Programmable Logic Controler (PLC)

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What is a PLC?
Is a specialized computer that uses a programmable
memory to store instructions and to implement functions
such as logic sequencing, timing, counting in order to
control machines and processes.

The term logic is used because programming is primarily

concerned with implementing logic and switching
operations, e.g. if A or B occurs switch on C.
Intro cont…
PLCs are similar to computers but whereas computers are
optimized for calculation and display tasks, PLCs are
optimized for control tasks and the industrial environment.
Thus PLCs are:

• Rugged and designed to withstand vibrations, temperature,

humidity and noise.

• Have interfacing for inputs and outputs already inside the


• Are easily programmed and have an easily understood

programming language which is primarily concerned with
logic and switching operations. 3
Intro cont
In a traditional industrial control system, all control devices
are wired directly to each other . In a PLC system, however,
the PLC replaces the wiring between the devices.

Instead of being wired directly to each other, all equipment is

wired to the PLC. Then, the control program inside the PLC
provides the "wiring" connection between the devices.

The use of a PLC to provide the wiring connections between

system devices is called softwiring.

Advantages of PLCs
• Softwiring makes changes in the control system easy and cheap.
If you want a device in a PLC system to behave differently or to
control a different process element, all you have to do is change
the control program. In a traditional system, making this type of
change would involve physically changing the wiring between the
• Flexibility: Software based system
• Compact: Replace hundreds of relays, timers and counters

• Reliable: Less mechanical parts (Moving parts)

• Reduced costs: Replaced relay control logic circuit

• Easy to troubleshoot: Diagnosis equipment are available
• PLCs take Less floor space than relay control panels. 5
Components of the PLC

The basic components of PLC are;

a) Input module
b) Output module
c) CPU
d) Power supply
e) Programming
Schematic representation of PLC

The input and output (I/O) modules

Are the connections to the industrial

machine/process that is to be controlled

A PLC can only recognize an electrical

Therefore inputs to the controller are electrical signals from
sensors such as limit switches, pushbuttons, proximity and
other measuring devices.
The output signal are the ones which influence the system to
be controlled. The signals are amplified into switching
signals via actuators or converted into other energy form to
operate contactors, cylinders with solenoid valves, stepper
motors, lamps, buzzers, bells etc. 7
CPU continuously read current input status and activate or
deactivate output status according to the program

Input module output module

Input on Output on

There are two basic types of input and output devices:
• Discrete • Analog

Discrete devices are inputs and outputs that have only two
states: on and off.
1 means that the device is on and 0 means that the device is

Analog devices are inputs and outputs that can have an

infinite number of states. These devices can not only be on
and off, but they can also be barely on, almost totally on,
not quite off, etc.

CPU - Central Processing Unit
It consists of a microprocessor for
implementing the logic, and
controlling the communications
among the modules. This is the
‘brain’ of the PLC, while I/O
modules acts as arms and legs

The CPU accepts input data from

sensors, executes the stored user
program, and sends appropriate
output commands to control
Power Supply: Supply DC power to
the modules.
Programming device
Can be PC or Hand-held unit with
display which can communicate
with the PLC processor via a serial
or parallel data communication
Theses devices are provided with
software enable to crate, edit,
document, store and trouble shoot

There are three basic language methods by which user
communicates information with PLC.
• Ladder diagram
• Boolean, and
• Function chart


Function chart

Ladder diagram 12
Ladder diagram Language
It is primary and still popular programming language of PLC,
developed from electromechanical relay system-wiring
To understand ladder logic programming start by simple
switch circuits and convert to relay logic and then to PLC
ladder logic.

Logic Control Elements

There are three basic elements of Logic Control, which are
also called Logic Gates:
• OR
Other elements are derived from these three basic elements
above like NOR, NAND etc.
Normally the binary values 0 or 1 are both used for input and
output to represent OFF and ON respectively.

AND Gate (Series connection)

Gives outputs value of 1 if all of the inputs are 1, and 0

Network symbol

X1 ● X2=Y
Boolean equation
Hardwired logic circuit Truth Table
OR Gate (Parallel connection)
Gives outputs value of 1 if either of the inputs have a value of
1, and 0 otherwise.

X1 +X2=Y

NOT Gate
Has a single input and a single output too gives output 1 if
input is 0 and vice versa.

Combine an AND and NOT gate in sequence

NOR Gate
Combining an OR gate and NOT gate

Basic Ladder Logic Contact Symbols

Normally opened (NO): Passes power (on) when if the

coil driving the contact is on (closed)
Normally closed (NC): Passes power (on) if coil is off
Output or Coil: If any left-to-right path of contacts
passes power, the output is energized (motor, alarm,
solenoid etc).

Examples 1.
For process control, it is desired to have the process start (by
turning on a motor) after a part touches a limit switch, and
an emergency switch will stop the process any time when it
is pushed. Write the ladder program for this process
LS PB Motor

Relay circuit →
Relay logic circuit 19
Ladder Diagram Language Representation

PLC Wiring Diagram

Example 2.
For the following logic instructions; The output Y is on when
(A is on and B is on and C is off) or D is on or E is off.
a. Logic diagram
b. Relay logic diagram
c. Ladder diagram , and
d. Develop Boolean logic equation
a) Logic diagram

b) Relay logic diagram
Determine the type of contact status at normal condition
before turning ON the output Y
A→ Normally opened (NO)
C→ Normally closed (NC)

Relay logic diagram 22

c) Ladder logic diagram

Ladder logic diagram

d) Boolean logic equation

Relay logic in PLC
p u sh b u to n s

p o w er
su p p ly
+ 2 4 V

co m .

in p u ts

adl d er
lo g ci

o u tp u ts

115 aVc lig h t

A C p o w er

n eu t.
Program Scan
During each operating cycle, the processor reads all inputs,
takes these values, and energizes or de-energizes the outputs
according to the user program. This process is known as scan

Because the input can change at any time, the PLC must
carry on this process continuously 25
Scan Process

Data Flow Overview


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