Assessing - Cognitive - Function - Clinical & Community - Setting
Assessing - Cognitive - Function - Clinical & Community - Setting
Assessing - Cognitive - Function - Clinical & Community - Setting
Mini Mental Status Exam
Short Portable Mental Status Questionary
Initiation, sequencing, termination skills
3 item naming (non-familiar animals)
Complex sentence repetition
Time and place
Short Blessed Test; G. Blessed, 1968
Used to determine cognitively impaired from normal
6 item test-Patients are asked to answer the items year
and month, time of day, count backward 20-1, recite
months backwards, and the memory phrase.
Easily administered
Verbal responses only
Scoring: 0-4= Normal cognition, 5-9 = questionable
impairment, > 10 = impairment consistent with
Short Portable Mental Status
Questionnaire; E Pfeiffer, 1975
Rapid screening tool for cognitive
10 item test
Easy to administer
Verbal responses only
Scoring: 0-3 errors = normal cognitive
4-5 errors = mild impairment, 6-8 errors =
moderate impairment, 9 or more severe
Short Portable questions
Date anddate
Today’s year patient was born
Day of
Who is the
the week
current President
Who waspersonal
the preceding
Patient’s address
Mother’s maiden name
Patient’s 3age
Subtract from 20, keep calculating down until you can no
longer properly divide
Mini Mental Status Exam
Developed in 1975 by M. Folstein
11 questions, tests orientation, registration,
attention/calculation, recall, language
Takes 5-10 minutes to administer
Max score is 30, a score less or equal to 23
indicates impairment
Category Possible Description
Orientation to 5 From broadest to most narrow. Orientation to time has been
time correlated with future decline.
Orientation to 5 From broadest to most narrow. This is sometimes narrowed down
place to streets, and sometimes to floor.
Registration 3 Repeating named prompts
Attention and 5 Serial sevens, or spelling "world" backwards It has been
calculation suggested that serial sevens may be more appropriate in a
population where English is not the first language.
Recall 3 Registration recall
Language 2 Naming a pencil and a watch
Repetition 1 Speaking back a phrase
Complex 6 Varies. Can involve drawing figure shown
Texas Functional Living Scale
“TFLS provides an ecologically valid,
performance-based screening tool to help
identify the level of care an individual
requires. Brief and easy to use, the TFLS is
especially well-suited for use in assisted living
and nursing home settings”