Farmakoterapi Penyakit Infeksi: in Infectious Diseases Dewi Rahmawati, M.Farm-Klin.,Apt
Farmakoterapi Penyakit Infeksi: in Infectious Diseases Dewi Rahmawati, M.Farm-Klin.,Apt
Farmakoterapi Penyakit Infeksi: in Infectious Diseases Dewi Rahmawati, M.Farm-Klin.,Apt
Dewi Rahmawati, M.Farm-Klin.,Apt.
• We use the term antimicrobials when describing
chemotherapeutic agents generally, and antibacterial,
antifungal and antiviral for those used specifically to treat
corresponding infections.
• The term ‘antibiotic’ was originally applied only to those
agents derived from living organisms, usually fungal or
bacterial. However, many antimicrobials are now
manufactured synthetically or semi-synthetically, e.g.
chloramphenicol and the more recent penicillins, so
‘antibiotic’ is now synonymous with ‘antimicrobial’.
• For an antimicrobial agent to be effective in treating a
particular infection it must be able toinhibit the growth of the
causative organism or to kill it.
• The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) is the minimum
concentration of an antimicrobial that is capable of inhibiting
the growth of an organism
• The minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) is the lowest
concentration that will kill it.
What is Infection ?
Penyebab :
a. Infectiuos diseases : viral , ricketsial
b. Infectiuos diseases : bacterial, clamydial
c. Infectiuos diseases : spirocetal
d. Infectious diseases : protozoal, helminthic
e. Infectiuos diseases : mycotic
Infectious Diseases
Sistim organ :
a. Skin infection.
b. Wound infection.
c. Respiratory System infection ( Upper & Lower Resp ).
d. Digestive System infection ( Upper & Lower Digest ).
e. Genitourinary infection
f. Nervous System infection
g. Blood and Lymphatic infection
h. HIV Disease and Complication
1) Patogenitas
2) Virulensi
3) Tropisme (pilihan organ/jaringan yang diserang)
4) Serangan terhadap pejamu
5) Kecepatan berkembang biak
6) Kemampuan menembus jaringan
7) Kemampuan memproduksi toksin
8) Kemampuan menimbulkan kekebalan
Infection and Disease
A. Definitions
- Virulensi :
• Virulensi :
• Kemampuan mikroorganisme untuk
menimbulkan penyakit yang berat atau fatal
Virulen suatu mikroba ditentukan oleh faktor virulen
( Kapsul sel, exotoxin atau endotoksin )
Semakin tinggi virulensi mikroba semakin sedikit
Tergantung :
2) Jumlah mikro-organisme
• Chronic Infection
• An infection characterized by delayed onset and
slow progression ( Tuberkulosis )
I Klasifikasi
• Latent Infection :
tuberculosis )
Duration of symptoms
Incubation Illness Convalesce Organism disappears after
illness; usually immunity to
period nce
reinfection exist
• Secondary Infection
• An infection that develops in an individual who
is already infected with a different pathogen
I Definitions
• Localized infection vs. systemic infection
• Localized Infection
• An infection that is restricted to a specific
location or region within the body of the host
• Systemic Infection
• An infection that has spread to several regions
or areas in the body of the host
Transmission of infection
• Person-to-person spread.
• Food-borne infection: Food poisoning caused by Bacillus cereus for
example. Bacterial spores contaminate rice and survive boiling. If the rice is
cooled and reheated, the spores may germinate and the bacteria produce a
heat-stable toxin that induces vomiting.
• Water-borne infection: typhoid, cholera, dysentery, hepatitis A and
Transmission of infection
• Airborne infection: Legionella pneumophila ,
Tuberculosis. It can be found in many natural
water sources but is commonly associated with
poorly maintained air conditioning systems or
rarely cleaned shower heads.
• Insect-borne infection: Many diseases are
insect borne. Historically the most important is
the plague, caused by Yersinia pestis and
transmitted by rat fleas.
Sign & Sympotoms
• The generallyaccepted range of normal values for WBC counts
is between 4,000 and 10,000 cells/mm3. Values above or
below this range hold important prognostic and diagnostic
• Fever. The average normal body temperature range taken
orally is 36.7 to 37°C (98.0 to 98.6°F).
• Local Signs
• The classic signs of pain and inflammation can manifest as
swelling, erythema, tenderness, and purulent drainage
Pharmacist Role
• Memberikan rekomendasi pemilihan antibiotika yang tepat
• Memberikan informasi obat terkait penggunaan antibiotika
• Kampanye pemakaian antibiotika secara bijaksana
• Infeksi Tunggal
• Fever of Unknown Origin (FUO)
• Infeksi dengan penyakit penyerta spt DM, renal failure
mempersulit terapi
Infeksi Tunggal
Tempat infeksi:
• Saluran kemih • Kulit/jaringan lunak
• Saluran nafas • SSP
• Gigi/Periodontal • Gastrointestinal
• Intraabdomen • Mata
• Pelvis • THT
• Tulang/sendi
• Darah
• Tanda infeksi seringkali
kurang jelas
• Demam (>38,3oC) yang tidak diketahui sebabnya setelah lebih dari satu
minggu atau lebih dari 3 kali kunjungan pada pasien rawat jalan
digolongkan sebagai FUO
• Penyebab : infeksi, neoplasma, penyakit autoimun, penyebab lain
ataupun FUO yang tak terdiagnosis.
• Terapi trial meliputi anti TBC (khususnya pd manula) dan antibiotika
spektrum luas.
• Penggunaan kortikosteroid secara empirik harus dihentikan karena
dapat menekan demam pada dosis yang cukup tinggi DAN dapat pula
memperparah infeksi.
I Definitions
• Opportunistic infection
• An infection caused by microorganisms
that are commonly found in the host’s
B. Terapi Definitif
1. Bacteria Gram-negative
Aerobic Cocci
Gram-positive None
Cocci Rods (bacilli)
Streptococci: pneumococcus, viridans Bacteroides (Bacteroides fragilis, Bacteroides
streptococci; group A streptococci melaninogenicus)
Enterococcus Fusobacterium
Staphylococci: Staphylococcus aureus, Prevotella
Staphylococcus epidermidis 2. Fungi
Rods (bacilli) Aspergillus, Candida, Coccidioides,
Corynebacterium Cryptococcus, Histoplasma, Mucor, Tinea,
Listeria Trichophyton
Gram-negative 3. Viruses
Cocci Influenza, hepatitis A, B, C, D, E; human
Moraxella immunodeficiency virus; rubella; herpes;
Neisseria (Neisseria meningitides. Neisseria cytomegalovirus; respiratory syncytial virus;
gonorrhoeae). Epstein-Barr virus, severe acute respiratory
Rods (bacilli) syndrome (SARS) virus
Enterobacteriaceae (Escherichia coli, 4. Chlamydiae
Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Citrobacter, Proteus, Chlamydia trachomatis
Serratia, Salmonella, Shigella, Morganella, Chlamydia psittaci
Table 56-2 Site of Infection: Suspected
Ciprofloxaci + + + ++ +++ ++ + + ++
Clindamyci + + + + + ++++ + +++ +++
Cotrimoxaz + + + + +++ ++ + ++ + +
Daptomyci + + + + ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++
Erythromyc + + + +++ ++
Table 56-5 In Vitro Antimicrobial Susceptibility: Gram-Negative Aerobes
Pseudomo Haemophi
Klebsiella Enterobac Serratia nas Haemophi lus
Escherichi pneumoni ter Proteus marcesce aeruginos lus influenzae
Drugs a coli ae cloacae mirabilis ns a influenzae a
Ampicillin + + +++ ++++