Grup 6 - NOUN

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P 0 6

GRUamita Sarki asa

L usi M ya Per
 g Ja
g u n
 M A

W hat is a NOUN ?
Noun is a word u
sed to name a
person, animal, p
lace, thing, and
abstract idea.


Abstract noun Concrete noun

Abstract Noun
Abstract noun name ideas, feelings, and qualities.
Abstract Noun is something that can’t be sensed by five
senses (smell, touch, hear, see and taste).
Example: love, hate, friendship, belief, kindness
Abstract Nouns are derived from: 2. Adjective
a. Pluss suffix -ness
1. Verb Ex: ill  illness
a. Plus suffix -ance, -ence to verb b. Pluss suffix -y
Ex: Attend  attendance Ex: opportune  opportunity
Differ  difference
b. Pluss suffix –y
Ex: Deliver delivery
3. Noun self
a. Pluss suffix -hood
c. Pluss suffix -ment
Ex: brother  brotherhood
Ex: manage  management
b. Pluss suffix - cy
d. Pluss suffix -al
Ex: agen  agency
Ex: arrive  arrival
c. Pluss suffix - ship
Ex: champion  championship
d. Pluss suffix -ian
Ex: music  musician
Concrete Noun
Concrete noun can be touched, felt, held, something
visible, smell, taste, or be heard.
Example: table, chair, woman, pencil, apple
Concrete noun of four(4) kinds:

Concrete Noun

Proper Common Material Collective

noun noun noun noun
1. Proper Noun
A proper noun is a specific name of the
place, a person, or a thing.
2. Common Noun
The first letter of a proper noun is A common noun is a noun that refers
always represented by a capital letter. to a person, thing, and place.
Example: Indah, Tono, Tokyo, Example: Teacher, Island, River,
London, White house, Gajah Mada Pencil,
University. Shop, Boy, Market.

3. Material Noun 4. Collective Noun

Material noun are nouns which is Collective nouns are nouns that
from natural phenomena or the refer to things or people as a
others material. unit.
Example: gold, silver, plant, iron, Example: group, audience,
family, team, crew, class.
diamond, water.
Singular and Plural noun
 when a noun means one only, it
is said to be singular.
Example: table, girl, book, box
 when a noun means more than
one, it is to be plural.
How to know
plural noun?
i n s, s s, x , o,
Nouns endi he p l ura l by Nouns endin
d c h f rom t g in “f ” or
sh, a n “ef ” are ma
adding -es un de plural by
u n = s i
inn g ullaar noun changing “f ”
Plu n o
,c h) + es or “ef ” to
(s,,ss ,x ,o,s
,s h , c
Example: Pllu
ural noun=s
lar noun
Bus – Buses (f or ef) + es
la ss – G l as ses Example:
Box – Boxes Knife – knive
t o – To m atoes Wife – wive
Toma s
Wash - Was Wolf – wolv
– W atc h e s
Watc h
Nouns ending in “y”

Nouns ending in “y” preceded Nouns ending in “y” preceded

by a vowel from their plural by by a consonant is formed into
adding –es a plural by changing
“y  i + es”
Plural noun = singular noun ( - y) + s

Example: Example:
Boy - Boys Lady – Ladies
Play – Plays City – Cities
Key - keys Body - Bodies
Except the rules above,
singular nouns can be formed by adding “s”

Plural noun = singular noun + s

Pen – Pens
Book – Books
Waiter - waiters
Exception irregular plural
Singular Plural Singular Plural
Man Men Tooth Teeth
Woman Women Goose Geese
Child Children Deer Deer
Mouse Mice Fish Fish
Foot Feet Sheep Sheep
Person People Ox Oxen
U nc o u nt a bl e N o un
nt a b le N o un an d
1. Countable Noun s w h ic h c an b e c o u nted
nta b le N o u n r ef er to thing
b e s in g u la r a n d p l
( can
x a mp l
lee : P e n , H o u se, Bag
2. Uncountable N noun w h ic h d o e s n o t h a ve a
u n ta b le N o u n is a
Unc o
to s o m e th
t h in g th
t ha t you
l f o rm
r m , a n d w h ic h reffeers
l ur
plu a fo
could not usually co ir, m oney
r, M ilk , O il , ha
Exampllee: Suga
Thanks You

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