Data and Identity Protection
Compliance, Data and Identity Protection
Identity Protection
Nonis Pistol, 20.05.2021, Mirabaud Asset Management
The goal of this presentation is to describe a new modern IT
environment for Mirabaud Asset Management and the transition
path from the existing environment in terms of Compliance,
Nonis Pistol, 20.05.2021, MAM
Microsoft 365 – Shared responsibility model
Operating Systems
Physical Datacenter
Nonis Pistol, 20.05.2021, MAM
Security Layout
Security Management
Click a URL
Exploitation Command
& Installation & Control
Browse to
a website User account Attacker attempts Privileged account Domain
is compromised lateral movement compromised compromised
Azure PaaS Azure IaaS
Introduction to identity with Microsoft Cloud Software as a Service
Integrating your identities with the Microsoft cloud Microsoft Intune Your LOB application Your LOB application on
provides access to a broad range of services and Virtual machines
applications. Dynamics 365 Your mobile app LOB app
Office 365
Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) integration provides:
• Identity management for applications across all
categories of Microsoft s cloud (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS).
• Consolidated identity management for third-party cloud
applications in your portfolio. Extend your on-
Azure AD integration Domain premises directory
• Collaboration with partners. Services services to your
• Management of customer identities.
azure virtual
• Integration with web-based applications located on-
Nonis Pistol, 20.05.2021, MAM
For line of business (LOB) applications hosted on virtual
machines in Azure IaaS, you can use Domain Services in
Your on-premises datacenter
Azure AD. Or you can extend your on-premises Windows
Server Active Directory (AD) environment.
Identity Management
• Azure AD Connect will be used to sync identities from local
Active Directory to Azure/Microsoft 365.
• PTA is recommended can be used as well as authentication
method for users using the following services: Exchange
Online, Sharepoint, OneDrive
Nonis Pistol, 20.05.2021, MAM
Azure AD Connect
Sync Seamless
engine authentication
sign-on MFA
Azure AD Service
Windows Server Connect
Active Directory
Microsoft Azure
Active Directory
/ Private cloud
Password Hash Sync (PHS)
Azure AD
Azure AD Connect
Great user experience Secure and compliant Easy to deploy & administer
Same passwords for cloud-based Only non-reversible hashes are No on-premises agent needed
and on-premises apps stored in the cloud
Leaked credential report available
Disaster recovery option incase Small on-premises footprint
other auth methods are unavailable Integrated with Smart Lockout,
Identity Protection and Conditional
Pass through Authentication (PTA)
Azure AD
AuthN Agent
AuthN agent Directory
Great user experience Secure and compliant Easy to deploy & administer
Azure AD
Works with Password Hash Sync No additional on-premise SSO experience from domain-
and Pass-through Authentication infrastructure joined devices within your corpnet
PTA remarks
• No Detection of users with leaked credentials.
• If used: Azure AD Domain Services needs Password Hash Synchronization to be enabled.
• Pass-through Authentication is not integrated with Azure AD Connect Health.
PHS remarks
• On-premises password expirations not synced/enforced in the cloud and are not enabled by default
• Temporary password with change at first logon is supported but not enabled by default
For both approach, Password Self Service Reset portal with password write back is strongly
recommended with strong protection mechanisms (MFA, personal questions, etc) DNS Request User
Service admin
Notes Resource
•• Azure
Azure AD
AD resides
resides in
in an
an Azure
Azure Subscription
•• Global
Global Admin
Admin cancan self-assign
self-assign permission
permission to
to manage
manage Azure
•• Service
Service &
& Account
Account Admins
Admins are
are assigned
assigned on
on each
each subscription
Privileged Access Management
Controlling privileged access by Microsoft service
engineers and by your administrators
Privileged workflow
Baseline Require multi-factor Block clients that don·t Require compliant PCs High risk users must Define compliance policies
authentication (MFA) when support modern change password
(One policy for each
risk is medium or authentication
high (Forces users to change
(Clients that do not use their password when
modern authentication can signing in if high risk
Require approved apps bypass conditional access activity is detected for their Define app protection
rules, so it·s important to account) policies
(Enforces mobile app
protection for phones and block these) (One policy per platform —
tablets) iOS, Android)
(Enforces Intune
management for PCs and
for redundancy.
• Monitoring will be sent to the Azure Monitor logs.
Azure Key Vault roles (use cases)
Developer for software as a "I don't want the responsibility or potential liability for my customers' tenant √ Customers can import their own keys into Azure and manage them.
service (SaaS) keys and secrets. When a SaaS application needs to perform cryptographic operations by
using customers' keys, Key Vault does these operations on behalf of the
I want customers to own and manage their keys so that I can concentrate on application. The application does not see the customers' keys.
Ersteller, Datum, Dokumentenname, C2 Internal
Chief security officer (CSO) "I want to know that our applications comply with FIPS 140-2 Level 2 or √ Choose vaults for FIPS 140-2 Level 2 validated HSMs.
FIPS 140-2 Level 3 HSMs for secure key management. √ Choose managed HSM pools for FIPS 140-2 Level 3 validated HSMs.
I want to make sure that my organization is in control of the key lifecycle √ Key Vault is designed so that Microsoft does not see or extract your
and can monitor key usage. keys.
√ Key usage is logged in near real time.
And although we use multiple Azure services and resources, I want to
manage the keys from a single location in Azure." √ The vault provides a single interface, regardless of how many vaults
you have in Azure, which regions they support, and which applications
use them.
Azure Security Center
Azure Security Center
• Because Security Center is natively part of Azure, PaaS services in Azure - including Service Fabric, SQL
Database, SQL Managed Instance, and storage accounts - are monitored and protected by Security Center
without necessitating any deployment.
• In addition, Security Center protects non-Azure servers and virtual machines in the cloud or on premises, for
both Windows and Linux servers, by installing the Log Analytics agent on them. Azure virtual machines are
auto-provisioned in Security Center.
4. EOP
5. Advanced Threat
Microsoft 365 Data repository
SharePoint OneDrive
Content and knowledge management Individual file storage
Data Encryption
Customer Key: the customer manages and holds its cloud keys, and it explicitly authorizes
M365 services to use their encryption keys to provide value added cloud services, such as
anti-malware, anti-spam, search indexing, etc.
Customer key in Microsoft 365
Data Access
1 2 3 4
1 By default, Microsoft engineers have zero standing administrative privileges and zero standing access to customer
content in Office 365.
2 A Microsoft engineer can have limited, audited, and secured access to a customer's content for a limited amount of time.
3 Access is only when necessary, for service operations and only when approved by a member of Microsoft senior
management and by the customer itself (i.e. Customer Lockbox feature)
4 Access control requests, approvals, and administrative operations logs are captured for analysis of security and malicious
Customer lockbox in M365 or MS Azure
Microsoft 365 compliance center
Recommended actions
Reduce compliance risks
with actionable guidance
Unified approach
Protection & 88
YOUR DATA Apply Policy
Governance •
Prevent data loss
• Archiving
• Retention & deletion
• Restrict access • Records management
Protect and
• Watermark • Disposition reviews
govern data – Monitor
wherever it lives • Sensitive info discovery
• Audit trial
GOVERN • Content explorer
YOUR DATA • Activity explorer • Proof of disposals
Sensitive Label – Sample
Sensitive information that must remain within the company, such as the budget,
CONFIDENTIAL minutes, AHV number etc. Any external sharing of this data is prohibited and can
PUBLIC seriously damage the company's reputation.
Public company information. This data can be distributed to any internal or external
person without prejudice to the company.
Containers labelling (SPO / Teams)
Using sensitivity labels to classify and protect documents and emails, it is also possible to use these privacy
labels to protect content in the following containers: Microsoft Teams sites, Microsoft 365 Groups and
SharePoint sites.
This feature will allow to classify and protect directly at the container level, not only on the documents. The
following parameters can be used:
• Confidentiality of Teams sites and M365 groups: This option allows you to define whether an M365
group (the basis of a Teams site) is public within the company or by invitation only.
• External user access: This option allows the addition of external people (Guest) to the company
within the Teams site.
• External sharing from SharePoint sites: This option defines whether documents can be shared
individually with people outside the company.
• Access from registered devices: This option allows you to define whether employees can log into this
Teams site with a non-company-managed workstation.
Data Loss Prevention
To comply with corporate standards and regulations, it is necessary to protect sensitive information and prevent accidental
disclosure. The data loss protection (DLP) policies available in Microsoft 365 allow you to automatically identify, monitor,
and protect sensitive information.
User Notification
Retention policies:
• Retaining content for specific period of time
• Retaining content that contains sensitive information
• Choose locations
• Know the principles
Building the Microsoft Threat Protection suite
Microsoft 365 Security Center
Builds on best of breed
security workloads Incidents, investigations, threat hunting, threat analytics
Ersteller, Datum, Dokumentenname, C2 Internal
EOP – how it works
Microsoft Defender for Office 365
EOP vs MS Defender for O365
Nonis Pistol, 27.04.2021, MAM