Chapter 2 Automata
Chapter 2 Automata
Chapter 2 Automata
Introduction to Grammars
Grammar and formal Languages
Definition of a Grammar
Sentence Derivation
Derivation from a grammar
Language generated by grammar
Chomsky Classification of grammar
Phrase Structure Grammar (PSG)
Grammar and Languages
English grammar tells us if a given combination of words is a valid sentence.
The syntax of a sentence concerns its form while the semantics concerns
its meaning.
e.g. the mouse wrote a poem
From a syntax point of view this is a valid sentence.
From a semantics point of view not so fast…perhaps in Disney land
Natural languages (English, French, Portguese, etc) have very complex rules of
syntax and not necessarily well-defined.
Formal language – is specified by well-defined set of rules of syntax
Que s t io n ? ?