Historical Foundation of Education: Here Starts The Lesson!
Historical Foundation of Education: Here Starts The Lesson!
Historical Foundation of Education: Here Starts The Lesson!
Here starts the
“When a school introduces and trains
each child of society into membership
within such a little community, saturating
him with the spirit of service, and
providing him with the instruments of
effective self-direction, we shall have the
deepest and best guaranty of a larger
society which is worthy, lovely, and
ship. P
- JOHN DEWEY leader
1. What is the function of schools
according to John Dewey’s statement?
2. Who create schools?
3. what is the
relationship between
schools and society?
Education or
Society seeks to
Institution preserve itself.
created by SOCIETY By maintaining it functions
where education is a and institutions.
function of society.
This is called the
Socialization process
It is a process of learning the
roles, statuses and values
necessary for participation in
social instruction.
(Brinkerhoff, D.,1989)
• Socialization is a lifelong
• Anticipatory Socialization
- Term for role learning
that prepares us for
future roles.
(Brinkerhoff, D., 1989)
Family is the most important
Because of agent of socialization.
socialization most of
us are more or less
prepared for our
future roles like
spouse, parent,
professional teacher.
“the parents, religion, social
class and ethnicity influence
the child’s social roles and
self-concept which in turn
influence the expectations
that others have for the
child, and they determine
the groups with which the
child will interact outside
the family”
- Breinkerhoff, D.,
School is also an important
agent of socialization.
● Language
Tribal Tutors
Education During the Spanish Era
Parochial school
elementary curriculum.
The Commonwealth Period (1935-1942)
Post-Colonial Philippines
Education aimed a the full of realization of
the demosrtaic ideals and way of life.