Sustainability in Indian Agriculture

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- Modern trends

Reddy Akkamma Bharath

Sustainable Farming:
It is the practise of farming using principle of
ecology & the study of relationship between organism and their
 this form of agriculture enables us to produce healthful food
 These are some of the following aspects to be safeguard of
sustainable farming
1) Land
2) Improving Water
3) Protecting soil erison
 to study the human food an fiber needs
 To sustain the economic viability of firm operation
 Make the most efficient use of non-renewable resources
Benefits of sustainable agriculture:
1. Environmental preservation: sustainable farming produce crops and
raise animals without relying toxic
2. Protection of public health : these sustainable crop farms avoid
hazardous pesticides they are able to grow fruits & veg safer for
3. Sustaining vibrant communities : A critical component of its ability to
remain economically viable providing farmers farm-workers and in food
4. Upholding animal welfare : these are helpful to treat animals with care
and also protect animals health & well being
Major agriculture problems in india
• Soil erison
• Manures , fertilizers , and biocides
• Lack of mechanization
• Seeds
• Agricultural marketing
• Lack of transport
• Scarcity of capital
Techniques of sustaining farming:
Use of organic fertilizers = which are used in the animals matter or
veg matters
Integrated pest management = it is board based approach that
integrates sustainable practise for
economic controle of pests it mainly
controls the pests
Biotechnology = use of living systems or organisms to
develop or make useful products it
provides appropriate new tools for use in
solution of problems
Crop rotation = it is practise of growing series of
different types of crops in same area
Modern trends in Indian Agriculture
• Raising the production of food grains
• Agriculture exports
• Modern dairy farming
• Free trade
• Institutionalization of agriculture credit
• Diversification of agriculture

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