Module - 1.lecture-2.power Point

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Water Quality Monitoring:

Collection of water samples

estimation of physical parameters
It is essential for devising water quality management
programme to properly use water in any project. It gives
information for following decisions to be taken [1]:
 Helps in identifying the present and future problems of
water pollution.
 Identifying the present resources of water as per various
 It helps in developing plans and setting priorities for water
quality management programme so as to meet future water
 It helps in evaluating the effectiveness of present
management actions being taken and devising future course
of actions.
For physical examination, water can be collected in fully cleaned
ordinary buckets or plastic cans. If the water is to be collected for
chemicals tests, the container, usually glass bottles of more than 2
liter capacity should be thoroughly washed and cleaned; and then
the water should be collected in it.

For the collection of water for bacteriological tests, the person who
collects the water must be free from any disease. The containers and
bottles must be cleaned with sulphuric acid, potassium dichromate or
alkaline permanganate, and then, they should be thoroughly rinsed
with distilled water and finally sterilization should be done.
Immediately after collection of the samples, bottles should be closed
and covered with clot to prevent accumulation of dirt, etc. The
testing of water samples should be done as early as possible.
Following points should be kept in view while collecting the samples:

(i) If the water is to be collected from a tap or faucet, sufficient quantity

of wastewater should be allowed to pass through the tap, before
collecting sample from because it will eliminate the stagnant water.

(ii) If the water is to be collected from the surface stream or river, it

should be collected about 40-50 cm below the surface to avoid the
collection of surface impurities oils, tree leaves, etc. which should also
removed by strainers while collecting the water through intakes.

(iii) In case the water is being collected from the ground sources i.e.
through well or tube well, sufficient quantity of water should be
pumped out before collecting the samples.
Table -1 Principal constituents of concern in
wastewater treatment [2, 3].
Constituent Importance
Suspended solids Lead to sludge deposits and development of anaerobic conditions
Biodegradable Depletion of natural oxygen and to the development of septic condition;
organics Composed principally of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, biodegradable
organics, etc.; Measured in terms of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)
and chemical oxygen demand (COD).

Pathogens Communicable diseases

Nutrients Nitrogen and phosphorus are principal limiting nutrients for growth; Cause
eutrophication in lakes & ponds
Heavy metals Added wastewater from commercial and industrial activities; Many of the
metals are highly toxic at small concentration also.
Priority Organic and inorganic compounds having known or suspected
pollutants carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, teratogenicity and/or high acute toxicity.
Refractory Organic compounds like surfactants, phenols and agricultural pesticides,
organics etc. resist conventional method of wastewater treatment.
Dissolved Inorganic constituents such as calcium, sodium and sulphates are added to
inorganics the original domestic water supply as a result of water use and may have to
be removed if the wastewater is to be reused.
The physical tests include the following tests:

The temperature of water is measured by means of ordinary
thermometers. Density, viscosity, vapor pressure and surface tension
of water are all dependent upon the temperature. The saturation
values of solids and gases that can be dissolved in water and the rates
of chemical, biochemical and biological activity are also determined
on the basis of temperature. The temperature of surface water is
generally same as the atmospheric temperature while that of ground
water may be more or less than atmospheric temperature.
The color of water is usually due to presence of organic matter in colloid condition, and due to the presence
of mineral and dissolved organic and inorganic impurities. Transparent water with a low accumulation of
dissolved materials appears blue. Dissolved organic matter such as humus, peat or decaying plant matter,
etc. produce a yellow or brown color. Some algae or dinoflagellates produce reddish or deep yellow waters.
Water rich in phytoplankton and other algae usually appears green. Soil runoff water has a variety of yellow,
red, brown and gray colors [4, 5].

The color in water is not harmful but it is objectionable. The color of a water sample can be reported as
Apparent or True color.
Apparent color is the color of the whole water sample and consists of color from both dissolved and
suspended components.
True color is measured after filtering the water sample to remove all suspended material.

Before testing the color of the water, first of all total suspended matter should removed from the water by
centrifugal force in a special apparatus. After this, the color the water is compared with standard color
solution or color discs. When multicolored industrial wastes are involved, such color measurement is

The color produced by one milligram of platinum in a litre of distilled water has been fixed as the unit of
It is caused due to presence of suspended and colloidal matter in the water.
 Ground waters are generally less turbid than the surface water.
 The character and amount of turbidity depends on the type of soil over which the
water has moved.
Turbidity is a measure of the resistance of water to the passage of light through it.
Turbidity is expressed in parts per million (ppm or milligrams per litre or mg/1).
Earlier, the turbidity produced by one milligram of silica in one litre of distilled
water was considered as the unit of turbidity.
Turbidity was previously determined by Jackson candle Turbidity units (JTU). This
unit is now replaced by more appropriate unit called Nephelometric Turbidity unit
(NTU) which is the turbidity produced by one milligram of formazin polymer in one
litre of distilled water.
Nephelometry method has better sensitivity, precision and applicability over a
wide range of particle size and concentrations as compared to older methods [6].
a) NTU: limited to instruments that comply with EPA
Method 180.1.
b) FNU: pertains to instruments that comply with ISO
7027, the European drinking-water protocol. This
includes many of the most commonly used
submersible turbidimeters.
NB.: Formazine (formazin) is a heterocyclic polymer
produced by reaction of hexamethylenetetramine
with hydrazine sulfate.
Tastes and odors:
Tastes and odors in water are due to the presence of
(i) dead or living microorganisms;
(ii) dissolved gases such as hydrogen sulphide, methane, carbon dioxide or
oxygen combined with organic matter;
(iii) mineral substances such as sodium chloride, iron compounds; and (iv)
carbonates and sulphates.

 The odor of water also changes with temperature.

 The odor may be classified as sweetish, vegetable, greasy, etc.
 The odor of both cold and hot water should be determined.

The intensities of the odors are measured in terms of threshold odor number
(TON). TON indicates how many dilutions it takes to produce odor-free water.
In this method, enough odorfree water is added to the flasks containing
different amount of sample to create a total volume of 200 ml.

• Where, A is the volume of sample water and B is
the volume of odor-free water added to make 200
ml of total water.
Solved Problems
Problem 1
Find the TON when odor is just barely detected in a flask
containing 40 ml of sample water.

TON = = [Ans.]
Problem 2
The BOD6 of a wastewater is determined to be 400
mg/l at 20oC. The k value at 20oC is known to be 0.23
per day. What would be BOD8 value, if tests were run
at 15oC?
BODt,T =BODu(1- exp(-kTt))

kT = k20(q) (T-20) ; q = 1.047

kT = k20(1.047) (T-20)

  u = = 534.458 mg/l

K15 = k20*1.047(15-20) = 0.183 –d

BOD8,15 = BODu*(1- exp(-k15*8))

= 410.643 mg/l [ANSWER]
6 ml of wastewater is diluted to 300 ml distilled
water in standard BOD bottle. Initial DO in the
bottle is determined to be 8.5 mg/l. DO after 5
days at 200C is found to be 5 mg/l. Determine
BOD5 of wastewater and compute the ultimate

  5 =X(Vw+ Vd)

= x (300) = 175 mg/l


BODt = BODu (1- e-kt ) at any particular temperature

BODu = BOD5 /(1- e-5k )
= 175/(1-e-5*0.23)
= 256 mg/l [Answer]
Problem-4 (H.W) PRACTICE
The BOD5 of a wastewater is determined to be
150 mg/l at 20oC. The k value at 20oC is known
to be 0.23 per day. What would be BOD8 value if
tests were run at 15oC.
Specific conductivity of water:
 The total amount of dissolved salts present in water can be estimated by
measuring the specific conductivity of water.

 The specific conductivity of water is determined by means of a portable

ionic water tester and is expressed as micro-mho per cm at 25°C.

 ‘mho’ is the unit of conductivity and it equals to 1 Ampere per volt.

 The specific conductivity of water in micro mho per cm at 25°C is

multiplied by a coefficient generally 0.65 so as to directly obtain the
dissolved salt content in mg/L or ppm.

 The actual value of this coefficient depends upon the type of salt present
in water.
[1] Bartram, J. Water Quality Monitoring: A Practical Guide to the Design and
Implementation of Freshwater Quality Studies and Monitoring Programmes.
United Nations Environment Programme,World Health Organization, Taylor &
Francis, 1996.

[2] Tchobanoglous, G., Burton, F. L., Stensel, H. D., Metcalf and Eddy, Inc.
“Wastewater Engineering Treatment and Reuse”, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2003.

ent accessed on January 14, 2012.


accessed on January 15, 2011

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