Presentasi - Spektrofotometri Emisi
Presentasi - Spektrofotometri Emisi
Presentasi - Spektrofotometri Emisi
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Basic principle of emission
Intensitas emisi
konsentrasi contoh
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Atomization Emission Sources
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Flame spectrophotometry
• Untuk analisis kation yg mudah tereksitasi
ke tingkat lebih tinggi pd temperatur nyala
yg rendah
• Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Ca, Ba, Cu
• Nonlogam tdk menghasilkan atom netral
yg terisolasi dlm nyala tdk cocok utk
dianalisis dg metode flame
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sederhana, murah, cepat, sensitif
dpt diaplikasikan untuk sampel klinis,
biologis dan lingkungan
atom fasa gas dalam nyala memiliki
garis emisi yg sempit dan karakteristik
relatif bebas dari gangguan unsur lain
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1. nebulisasi Preparasi
2. desolvasi/
3. atomisasi
4. eksitasi/emisi
5. separasi/ deteksi
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Flame structure
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Reaksi yang terjadi
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Temperatur rendah :
metode sangat sensitif thd stabilitas
flame dan kondisi aspirasi
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menggunakan PLASMA sbg
ICP-AES sumber atomisasi & eksitasi
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before we go further….
answer this question !
1. What is plasma ?
2. Is plasma the same as flame ? If it is not, what is the
difference ?
3. How is ICP produced ?
4. Draw a schematic diagram of ICP-AES instrumentation !
5. Can solid sample be determined directly by ICP-AES
without converting it to liquid/solution phase ?
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ICP torch
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The operating conditions of an ICP-OES instrument are
determined by a number of variable parameters.
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For liquid samples
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Many forces can be used to break up a liquid into an aerosol;
however, only two have been used successfully with an ICP,
pneumatic forces and ultrasonic mechanical forces.
Meinhard® nebulizers
concentric nebulizer
micro-concentric nebulizer
cross-flow nebulizer
Babington nebulizer
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Ultrasonic nebulizer with desolvation
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For solid samples
Source 1
Source 2
The LA, releases Source 2
materials, produces Excitation
free atoms and form Excitation
the analyte species
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Laser ablation – ICP- AES
1. laser
2. laser ablation
3. PTFE transportation
4. optical bench
5. ICP torch
6. ICP match box
7. échelle
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Laser ablation – MIP- AES
1. laser
2. laser ablation
3. PTFE transportation
4. plasma gas in
5. Optical bench
6. PTFE vapor
transport valve
7. quartz plasma torch
8. rectangular
microwave cavity
9. tunning screw
10. lens
11. échelle
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Schematic of overall optical system used for MIP source
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1. silica window
2. chamber
3. Ar gas inlet port
4. gas outlet tube
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Direct Current Plasma (DCP)
• Plasma forms by
bringing graphite
and W electrodes in
contact with one
• Temp @ core
in viewing region
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ICP DCP Comparison
• 30
Comparison of Plasma to Flame
Emission Sources
• Plasma sources offer significantly better
quantitative data than do other flame emission
- High stability
- Low noise
- Low background
- Freedom from interferences
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Quantitative analysis
The intensity of the emitted
radiation (P) is proportional to
the number of excited
atoms N*
N0 = number of atoms in the
ground state
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Pengolahan data
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Teknik adisi standar
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Teknik standar internal
Li (ppm) Na (ppm) Intensitas
0 10 0 0
1 10 2 15,8
2 10 4 31,4
3 10 6 45,4
4 10 8 58,1
5 10 10 70,2
contoh 10 unknown 43,2
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