internship-PPT (Pradip Pokharel 1HM17CS023)

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“Product Monitoring & Segregation System Using IOT ”

Dr. A. Vijaya Raghavana
Professor & Head

Nano Robotics Embed Technologies(NRET) is a Bangalore based
ISO 9000-2015 Certified organization.

Nano Robotics Embed Technologies(NRET) Embedded System Service Based Company

that offers a wide range of software and embedded system products services and solutions to
the IOT Home Automation, Customized solution for embedded market place.

NRET works on embedded products utilizing latest technologies. These technologies

includes Sensors, RFID, wifi, Zigbee, Bluetooth, GPS, Audio and Video Streaming and more.

The professionals with industirals experience in embedded technology. The company is

professionally managed and supported by qualified experienced specialists and consultants
with experience in embedded-IoT systems – including hardware and software.
NRET-also started offering support academically for engineering on Workshops, Tech Talk,
Seminars, and Conference to develop students technical skills.
Our training division targets to bridge the gap between industry and academia by providing
quality hands on developments program to the Engineering Students.

NERT have conducted more than 30 hands on workshops on the latest technologies like
IOT’s Robotics, Cloud ,Machine learning, Advance Embedded Systems and Artificial

Managing Directors:

Kamreem unissa.S – An M.Tech graduated from VTU has worked as an embedded

developer for 3 years in CFEI-Center for embedded intelligence and started to look forward
to become an entrepreneur in the technical field and has started to build the organization
with team of experience specialist.
Technical Head:

Baha Fakruddin Ali – An M-Tech graduate from VTU with 4 years of industrial
experience in embedded-IoT technology. He is the backbone for new ideas and
innovations of our development team.


Once upon a time, new product design and development in the field of electronics was
hardware design. Today this isn’t the case. Circuit design – be it analogy or digital circuit
design–is only part of the equation. An electronic system may Include an embedded
microcontroller or a microprocessor requiring programming, a field programmable gate
array (FPGA) coded in a hardware description language such as Verilog or VHDL, and
lots of software in C, assembly language, Java, or any of a dozen other popular languages.
If nothing else, for instrumentation, low-noise analogy systems, and high-speed digital
design, electronic design is bound also to encompass PCB layout, since the copper and
fibre glass of a printed circuit board can be very much a part of the circuit itself at
extreme frequencies or extreme low signal levels.

NRET serve customers who develop products that leverage original work in the deeply
embedded space. They are expert on: How to organize and partition tasks (and hide
information)for modularity, code reuse, function. NRET serve customers who develop
products that leverage original work in the deeply embedded space. Even when we're
writing "assembly," we're frequently thinking "object model." And ease of debugging.

NRET aim is always to provide total solutions to our clients. Therefore, along with
embedded solutions we also system software for user and instrument interface to a PC on
multiple platforms and interface technologies. They develop custom application software
such as:
1. Device Driver Development
2. Web enabling any product
3. Data base management
4. Interface to wireless modem setc.

Products define the identity of technology companies, and the present business
environment seeks innovative ways to turn ideas in to real products-quickly. Having built
expert teams in board design, FPGA design, embedded software, application software,
Embedded Technology Labs is uniquely placed to offer services in products/ total solutions
development - from requirements capture to architecture, design, prototyping, design
validation and support during deployment.

In the present scenario, we see the garbage bins being overloaded and all the garbage
spills out resulting in pollution. The detection,monitoring and management of waste is
one of the primary problems of the present era. Hence our problem statement is to
design a system based on microcontroller using zigbee methodology for collecting
garbage from particular area whose garbage bins are overflowing with prior concern.
This project Garbage Monitoring system using IOT is a very innovative system which
will help to keep the cities clean. This system makes use of microcontroller, LCD
screen, zigbee methodology for sending data. The LCD screen is used to display the
level of garbage collected in the bins.
Literature Survey

This is not an original idea, for the implementation of smart dustbins ; the idea
has existed for many years, after the IoT field finding its grip in our lives. This
is, however an original plan for designing a smart garbage bin with Ultrasonic
sensor ,metal detector, microcontroller (16F877A), xbee-rx (an XBee reactive
extensions API) and MAX232 for transmission of data to the server. The
ultrasonic sensor will be used to detect the level of garbage in dustbin. Metal
detector will be used to detect the opening and closing of lid We have set two
threshold values 50% and 80%.when the garbage level reach 50% and 80% the
notification will get display on the web page Accordingly information is
processed that is controller checks if the threshold level is exceeded or not, and
this information will transfer to the server by using Zigbee .


Pollution is the spread of contaminants into an environment that causes instability,

disorder, harm or discomfort to the environment.Solid waste management is one of the
major environmental problems of India. Solid waste management is the collection,
transport, disposal, managing and monitoring of waste material.It creates unhygienic
environment and bad smell in the society and because of this many disease get spread in
the society to avoid this situation we are designing “Garbage monitoring system using
Internet of Things” In this proposed system the multiple trash bins are located throughout
the city, these trash bins are embedded with low cost embedded device. When the dustbin
gets half filled that is when the threshold value become 50% then the corporation will get
notification and when the garbage level will reach the threshold value 80% then the
notification will get half filled. The proposed system is cost effective because it will notify
twice to the organization and they will get time to optimise the cost of transportation.

1. It saves time and money by using smart waste collection bins and systems equipped
with fill level sensors. As smart transport vehicles go only to the filled containers or
bins. It reduces infrastructure, operating and maintenance costs by upto 30%.
2. It keeps our surroundings clean and green and free from bad odour of wastes,
emphasizes on healthy environment and keep cities more beautiful.
3. It further reduces manpower requirements to handle the garbage collection process.
4. Applying Garbage Monitoring System process to the city optimizes management,
resources and costs which makes it a "smart city". 
5. It helps administration to generate extra revenue by advertisements on smart devices.
6. It decreases traffic flow and consecutively noise due to less air pollution as result of
less waste collection vehicles on the roads. This has become possible due to two way
communication between smart dustbins and service operators.

• Power Supply: We use 12v power supply in our project. It is mainly used to
provide DC voltage to the components on board. 5V is required for relay applied
from power supply. 5V is constantly given to microcontroller.

• Ultrasonic Sensor: Ultra sonic sensor is used to detect the level of garbage. The
sonic waves emitted by the transducer are reflected by an object and received back
in the transducer. After having emitted the sound waves, the ultrasonic sensor will
switch to receive mode.

• Metal detector: Metal detector is used to monitor lid opening or closing. when you
move a metal detector over a piece of metal, the magnetic field coming from the
detector causes another magnetic field to appear around the metal. It's As you move
the detector about over the piece of metal, the magnetic field produced by the metal
cuts through the coil.
• Microcontroller: It get information from sensor and process on it. It compares the
received data with the threshold level set and accordingly output is generated. It
consists of two 8 bit and one 16 bit timer. Capture and compare modules, serial ports,
parallel ports and five input/output ports are also present in it.

• GSM Module: It is used to send message to the garbage depot if the Garbage Can
exceeds the set threshold level. With the help of GSM module interfaced, we can send
short text messages to the required municipal office.

Fig: Architecture diagram


Fig: Flow chart


This project is an integrated system of Ultrasonic sensor, metal detector,

microcontroller, MPlab IDE, Zigbee Rx module. Ultrsonic sensor will give the
readings more accurately, it is introduced for economic and efficient garbage
collection. By implementing this project we can avoid the overflowing of trash
bins in residential areas which will prevent many diseases and hence we can
maintain a clean environment. This system will automatically send the notification
to the municipal corporation. The proposed system is more efficient and practical
then the existing scenario of processing solid waste collection in which everything
is manually done. Every smart dustbins will be given a specific ID number which
will be send in the notification by using that we will get to know the location of
dustbins. His system will reduce the wastage of fuel by reducing number of trips of
garbage collection vehicle.

Further in this we can add up the cost management portion and by the virtue of
which we can place them in an individual’s home. So that they can use them and can
manage the day- to-day garbage by their own and as the bin hits on alarm of filling
its further recycled and can be used in kitchen garden in homes. That would be a
good practice in field of environment safety. Smart dustbin helps us to reduce the
pollution. Many times garbage dustbin is overflow and many animals like dog or rat
enters inside or near the dustbin. This creates a bad scene. Also some birds are also
trying to take out garbage from dustbin. This project can avoid such situations. And
the message can be sent directly to the cleaning vehicle instead of the contractor’s

[1] Navghane S.S., Killedar M.S., Rohokale Dr.V.M, IoT Based Smart Garbage and
Waste Collection Bin, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and
Communication Engineering (IJARECE) 5(5) (2016).

[2] Sahu R.M., Akshay Godase, Pramod Shinde, Reshma Shinde Garbage and Street
Light Monitoring System Using Internet of Things, International Journal Of Innovative
Research In Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation And Control Engineering 4(4)

[3] Gaikwad Prajakta, Jadhav Kalyani, Machale Snehal, Smart Garbage Collection
System In Resedential Area, International Journal of Research in Engineering and
Technology 04(03) (2015).
[4] Tapase R.B., Ashwini Mohite, Trupti Kadam, Puja Deshmukh, Intelligent
Monirtoring System For Garbage Waste Bins Using Arduino, International Journal of
Research in Engineering and Technology 05(12) (2016).

[5] Tarandeep Singh, Rita Mahajan, Deepak Bagai, Smart Waste Management using
Wireless Sensor Network, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and
Communication Engineering 4(6) (2016).

[6] Parkash, Prabu V, IoT Based Waste Management for Smart City, International
Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering 4(2)

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