Stanley B
Stanley B
Stanley B
Massage Therapy
Byron D. Stanley
May 26, 2021
Purdue University Global
Prof. K. Henningsen
1. What is Massage Therapy
2. History of Massage Therapy
3. Educational and Licensing Requirements
4. Massage Therapy Techniques
Introduction to Massage
Massage is a practice of rubbing and kneading the body using
the hangs (Corkleton, 2018).
Several different types of massage (Corkleton, 2018).
Can be used for sports related injury and chronic pain
(Corkleton, 2018).
Performed by a Massage Therapist (Corkleton, 2018).
A way for you to feel better physically, mentally and
emotionally (Corkleton, 2018).
History of Massage Therapy
Chinese records date back to 2700 BCE and “The Yellow
Emperor’s Classic Book of Internal Medicine” as the first
known record of the benefits of massage (Hope Instilled,
This book was published in English in 1949, becoming a
primary textbook for teaching massage therapy (Hope
Instilled, 2021).
The Chinese believe disease and illness is caused from
a deficiency or imbalance in energy in the meridians or
pathways in the body (Hope Instilled, 2021).
History of Massage Therapy
Egyptian massage records date back to 2500 BCE with tomb
paintings showing people kneading others (Hope Instilled,
Around that same time the Egyptians are also credited with
developing reflexology (Hope Instilled, 2021).
The first known written massage therapy traditions
comes from India between 1500 and 500 BCE, as a
popular form of Ayurveda Medicine—a popular form
of holistic medicine in India (Hope Instilled, 2021).
History of Massage Therapy
Since those early beginnings of Massage therapy there
to been many influences on modern day techniques:
Bob and Brad. (2019). Shiatsu Massage to Relieve Back Pain & Complete Relaxation, Anyone Can Do, 7-10
Mins. YouTube. YouTube.
Carrington College. (2015). How to: Back Massage - Best Techniques from a Massage Therapist.
YouTube. YouTube.
Cronkleton, E. (2018, November 14). What Type of Massage Should You Get? Healthline.
D, B. (2015, December 17). Massage Therapy Techniques: Top 4 Techniques that Therapist Learn. Florida
school/#:~:text=The%20first%20thing%20that%20every,and%20the%20release%20of%20ten sion.
Hope Instilled. (2021). Massages for Chronic Pain. Massage | An oasis from the darkness of pain | Hope
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