Syndicate 9 - MCU Lesson Learning

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Continuity vs Renewal

Syndicate 9
ARI PRASETYO | 29119613
I WAYAN YUDA S | 29119573
Make your own personal argument on the situation
1 pertaining to the Marvel Studios’ case, especially from the
point of view of the company’s business strategy.
• Create a big master plan
• A master plan with a defined schedule, a baseline story arc, and a clear idea of possible projects spanning different
media. MCU storyline come with several phases which one phases consist of several movies.
• The storyline is well orderly and so easy to understand by fans compared to its competitors (DC Comic)  DC
(Warner Brothers) has failed in this aspect, and its movies span time and realities in a confusing manner, which makes
its cinematic universe much less immersive than Marvel’s.
• Opting for a project and program approach for how it fleshes out origin stories.
• The movies introducing and detailing its individual superheroes are individual projects. These contain references to
the overall cinematic universe and may even include other heroes’ substantial involvements in its plot. For example,
Iron Man had 37 minutes of screen time in the third Captain America movie.
• Create Unique differentiation and involving the customer experiences  the uniqueness of
MCU movies for fans it’s the Marvel always kept the excitement and discussion alive for the next
film in line with the famous post-credit easter eggs.
Can the formula be appropriately applied to other
2 business situation and/or in the unit that you are
currently associated with?
• There are many important lessons to be learned from Marvel’s success. Marvel’s strategy of
universe building can help position a company, or its products and services for long-term and
sustainable growth.
• Marvel ensures its movies do not cannibalize each other or the TV shows. The well-defined line-
up and individualized positioning for each film ensure there is no cannibalization.
• Avenger protector of earth, guardians of galaxy protector of galaxy, Doctor Strange protecting different reality of
dimension, SHIELD is day-to-day protector, etc.
• Marvel’s “universe-building strategy”  example implemented by other business situation
• Companies like Procter and Gamble and Unilever have managed to build this shared universe of products in the
FMCG sector. To do this, they rely on price points and product story arcs. This ensures their products don’t end up
cannibalizing each other and complement each other.
Can the formula be appropriately applied to other
2 business situation and/or in the unit that you are
currently associated with?
Differentiation Strategies  Marvel builds its overall brand.
With a strong brand with movie roadmaps  Each character has individual movies.

The differentiation strategy needs transformation. The transformation of new knowledge in a four-step process
called Four “I”:
• Idea, invention, innovation, and imitation.
• Invention: the transformation of an idea into a new product or service
• Innovation: commercialization of an invention
• Imitation: the end of innovation process when the competitors attempt to imitate it.
Marvel’s success is rooted in four key principles: (1) select for experienced inexperience, (2) leverage a stable
core, (3) keep challenging the formula, and (4) cultivate customers’ curiosity. 
Marvels succeed in combining “entrepreneurial action, creating new opportunities (or exploiting existing ones)
with strategic action taken to pursue competitive advantage.
“Hired Experience strategic business specialist which inexperienced with Badak LNG existing operation”

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