Parallel Processing Chapter - 2: Basics of Architectural Design
Parallel Processing Chapter - 2: Basics of Architectural Design
Parallel Processing Chapter - 2: Basics of Architectural Design
Chapter -2
Basics of Architectural Design
• The work that each instruction of the RISC machine performs is simple and straight forward.
Thus, the time required to execute each instruction can be shortened and the number of
machine cycles reduced.
• Typically the instruction execution time is divided in five stages, and as soon as processing
of one stage is finished, the machine proceeds with executing the second stage and so on.
Following figure shows a simple pipelining •LOAD RA (Load from memory location A)
scheme, in which F and E phases of two •LOAD RB (Load from memory location B)
different instructions are performed
simultaneously. This scheme speeds up the •ADD RC ,RA , RB (RC = RA + RB )
execution rate of the sequential scheme. •SUB RD, RA, RB (RD = RA - RB )
5. Number of Cycles Per Instruction (CPI) 5. Number of CPI is one as it uses pipelining.
varies from 1-20 depending upon the Pipeline in RISC is optimized because of
instruction. simple instructions and instruction formats.
T = Ic X (P + m X k) X Ʈ
Where P = Number of processor cycle required for instruction
Decode and Instruction Execution.
m = Number of memory access required, and
k = Ratio between memory cycle and processor cycle.
MIPS (Million Instruction Per Second) = The processor speed is often measured
in term of million instruction per second (MIPS). We simply call it, the MIPS
Rate of a given processor.
• It should be emphasized that the MIPS rate varies with respect to number of
factor including Clock Rate (f), Instruction Count (Ic) and CPI of the given
machine as defined below:
MIPS rate = ≡ ≡
Wp = OR
Numerical problem -1
• Problem 1.1 A 40-MHz processor was used to execute a benchmark
program with the following instruction mix and clock cycle counts:
Instruction Clock
Instruction type
count cycle count
Integer arithmetic 45000 1
Data transfer 32000 2
Floating point 15000 2
Control transfer 8000 2
• Determine the effective CPI, MIPS rate, and execution time for this
Numerical problem -2
• Problem : A workstation uses a 15-MHz processor with a claimed 10-MIPS
rating to execute a given program mix. Assume a one-cycle delay for each
memory access.
(a) What is the effective CPI of this computer?
(b) Suppose the processor is being upgraded with a 30-MHz clock.
However, the speed of the memory subsystem remains unchanged, and
consequently two clock cycles are needed per memory access. If 30% of
the instructions require one memory access and another 5% require two
memory accesses per instruction, what is the performance of the upgraded
processor with a compatible instruction set and equal instruction counts in
the given program mix?
Numerical problem - 3
• Problem : Consider the execution of an object code with 200,000 instructions
on a 40-MHz processor. The program consists of four major types of
instructions. The instruction mix and the number of cycles (CPI) needed for
each instruction type are given below based on the result of a program trace
Instruction type CPI
Arithmetic and logic 1 60%
Load/store with cache hit 2 18%
Branch 4 12%
Memory reference with cache
miss 8 10%
• Determine the effective CPI, and MIPS rate for this program.