Tale of The Fa Lcon: Giovanni Boccaccio
Tale of The Fa Lcon: Giovanni Boccaccio
Tale of The Fa Lcon: Giovanni Boccaccio
Giovanni Boccaccio
(born 1313, Paris, Fr.—di
ed Dec. 21, 1375, Certald
o, Tuscany [Italy]), Italian
poet and scholar, best re
membered as the author
of the earthy tales in the
Decameron. With Petrarc
h he laid the foundations
for the humanism of the
Renaissance and raised v
ernacular literature to th
e level and status of the c
lassics of antiquity.
Italy foremost writters raised i
n florence.Boccaccio later stu
died business but soon transfe
rred his ambition from bankin
g to Literature.
Most of boccaccio work explor
e the theme of love.
Federigo, monna giovanna
and unnamed Boy
Love, the nature of giving and sa
crifice, loss and guilt, fate and re
demption, marital affection and
It is on Italy, 14th Cen
Giovanna wants the bird because
she want to give it to her son but
fredigo kill it and serve it as their
Federigo falls in love with Monna Giov
anna, one of the most beautiful and c
harming women in Florence and spen
ds his money exorbitantly to court her
. She, however, doesn't take any notic
e, and Federigo is forced into poverty
in the country with only his prized falc
on for company.
Monna Giovanna's husband dies, and
she moves to the country with her so
n for her mourning period. The two liv
e near Federigo, and the son often sp
ends time with the man. Unfortunatel
y, the boy falls ill and asks for Federig
o's falcon to cure him. The mother is t
roubled at the thought of taking Feder
igo's only source of income, but she d
ecides to try for the sake of her son.
Federigo welcomes Monna Giovanna i
nto his house, but soon he becomes an
xious when he realizes that he has not
hing to feed her for dinner. To make a g
ood impression, he orders the falcon ki
lled and roasted for dinner. After dinne
r, Monna Giovanna begs Federigo to gi
ve her the falcon, whereupon he beco
mes inconsolable and bursts into tears
because he cannot comply with her re
Sadly, the son passes away, and
Monna Giovanna is required to re
marry. She declares that she will
have no one but Federigo, and to
gether with her riches and Federi
go's newfound sense, they live ha
ppily for the rest of their days.
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