Section 4 Narayan FT13444 Garima Narang FT13423 Abirami Muthia FT13398 Sandeep Kumar FT13470
Section 4 Narayan FT13444 Garima Narang FT13423 Abirami Muthia FT13398 Sandeep Kumar FT13470
Section 4 Narayan FT13444 Garima Narang FT13423 Abirami Muthia FT13398 Sandeep Kumar FT13470
Narayan FT13444
Garima Narang FT13423
Abirami Muthia FT13398
Sandeep Kumar FT13470
The importance of planning is in having a very clear idea before entering
into the negotiation i.e.
Who are the parties directly or potentially involved?
What do they say they want (their positions)?
What are my objectives?
What is the value to be assigned?
What information will influence the final outcome of the negotiation?
What concessions can I make?
How am I going to achieve my objectives?
What part will other people play in the negotiation?
Generally, the more time that is spent in planning and preparing for the
negotiation, the more beneficial will be the final outcome.
What exactly do I wish to achieve from this negotiation?
Which of my objectives:
I must achieve?
Do I intend to achieve?
Would I like to achieve?
What options or alternatives would be acceptable to me?
What are the other sides objectives?
How does the other side see the negotiation?
What is the nature of other party?
What is the best deal I could realistically achieve in this negotiation?
What is the likely outcome of the negotiation?
What is the limit of my authority?
At which point should I walk away?
What concessions are available to me?
What is the cost of each concession and what value does each have to either
What information do I have that the other side has also?
What information do I have that the other side does not have?
What information do I need to have before negotiating with the other side?
What information does the other side need before it can negotiate with me?
Planning your strategy is important in negotiation. Once you know your
objectives, you need to work out how you are going to achieve them. It
is also useful to try and see the negotiation from the other side and try
and work out what their strategy will be.
Ask yourself the following questions:
Negotiators are emotional humans with different perspectives and beliefs. Try to build a working relationship with the other
negotiators independent of whether your agree or disagree.
Differences in interests define the real problem. Interests can include economic well being, security, having control over one's
life and a sense of belonging. People listen better if they think you understand them and are sympathetic to their interests.
Achieve this by showing you genuinely appreciate their interests.
In a relaxed atmosphere, brainstorm potential solutions among yourselves and, if possible, with the other side without judging
and criticizing the ideas.
Establish fair standards and procedures for evaluating the options that are independent of each negotiator's demands and
Preparation is the key towards an ideal negotiation. It is vital that the parties have substantial
information about the concerned issue and know their expectations. This will help them identify
when to start the negotiation. Another important aspect to consider is the time of the meeting and
the provision for handling interruptions. These factors could determine the extent of
concentration of the parties involved.
Is the process over phone, face-to-face or through correspondence? Each of these have multiple
advantages and disadvantages and the choice of one over the other should be made on
depending on the situation. Before beginning the process, it is best to warm up and have a round
of introductions so that the stage gets set.
1. Give yourself the time you need to think. Quick answers are risky.
2. Never answer until you clearly understand the question.
3. Recognize that some questions do not deserve answers.
4. Answers can be given that satisfy part of a question rather than all of it.
5. If you want to evade a question, provide an answer to a question that was not
6. Some answers can be postponed on the basis of incomplete knowledge or not
7. Make the other party work for answers. Get them to clarify the question.
8. When the other person interrupts you, let them talk.
9. Correct answers in a negotiation are not necessarily good answers. They may be
10. Don’t elaborate. You may disclose more information than is necessary.
The following list provides recommendations to determine if the parties are ready
to participate in a negotiation.
• Parties are willing to share control over processes and the resolution of the dispute
with the affected parties.
• Parties have completed an assessment to determine whether sufficient conditions
are in place for negotiations to occur.
• Ground rules are agreed upon by all participants and not established solely one of
the parties
• Involved parties must have commitment to implementation of any agreement
• Parties are open to informal, voluntary and flexible collaborative processes to
guide negotiations rather than to overly prescriptive rules.
The major activities in the negotiation step are creating options and
securing commitment.
Intangible factors
These factors often affect negotiation in a negative way and remain out of the negotiator’s awareness. The best way to identify
their existence is to try and see “what is not there?” One way to uncover intangibles is to ask questions and another way is to
take listeners/observers along.
1) Claiming value versus creating value: Typically the value creation stage will precede the value claiming stage and the
challenge is to balance the emphasis and manage the transition from one stage to the other.
2) Principle Driven versus Resilient Driven : Effective negotiators are thoughtful about the distinction between issues of
principle where firmness is essential and issues where compromise and accommodation are the best route to a mutually
acceptable outcome.
3) Strategy driven versus Opportunity Driven : Strong preparation is necessary to manage this paradox and see if there is an
opportunity to move out of one’s strategy in the light of new information that may emerge.
4) Openness versus Closure: This is about being clear on i.e. How open and honest should I be with the other party?
A good analysis is one which steps back from a negotiation identify
key events and process. A good analysis might address the following