DOVE Evolution of Brand
DOVE Evolution of Brand
DOVE Evolution of Brand
Evolution of brand
Arranged by:
Adityo Wibowo
Muhammad Yusuf
Yohan Suryanto Pramono
Case Study
Brand had grown by $1.2 billion. Much of the growth was
attributable to new personal care categories, and exactly how much
could be credited to The Campaign for Real Beauty.
“We want to challenge the definition of the beauty.We believe that beauty has become too
narrow in definition. We want to defy the stereotype that only young, blond and tall are
-Philippe Harousseau, Dove’s Marketing Director-
Dove: The Functional Benefit Era
1957 : “Dove soap doesn’t dry your skin because it’s one-quarter cleansing cream,”
-’Ogilvy and Mather advertising agency’-
“Evolution.” Oversized?
It showed the face of a young Outstanding?
woman as cosmetics, hair
styling and Photoshop editing
transformed it from plainness to “Hates her freckles.”
billboard glamour.
Dove’s mission is to make more women feel beautiful every day by broadening the narrow
definition of beauty and inspiring them to take great care of themselves.
From Brand’s to the Consumer’s Point of View
In 2006 the Dove announced a contest, titled: “Real Ads by Real Women”, to invite
consumers to create their own ads for Dove Cream Oil Body Wash.
When you’re using Dove Cream Oil Body Wash, take note of what you feel, smell, see and
Are you reminded of any pleasant experiences or interesting places?
Look up “luxury” in the dictionary. What does it mean? What could it mean?
Explore the world around you. What luxuries do you find in your world?
Media Planning
Generate broad awareness for the Campaign for Real Beauty and establish
an emotional connection with women
Build coverage and interest with more than 200 local news
programs and more than 60 national broadcast and print
Established the global Dove Self - Esteem Fund to raise the self-
esteem of girls and young women
Organizing for Brand Management
A brand is a name, term, sign, symbol or design, intended to identify the
goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate
them from those of competitors.
Brand Development:
Take responsibility for developing the idea behind a brand,
for innovation and for evolving the idea into the future.
Brand building:
Charge with bringing the brand to life in their
Organizing for Brand Management
Self-acceptance & Confidence : Highlights the commitment to
breaking down stereotypes and enabling women to celebrate
real inner beauty.
o Unconventional strategy
o Effective advertising, Free
o Continuously evolving the
o Strong emotional touch
o Cross-selling Possibilities
Weakness / Criticisms
Contradictory in nature
Objectification of women
Women featured were comparatively
Use of idealized images in other brands
under the same flagship
Contradictory Japanese campaign
Opportunity / Recomendation
R i s k o f b e i n g a b r a n d f o r “ f a t
I n v o l v e d m a r k e t i n g r i s k
C o p y b y t h e c o m p e t i t o r s
U n d e r m i n i n g t h e a s p i r a t i o n
of consumers
S u s t a i n a b i l i t y o f c a m p a i g n i n
long run
Success Of The Campaign