Day 2 BFP Disciplinary Machinery
Day 2 BFP Disciplinary Machinery
Day 2 BFP Disciplinary Machinery
Section 1. Title. – This Rules shall be known and
cited as the Revised Rules on Administrative Cases
in the Civil Service (RRACCS).
Section 2.COVERAGE
This Rules shall apply to all disciplinary and non-disciplinary.
Administrative proceedings
may be initiated by the
disciplining authority motu
proprio or upon complaint of
any other person.
Section 11. Requisites of a Valid
Except when initiated by the disciplining authority or his/her
authorized representative, no complaint against a civil service official or
employee shall be given due course unless the same is in writing,
subscribed and sworn to by the complainant. In cases initiated by the proper
disciplining authority or his/her authorized representative, a show cause
order is sufficient. No anonymous complaint shall be entertained unless
there is obvious truth or merit to the allegations therein or supported by
documentary or direct evidence, in which case the person complained of
may be required to comment. The complaint in triplicate copies shall be
written in a clear, simple and concise language and in a systematic manner
as to apprise the person complained of, of the nature and cause of the
accusation against him/her and to enable him/her to intelligently prepare
his/her defense or answer/comment. However, should there be more than
one (1) person complained of, the complainant is required to submit
additional copies corresponding to the number of persons complained of.
The complaint shall contain the following:
A Preliminary Investigation is a
proceeding undertaken to determine whether a
prima facie case exists to warrant the issuance
of a formal charge. It involves a fact-finding
investigation or an ex-parte examination of
records and documents submitted by the
complainant and the person/s complained of,
as well as documents readily available from
other government offices.
Section 16. How conducted
Within five (5) days from receipt of the complaint sufficient in
form and substance, the person/s complained of shall be required to
submit his/her/their counter affidavit/comment. Where the complaint is
initiated by the disciplining authority, the disciplining authority or his
authorized representative shall issue a show-cause memorandum
directing the person/s complained of to explain why no administrative
case should be filed against him/ her/them. The latter’s failure to submit
the comment/counter-affidavit/explanation shall be considered a waiver
thereof and the preliminary investigation may be completed even without
his/her counter --affidavit/comment. If necessary, the parties may be
summoned to a conference where the investigator may propound
clarificatory and other relevant questions. For cases filed before the
Commission or any of its Regional Offices, the preliminary investigation
may be entrusted to lawyers of other agencies pursuant to Section 117
of this Rules.
Section 17. Duration of the Investigation
-Administrative offenses
with corresponding penalties are
classified into GRAVE, LESS GRAVE
OR LIGHT, depending on their
gravity or depravity and effects on
the government service.
Most Common Offenses
Commited in the BFP
1. Simple Misconduct;
2. Simple Neglect of Duty
3. Insubordination;
4. Serious Dishonesty;
5. Nepotism;
6. Habitual Drunkenness;
7. Gambling prohibited by law;
8. Frequent unauthorized tardiness (Habitual Tardiness);;
9. Conduct prejudicial to the best interest of the service;
10.Falsification of official document;
11.Disgraceful and immoral conduct;
12.Inefficiency and incompetence in the performance of official duties;
Rule 10
Section 46.
Classification of Offenses.
A. GRAVE OFFENSES shall be punishable
by DISMISSAL from the service .
1. Upon the request of the head of office or the concerned party and
when supported by justifiable reason/s, the disciplining authority may
allow payment of fine in place of suspension if any of the following
circumstances are present:
a. When the functions/nature of the office is impressed with
national interest such as those involved in maintenance of
peace and order, health and safety, education; or
b. When the respondent is actually discharging frontline
functions or those directly dealing with the public and the
personnel complement of the office is insufficient to perform
such function; and
c. When the respondent committed the offense without
utilizing or abusing the powers of his/her position or office.
Section 47. Penalty of Fine. – The following are the
guidelines for the penalty of fine:
If a formal charge has been issued but the disciplining authority has
violated respondent-appellant’s right to procedural due process, the
Commission shall remand the appealed case to the agency of origin for
further proceedings to be conducted within three (3) calendar months from
the date of receipt of the case records, unless there is delay due to the fault,
negligence or petition of the respondent, or an extension is granted by the
Commission on meritorious grounds. The period of delay shall be excluded in
the computation of the prescribed period. Within fifteen (15) days from the
termination of the proceedings, the disciplining authority shall render his/her
decision. If at the end of the three (3) month period, the disciplining authority
failed to conduct further proceedings, the Commission upon motion of the
respondent appellant shall vacate and set aside the appealed decision and
declare the respondent-appellant exonerated of the charge/s. If the
respondent-appellant is preventive suspension, he/she shall be immediately
reinstated and shall be entitled to back salaries and other benefits.
The Commission shall evaluate requests for
extension of the three (3)-month period and may
grant the same on meritorious grounds guided by
the principles of justice and fair play. All requests for
extension shall not be for more than twenty(20)
days. For this purpose, the CSCRO Directors
concerned shall monitor the implementation of the
CSC Resolution remanding the case to the agency
of origin and to submit a report to the Commission
Rule 13
Section 67.
Petition for Review of CSCRO Decisions.
a. Apart from compliance with the procedural requirements, the petitioner must demonstrate through
specific and positive action and behavior that he/she has become a useful member of the community.
Affidavits from respectable persons in the community attesting that the petitioner is a law-abiding
citizen, an active member of the community and civic organizations, a good person and neighbor, and
one who has the respect of the members of the community, shall be presented;
b. A minimum of three (3) years should have lapsed, from the time of the finality of the decision
dismissing the petitioner from the service, in order that the petitioner may be considered as to have truly
undergone moral reformation;
c. The petitioner seeking the removal of administrative penalties or disabilities must have
recognized/accepted his/her guilt in his/ her petition to show that he/she is repentant/remorseful of the
consequences of his/her act, in addition to the above-mentioned requirements;
d. Non-admission or acceptance of guilt by the petitioner will not be required when he/she has been
acquitted in the criminal case which has bee decided on the merits and in effect declared the innocence
of the petitioner;
e. In cases where a petitioner is above sixty-five (65) years of age, the Commission shall favorably
recommend the removal of his/ her administrative penalties or disabilities, provided that he/ she
complies with the procedural requirements and submits proof of moral reformation; and
f. In cases where the person is found guilty of depriving the government of money or property,
restitution shall be required before the Commission can favorably recommend the removal of
administrative penalties or disabilities.
Rule 23
Section 105.
Filing of a Motion for Reconsideration.