Animal Behavior & Experimental Design: AP Biology
Animal Behavior & Experimental Design: AP Biology
Animal Behavior & Experimental Design: AP Biology
Experimental Design
AP Biology
Why are these topics linked together?
…it’s arbitrary.
We’re going to use the topic of animal behavior to
explore experimental design (scientific method,
statistics, graphing, etc.).
Keep in mind, the experimental design practices
we discuss can apply to ALL fields of study in
Animal Beahvior
Ethology: study of animal behavior
Behavior: what an animal does and how it does it
Innate and learned
Innate Behaviors
Innate behaviors are behaviors that are genetically inherited.
Behavior influenced by genes can be selected on by natural
selection, so these behaviors should increase the fitness of an
organism in some way.
The Suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) region is located in The circadian clock in the hamster brain signals a
the hypothalamus of the brain. The SCN sends signals change in coat color according to season by releasing
throughout the body in response to dark and light. the hormone melatonin.
Innate Learned
FAP’s Learning