I Am Sharing 'Farmakologi Obat Pada Sistdm Sensorik' With You
I Am Sharing 'Farmakologi Obat Pada Sistdm Sensorik' With You
I Am Sharing 'Farmakologi Obat Pada Sistdm Sensorik' With You
Organ Sensorik
Mydriatic & Miotic
Cholinergik &
A. Review of Sympathetic Activation
Recall - Muscarinic (M) and
Nicotinic (N) Receptors:
Classification - Anticholinergics
Atropine (hyoscyamine) is found in the plant Atropa
belladonna, or deadly nightshade
Also in Datura stramonium, also known as jimsonweed
(Jamestown weed) or thorn apple
Scopolamine (hyoscine) occurs in Hyoscyamus niger
Many antihistaminics: Histamine, Serotonin, & Ergots
alkaloids, Antipsychotic Agents & Lithium and
antidepressant drugs have similar structures and,
predictably, significant antimuscarinic effects
Datura stramonium
Atropa belladona
Atropine as Prototype
Atropine: Ester of tropic acid (aromatic acid) +
Scopolamine: Ester of tropic acid (aromatic acid) +
Chemically tropine and scopine are closely similar
Most of the actions of both are similar
Atropine - Chemically
Atropinecauses reversible (surmountable)
blockade of cholinomimetic actions at muscarinic
◦ blockade by a small dose of atropine can be overcome
by a larger concentration of acetylcholine or equivalent
muscarinic agonist
Atropine is highly selective for muscarinic
Does not distinguish between the M1, M2, and M3
Some quaternary amine antimuscarinic agents
have significant ganglion-blocking actions
Atropine - Mechanism
◦ The natural alkaloids and most tertiary antimuscarinic drugs are well
absorbed from the gut and conjunctival membranes – some even over
the skin (scopolamine)
◦ Quaternary ones – only upto 30%
◦ Atropine and the other tertiary agents are widely distributed in the
◦ Scopolamine is rapidly and fully distributed into the central nervous
system where it has greater effects than most other antimuscarinic
◦ Quaternary derivatives are poorly taken up by the brain
◦ Atropine is metabolized in liver by conjugation and 60% excretes
unchanged in urine
◦ Effects disappear quickly within 2 Hrs except eye
Atropine - Pharmacokinetics
Central Nervous System: Overall CNS stimulant
◦ Atropine has only peripheral effects and minimal stimulant
effect on CNS – low entry
◦ Atropine stimulates many medullary centres – vagal,
respiratory and vasomotor
◦ Depresses vestibular excitation – antimotion sickness property
◦ Scopolamine has more marked central effects – amnesia and
◦ Parkinson's disease is reduced by centrally acting
antimuscarinic drugs – acting on Basal ganglia (atropine)
◦ Topical atropine and other tertiary antimuscarinic drug - results
in unopposed sympathetic dilator activity and mydriasis
◦ Cycloplegia: desirable in Ophthalmology
but hazardous in narrow angle glaucoma
◦ Dry Eye: Not desirable
Anticholinergics – uses
Commonly occurring but of non serious type
Mydriasis and cycloplegia – using as
antisecretory or Preanaesthetic medication
◦ Causes:
Drug overdose
Consumption of Belladona and Datura seeds
◦ Symptoms:
Dry mouth, difficulty in swallowing and talking
Dry, flushed and hot skin, fever, decreased bowel sound,
Excitement, psychotic behavior, delirium and
Hypotension and cardiovascular collapse
Anticholinergic - ADRs
Diagnosis: Methacholine 5 mg or
Neostigmine 1 mg SC – no muscarinic
◦ Gastric lavage in case of ingestion – KMNO4
◦ Dark Room
◦ Cold sponging and ice bags
◦ Physostigmine 1–3 mg SC or IV
◦ Maintenance of blood volume, assisted
respiration and Diazepam to control
Anticholinergic - Contraindications
Incomplete Oral absorption, Poor penetration in Eye and
CNS, Longer acting than Atropine, Higher Nicotinic
Blocking Property, NM Blockade
◦ Hyoscine Butylbromide: Oesophageal and GIT spastic
conditions – Buscopan
◦ Atropine methonitrate: Abdominal colics and hypercidity
◦ Ipratropium Bromide: Selective action on Bronchial SM
Enhanced mucocilliary clearance (contrast to Atropine)
Slowly acting Bronchodilator - 1-2 Hrs (prophylactic use)
Acts mainly on larger Central airways (contrast to
More effective in COPD than Asthma
Other Drugs – Tiotropium bromide, Propantheline, Oxyphenonium,
Clidinium and Glycopyrrolate
Tertiary Amines
◦ Specific selectivity for receptors in Urinary bladder and salivary
gland (M1/M3)
◦ Additional smooth muscle relaxation property
◦ Uses:
Bladder surgery after urologic surgery
Spina bifida and nocturnal enuresis
Involuntary voiding in patients with neurologic disease -
children with meningomyelocele
Dose: 5 mg BD/tds or local instillation
Tolterodine – M3 selective
Flavoxate – similar to Oxybutynin
Drotaverine: Newer Drug - Non anticholinergic smooth
muscle relaxant – elevation of cAMP/cGMP
◦ Renal colic, biliary colic, IBS, uterine spasms etc.
◦ Dose: 40 – 80 mg tds