COVID-19 DOH Regional Guidelines
COVID-19 DOH Regional Guidelines
COVID-19 DOH Regional Guidelines
Break the Chain
Department of Health-Center for Health Development Caraga
Department of Health-Center for Health Development Caraga
The Philippine
strategies for
beating COVID-19
Department of Health-Center for Health Development Caraga
4 Components
1. Enhanced community quarantine and
social (physical) distancing
2. Contact tracing and surveillance
3. A triage system and increased testing
4. Improved case management of
Department of Health-Center for Health Development Caraga
1. Enhanced • Prevents the spread
of the virus
community • Limits the movement
quarantine of people
• Protects us,
and social
especially the most
distancing vulnerable
PUM/PUI mild
Home Quarantine
32 x 14% = 4.48
PUI Admission to isolation facility
32 x 5% = 1.6
PUI ICU care
4978 x 5% = 248.9
PUM ICU care
PUI Severe
Department of Health-Center for Health Development Caraga
Transport Isolation Facility transport
Province/City transport
1. Harmonized implementation of
(enhanced) community quarantine,
physical distancing and other preventive
measures in the region.
2. Establish and sustain a 24/7 OPCEN at
the barangay to the regional level
following the regional OPCEN protocol.
Department of Health-Center for Health Development Caraga
3. BHERTs together with BHS/RHU personnel
to strictly monitor those PUMs and PUIs
mild on home quarantine and closely
coordinate with the CHO/PHO for reporting
and referral.
4. Do the call first mechanism in reporting
and referring PUMs/PUIs mild for
consultation or assessment.
Department of Health-Center for Health Development Caraga