Adwsn Unit 1
Adwsn Unit 1
Adwsn Unit 1
Presentation no : 1
Year : 2020
Semester : VII
Date : 01-09-2020
The term ad hoc is a Latin word that literally means "for this"
implying improvised.
• Since the devices in the ad-hoc network can access each other's
resources directly through a basic point-to-point wireless
connection, central servers are not needed.
• All wireless adapters need to use the same service set identifier
(SSID) and channel number.
A hub on a streetlight
Cost and time for Higher cost and takes more Lower cost and does not
installation time for deployment take more time for
Requires periodic
Network maintenance maintenance and hence it is Nodes are self organizing
and hence it is less costly.
It utilizes same frequency Dynamic frequency re-
Frequency re-use channels in the nearby cells use is employed using
with proper antenna
placement. carrier sense mechanism.
1. Military Applications
3. Emergency Operations
Routing topology
• Consider the case when node 11 moves from its current position.
When a neighbor node perceives the link break, it sets all the
paths passing through the broken link with distance as ∞.