Lec 1 Macroeconomics - EconomicThinking
Lec 1 Macroeconomics - EconomicThinking
Lec 1 Macroeconomics - EconomicThinking
• Scarcity means that there are never enough resources to satisfy all human wants.
• Every society, at every level, must make choices about how to use its resources.
• Economics is the study of the trade-offs and choices that we make, given the fact of scarcity.
• Opportunity cost is what we give up when we choose one thing over another.
Goods and Resources
• Economic Goods: goods or services a consumer must pay to obtain; also called scarce
• Free Goods: goods or services that a consumer can obtain for free because they are
abundant relative to the demand.
• Productive Resources: the inputs used in the production of goods and services to make a
profit: land, economic capital, labor, and entrepreneurship; also called “factors of
Productive Resources
Four productive resources also called factors
of production:
• Land: any natural resource, including
actual land, but also trees, plants,
livestock, wind, sun, water, etc.
• Economic capital: anything that’s
manufactured in order to be used in the
production of goods and services. Note
the distinction between financial capital • Labor: any human service—physical or
(which is not productive) and economic intellectual. Also referred to as human
capital (which is). While money isn’t capital.
directly productive, the tools and
• Entrepreneurship: the ability of
machinery that it buys can be. someone (an entrepreneur) to recognize a
profit opportunity, organize the other
factors of production, and accept risk.
Concept of Opportunity Cost
• Monetary Policy: policy that involves altering the level of interest rates, the availability of
credit in the economy, and the extent of borrowing
Economic Model: a simplified version of reality that allows us to observe, understand, and
make predictions about economic behavior.
Economic Models and Math
• Economic models can be represented using words or using mathematics.
• Algebra and graphs are utilized to explain economic models.
Using Economic Models: Examples
• What is scarcity? Explain its economic impact. • How are equations and functions used to
• What is productive resources? describe relationships? What are the cause
and effects?
• What is opportunity cost and its importance in
decision-making? • How does a graph shows the relationship
between two variables?
• Why do trade and markets exist?
• What is the difference macroeconomics and • What is the difference between a positive
microeconomics? relationship and a negative relationship?
• Why are economic models are useful to • How do you interpret economic
economists? information on a graph?