The Data of Macroeconomics: MACROECONOMICS, 7th. Edition N. Gregory Mankiw Mannig J. Simidian
The Data of Macroeconomics: MACROECONOMICS, 7th. Edition N. Gregory Mankiw Mannig J. Simidian
The Data of Macroeconomics: MACROECONOMICS, 7th. Edition N. Gregory Mankiw Mannig J. Simidian
The Data of Macroeconomics
A PowerPointTutorial
To Accompany
Chapter Two 2
Gross Domestic Product is the best measure of how
well the economy is performing. The Bureau of
Economic Analysis (part of the U.S. Dept. of
Commerce) calculates GDP via administrative data,
which are byproducts of government functions such as
tax collection, education programs, defense, and
regulation, and statistical data, which come from
government surveys of, for example, retail
establishments manufacturing firms and farm activity.
Chapter Two 3
Income, Expenditure,
And the Circular Flow
Two ways Total income of everyone in the economy
of viewing GDP Total expenditure on the economy’s
output of goods and services
Income $
Households Firms
Expenditure $
For the economy as a whole, income must equal expenditure.
Chapter Two
GDP measures the flow of dollars in the economy. 4
1) To compute the total value of different goods and services, the
national income accounts use market prices.
Thus, if:
$0.50 $1.00
5) Some goods are not sold in the marketplace and therefore don’t
have market prices. We must use their imputed value as an estimate
of their value. For example, home ownership and government services.
Chapter Two 6
Imputed value.
The value of an item for which actual values are not
available. Imputed values are a logical or implicit value
for an item, or time set, wherein a "true" value has yet
to be ascertained. It would be a best guess estimate.
is the array of finished goods or goods used in
production held by a company. Inventory is classified
as a current asset on a company's balance sheet, and it
serves as a buffer between manufacturing and order
Chapter Two 7
The value of final goods and services measured at current prices is
called nominal GDP. It can change over time, either because there is a
change in the amount (real value) of goods and services or a change in
the prices of those goods and services.
Hence, nominal GDP = P q, where P is the price level and q is
Real GDP = is the value of goods and services measured using a
constant set of prices.
Chapter Two 8
• If p is the price of bread and q is the
quantity sold ,then nominal GDP is the total
number of dollar spent on bread in the
year,P *Q.
The GDP deflator, also called the implicit price deflator for GDP,
measures the price of output relative to its price in the base year. It
reflects what’s happening to the overall level of prices in the economy.
Chapter Two 11
In some cases, it is misleading to use base-year prices that
prevailed 10 or 20 years ago (i.e., computers and
college). In 1995, the Bureau of Economic Analysis
decided to use chain-weighted measures of
real GDP. The base year changes continuously
over time. This new chain-weighted
Average prices in 2009 measure is better than the more
and 2010 are used to measure traditional measure because it
real growth from 2009 to 2010. ensures that prices will not be
Average prices in 2010 and 2011 too out of date.
are used to measure real growth from
2010 to 2011, and so on. These growth
rates are united to form a “chain” that is
used to compare output between any two
Chapter Two 12
YY =
= CC +
+ II +
+ NX
Total demand Investment
for domestic isiscomposed
composed spendingby
spending by
output (GDP) of
of businessesand
businesses and
households Netexports
Net exports
or netforeign
Consumption Government demand
Consumption Government
spending by purchasesof
purchases ofgoods
households andservices
and services
Chapter Two 14
GDP (Y) was $45, 707 per person
Here are the Components of Y in 2007:
Remember that these
Consumption = $32,144
calculations are
Consumption = $32,144
Investment = $7,052
performed per person just
Investment = $7,052
Government Purchases =
Government Purchases =
Net Exports = $2,343
Net Exports = $2,343
YY =
= CC +
+ II +
+ NX
$45,707 =
= $32,144
$32,144 +
+ $7,052
$7,052 +
+ $8,854
$8,854 +
+ $2,343
Note: The numbers above must be multiplied by the U.S. Population
Chapter Two302 million to obtain the totals for the above national income
accounts identity Y = C + I + G + NX.
To see how the alternative measures of income relate to one
another, we start with GDP and add or subtract various quantities.
To obtain gross national product (GNP), we add receipts of factor
income (wages, profit, and rent) from the rest of the world and
subtract payments of factor income to the rest of the world.
GNP = GDP + Factor Payments from Abroad - Factor Payments to Abroad
Whereas GDP measures the total income produced domestically, GNP
measures the total income earned by nationals (residents of a nation).
To obtain net national product (NNP), we subtract the depreciation of
capital—the amount of the economy’s stock of plants, equipment, and
residential structures that wears out during the year:
NNP = GNP – Depreciation
In the national income accounts, depreciation is called the consumption
of fixed capital. It equals about 10% of GNP. Because depreciation of
capital is a cost of producing the output of the economy, subtracting
Chapter Two depreciation shows the net result of economic activity.
Net National
National isis approximately
approximately equal
equal to
to another
measure called
called national
national income.
income. TheThe two
two differ
differ by
aa small
small correction
correction called
called the
the statistical
discrepancy, which
which arises
arises because
because different
different data
sources may
may not
not be
be completely
completely consistent.
Chapter Two 17
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) turns the prices
of many goods and services into a single index
measuring the overall level of prices. The Bureau
of Labor Statistics weighs different items by
computing the price of a basket of goods and
services produced by a typical customer. The CPI
is the price of this basket of goods relative to the
price of the same basket in some base year.
Chapter Two 18
Let’s see how the CPI would be computed in our
apple and orange economy.
For example, suppose that the typical consumer buys 5 apples and 2
oranges every month. Then the basket of goods consists of 5 apples
and 2 oranges, and the CPI is:
In this CPI calculation, 2009 is the base year. The index tells how
much it costs to buy 5 apples and 2 oranges in the current year relative
to how much it cost to buy the same basket of fruit in 2009.
Chapter Two 19
This statistic measures the increase in the price of a
consumer basket that excludes food and energy products.
Because food and energy prices exhibit substantial short-run
volatility, core inflation is sometimes viewed as a better
gauge of ongoing inflation trends.
Chapter Two 20
The GDP deflator measures the prices of all goods produced, whereas
the CPI measures prices of only the goods and services bought by
consumers. Thus, an increase in the price of goods bought only by
firms or the government will show up in the GDP deflator, but not in
the CPI.
Also, another difference is that the GDP deflator includes only those
goods and services produced domestically. Imported goods are not a
part of GDP and therefore don’t show up in the GDP deflator.
The final difference is the way the two aggregate the prices in the
economy. The CPI assigns fixed weights to the prices of different
goods, whereas the GDP deflator assigns changing weights.
Chapter Two 21
The labor force is defined as the sum of the employed and
unemployed, and the unemployment rate is defined as the
percentage of the labor force that is unemployed.
The labor-force participation rate is the percentage of the adult
population who are in the labor force.
Chapter Two 22
The Bureau
Labor Force = 147.4 mill
Unemployment rate = 5.5%
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) computes these statistics for the
overall population and for groups within the population: men
and women, whites and blacks, teenagers and prime-age workers. In
2008, the statistics broke down as follows:
Labor Force = 145.0 + 10.1 = 155.1 million
Hence, about two-thirds of the adult population was in the labor force,
and about 6.5 percent of those in the labor force did not have a job.
Chapter Two 23
The BLS conducts two surveys of labor market,
and therefore produces two measures of total
employment. The establishment survey estimates the
number of workers firms have on their payrolls.
The household survey estimates the number of people who
say they are working.
Chapter Two 25