Renewable and Distributed Generation Technology: An Elective Course To MSC in Power System Engineering
Renewable and Distributed Generation Technology: An Elective Course To MSC in Power System Engineering
Renewable and Distributed Generation Technology: An Elective Course To MSC in Power System Engineering
• Bigger the
• Larger the
voltage better
Today’s Electric
Power System
• Centralized
• One-way power flow
• Regulated Monopoly
• Generation
• Transmission
• Distribution
• Retail
Inflexible demand
• Aging Infrastructure
• Manual operations
• Increasing renewables
• Lacks interoperability
Central Power Generation (today)
The current model for electricity generation and distribution in the world
is dominated by centralized power plants. The power at these plants is
typically combustion (coal, oil, and natural) or nuclear generated.
Centralized power models, like this, require distribution from the center
to outlying consumers. Current substations can be anywhere from 10s to
100s of miles away from the actual users of the power generated. This
requires transmission across the distance.
This system of centralized power plants has many disadvantages. In
addition to the transmission distance issues, these systems contribute to
greenhouse gas emission, the production of nuclear waste, inefficiencies
and power loss over the lengthy transmission lines, environmental
distribution where the power lines are constructed, and security related
Depletion of fossil fuel due to ever increasing rate of fuel consumption
(Lack of sustainability)
What happen in next 100 years or so?
Central Power Generation (today)
• Remote, Large, Expensive
• Long Distance Delivery
• Fossil Fuel Plants
– Waste Heat (Nuclear)
– Environment Unfriendly (Co2)
– Health Unfriendly (Nox, So2, Pm10, Hg)
• Nuclear Plants
– Waste Disposal
– Safety against the natural hazards
• Hydroelectric Plants
– Flooding
• Unreliable (2000-2003)
– 110 Grid Failures
– Cost $80-123 B./Yr
– Adds 29-45% To Electric Bill
World primary energy consumption
BP website (
Fuel consumption pie-chart
World Energy Status 2002
Depletion of fossils fuels
Oil & Gas Production Forecasts
Energy Effeciency
What to do? What’s best?
Renewable and Distributed
What is Distributed GEneration
Distributed Generation
Located next to user
Range of energy sources
Fossil fuel, waste gas, renewables,
Capacity kw –Mw
Economic benefits
“Waste” heat used
Lowers fossil fuel use
Low investment
Power failure losses eliminated
Environmental/ health costs reduced
Grid costs – peak/capital
Lower electric bills
Flexibility of location
Combined heat & power (CHP)
DG Benefits Highlight
• Reliability
– The end user can have a higher reliability source of power.
• Can Reduce Electrical Grid Expenditures
– Local energy production can reduce the load on the transmission and
distribution grid if done properly and properly coordinated with the
• Efficiency
– Distributed energy systems that utilize cogeneration can have a higher efficiency
than central power plants that only produce electricity.
• Low Emissions
– Fossil fuel powered, distributed energy systems are now available with very low
emissions and alternative energy systems may have zero emissions.
DG Benefits Highlights
Sources of DG
• Solar – photovoltaic and thermal
• Wind Turbines
• Hydroelectric (small scale)
• Geothermal
• Oceanic
• Fossil Fuels
– Combined Heat & Power (CHP)
DG vs Central Power Generation
Relationship Between DG..
Cost Comparison
Cost Comaparison
Cost of Energy Comparison
CG vs. DG Today
Waste Energy % 67 10
Delivered Electricity % 33 90
Total Costs ($)
– Generation 4.2 5.2
– T&D 6.6 0.6
– Total 10.8 5.8
CO2 X 0.5X
Oil Equivalent (BB) Y -122
Fossil Fuel Sales (Trillions $) Z -2.87
CG vs. DG in 2020
Capital $B 831 504
Total Power Cost $B 145 55
Unit Power Cost ¢/kWh 8.6 5.5
– CO2 X 0.5X
– NOx A 0.4A
– SO2 B 0.1B
Enabling DG Technologies (go to
next file)
Figure 10: EU Re ne wable Ene rgy Targe ts -- S hare of Ele ctricity by 2010
EU-25 21.0%
Aus tria 78.0%
S we de n 60.0%
La tvia 49.3%
P ortuga l 39.0%
S love nia 33.6%
Finla nd 31.5%
S lova k Re public 31.0%
S pa in 29.4% The re a re a ls o ta rge ts in some countrie s
De nma rk 29.0% for s ha re s of tota l e ne rgy by 2010:
Ita ly 25.0% EU-25 12%
Fra nce 21.0% Lithua nia 12%
Gre e ce 20.1%
P ola nd 7.5%
Ire la nd 13.2%
La tvia 6%
Ge rma ny 12.5%
Unite d Kingdom 10.0% Cze ch R. 5-6%
Ne the rla nds 9.0% Ge rma ny 4%
Cze ch Re public 8.0% Fra nce 7%
P ola nd 7.5% S pa in 12.1%
Lithua nia 7.0%
Cyprus 6.0%
Be lgium 6.0% Ba s e line (Actua l) 1997 Le ve l
Luxe mbourg 5.7% Ta rge t by 2010
Ta rge t
Es tonia 5.1%
Ma lta 5.0%
S ource : REN21 Re ne wable s Global S tatus Re port 2006 Update , t
Hunga ry 3.6%
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Issues of DG
Frequency log(f)
Variation of wind
turbulence is
comparable with load
Kyoto University
DG interconnection Layout
MicroGrid Concept
What is it?
Coordinated electrical subsystem with
• Multiple Distributed Energy Resources
• Multiple loads
• Distribution voltage interconnections
• Capable of (macro) grid independent and
dispatchable grid interactive operation
Micro grid Concept
Micro grid Concept
What is driving it?
• Restructuring of the Electric Power Industry
• Advances in Technology
• New Environmental Regulations
– Increasing intermittent renewable penetrations
• Increasing Power Quality Concerns
• Heightened Reliability Awareness
• Potential efficiency benefits of CHP
MicroGrid Paradigm
Dispatchable load
Utility Responds to real-time pricing
13.8 kV Simple protection
Electrical Infrastructure
“Intelligence” Infrastructure
Smart Grid Applications
Proposed Microgrid Under Smart Grid Paradigm
Source Selection
•Encapsulated fluctuation
•Demand response
•Bi-directional data and energy
•Capable to select source/load
Renewable and DG is the only Area in Power System in which
System level Research are going on with full acceleration
In other area, system level research are virtually saturated and
research are on the element level
In this semester we will start with
Overview of DG and Renewable technology
Looking inside the black box (modeling..)
Then move into
Interconnection technologies/issues
DG control and operation (with focus on wind and PV)
And further
Microgrid Realm
Planning, Operation, Control
Course Expectation
At the end of this course student are expected to
Position of RE and DG technology in Modern Power
Insight of DG attributes
Interconnection, interfacing technologies; power
electronics interface
Dynamic simulation skill
A good research project/thesis in any of above