Toxic Relationship - Persuasive Effect 2
Toxic Relationship - Persuasive Effect 2
Toxic Relationship - Persuasive Effect 2
Eng 2010
A toxic relationship isn’t just something that
happens between someone and their
significant other. These relationships exist in
people’s everyday lives and can be between
anyone that you come into contact with.
Web MD defines a toxic person as “A toxic person is anyone whose behavior adds
negativity and upset to your life. Many times, people who are toxic are dealing with
their own stresses and traumas.” (Brennan, WebMD)
- Even though the bad things outweigh the good, there are still
“good” things about that person.
- Scared to be alone after they leave
- Afraid of losing close friendships they have made with that
- They think that things will change
- Dependance
- Lack of self worth
What are the warning signs of a toxic relationship?
Ducharme, J. (2018, June 05). Toxic relationships: Signs, help and what to do.
Retrieved April 10, 2021, from
Sweet, J. (2021, February 08). How has the pandemic affected your relationship?
Readers weigh in. Retrieved April 10, 2021, from