Applying-For-A-Job-Job - Vocabulary

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looking for a job

job advertisements
job advertisement words
O A part-time job
O A full-time job
O shift work (trabalho por turno)

O experience needed
O interview
O C.V / resume
O apply online
job advertisement example

Full-time cleaner needed

£7.50 per hour

experience preferred
Apply online at
job advertisements
O Read a job advertisement and check if the job is full
time or part time.
O How much money you get per hour.
O The telephone number you should call to apply for the
O The name of the person you should ring.
What Is a Curriculum Vitae?
A curriculum vitae (CV) provides a summary of
your experience and skills. Typically, CVs for entry-
level candidates are longer than resumes—at least
two or three pages. CVs for mid-level candidates
who have amassed numerous publications tend to
run much longer.
CVs include extensive information on
your academic background, including teaching
experience, degrees, research, awards, publications,
presentations, and other achievements.
What is a Resume?
A resume provides a summary of your education,
work history, credentials, and other
accomplishments and skills.4 There are also
optional sections, including a resume objective and
a career summary statement.
Resumes are the most common document
requested of applicants in job applications.
A resume should be as concise as possible.
Typically, a resume is one page long, although
sometimes it can be as long as two pages.
Cover Letter
Here is a list of points you should include:

Say that you would like to apply

Say where you found out about the job

Say why you would like the job

Say why you are qualified to do the job

Say you can provide more information if necessary

Say when you would be available for interview

Cover Letter
Dear Mr Saleh,
I am writing to APPLY for the position of Editorial Assistant which was
ADVERTISED in the latest edition of Gulf News.
I am currently EMPLOYED by a Market Research company as a research
assistant, but am keen to PURSUE a career in publishing, because I enjoy
reading and write my own poetry.
As you will notice on the ATTACHED CV, I graduated in European
Literature. At University I gained considerable EXPERIENCE working on
the student magazine, so I am FAMILIAR with editing techniques. I work
well under PRESSURE and enjoy working in a team. In addition, I speak
English     .
I would be AVAILABLE for interview from next week. Meanwhile, please
do not HESITATE  to contact me if you require further information.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Margaret Roan
Cover Letter
You 'apply' for a job.
Positions are 'advertised'.
You are 'employed' by firms.
You 'pursue' a career.
We 'attach' a CV.
If you speak a language very well, you speak it
If you are 'available' for an interview it means you
are able to do one.
'Do not hesitate' is the best expression here.
O advertised
made known to people

O to apply
to ask in a formal way to be considered for a job

O to pursue
to have, to chase, to follow

O to work well under pressure

to be able to keep calm and do a good job in difficult
O a national newspaper
a newspaper sold across a country
O a financial environment
a place where money plays an important role e.g.
banks, accounting departments
O social events
occasions where people can relax and have fun together
O travel itineraries
details of journeys showing when and how someone will
get to certain places
O interpersonal skills
an ability to get on well with people
If you have  REACHED the interview stage, your CV and
letter of application must have been IMPRESSIVE! The
company now wants to know more about you. But there
is still more work to do if you want to get that job! Make
sure you have RESEARCHED the company as
thoroughly as possible - use the Internet, company
reports, recruitment literature etc. REMIND yourself of
why you applied to this company. Make a list of the
skills, experience, and interests you can OFFER  the
organization. Finally, try to PREDICT the questions you
will be expected to answer - imagine you are the
O nerve-wracking
it makes you feel nervous, scared
O impressive
O effective
to do what is meant to be done well
O researched
found out a lot of information about something
O demonstrate
O to predict
to guess
O an achievement
something good that you have managed to do
O to be sociable
to enjoy being with people
O decisive
good at making decisions quickly
O my aim
what I want to do/achieve
O to be impatient
to dislike having to wait
O common goal
an aim or objective shared with other people
Opower phrases
strong expressions that show how good you are at what you do
the people you work with
aims, goals
things and people which can provide useful information
jobs that no-one is doing that someone is needed to do
job, post
Orecruitment agencies
companies which have details of jobs and details of the people
who might want them
O appointments
dates and times when people will meet, but can also be used to
mean that people have been given particular jobs
O a job offer
a formal request asking that someone accepts a job
O an employment contract
a formal, legal agreement setting out what will be provided by both
the employer and the employee
O job advertisements
publicity about jobs available
O to retire
to stop working, usually because someone has reached a certain age
O ideal
O ambition
a strong wish to achieve your goals and be successful
O drive
the constant energy and determination to succeed
O human resources manager
someone who employs people for a firm,
also known as a personnel manager
O deadlines
the dates or times when certain tasks must
be completed
O to work on your own initiative
to make decisions about your work without
having to wait for someone else to help you
O to multi-task
to do more than one piece of work at a time
O accurate O discreet
O active O efficient
O adaptable O energetic
O competent O Enthusiastic
O conscientious (putting a O experienced
lot O firm
of effort into your work)
O genuine
O creative
O dependable (If someone
or something is
dependable, you can
have confidence in him,
her, or it)
O determined
O diplomatic
O innovative /ˈɪn.ə.veɪ.t̬ ɪv/ O practical
O logical O Productive
O loyal O reliable (can
O mature be trusted or believed)
O methodical O resourceful
O motivated O sensitive
O objective O Sincere
O Outgoing O successful
( friendly and energetic a O tactful (careful not to
nd finding it easy and enj say or do anything that
oyable to be with others) could upset someone)
O positive O trustworthy

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