SHRM Chapter 5
SHRM Chapter 5
SHRM Chapter 5
• Each of the terms shown in the last slide reflects the diverse
antecedents of HRM and they also reveal aspects of the
different ideologies associated with these approaches.
• HRM to be focused on the management of line managers,
management of culture, and organizing resources towards
achieving profit.
• HRM was essentially unitary in perspective, built on the notion
that employee-employer interests could be reconciled.
What is SHRM?
• Similarly, some early forms of personnel management had a
‘welfare’ parentage.
• Personnel management was felt to be more administrative,
developing policies, rather than any notion of the link between
• The terms ‘industrial relations’ and ‘employment relations’ reflect
the collectivist (pluralist) approach to employee-employer relations
• Each of these terms, in varying degrees, broadly correspond to
the predominant term ‘HRM’.
What is SHRM? Definitions