SV Agreement Singular and Plural Nouns 76
SV Agreement Singular and Plural Nouns 76
SV Agreement Singular and Plural Nouns 76
Plural Nouns
To form the plural of most
nouns, add -s:
ski skis
guru gurus
miser misers
banana bananas
menu menus
encyclopedia encyclopedias
breakfast breakfasts To form the plural of a noun
ending in –y preceded by
vowel, add only an –s.
key keys
ploy ploys
birthday birthdays
jersey jerseys
To form the plural of a noun
ending in –y preceded by a
consonant, change the –y to –i
and add –es. EXCEPTION:
To form the plural of
country countries proper nouns ending in –y
spy spies preceded by a consonant,
dictionary dictionaries just add an –s.
the Kennedys
the Bradys
the Cosbys
two hot Julys
To form the plural of a noun Proper nouns ending in –s, -sh,
ending in –s, -sh, -ch, -z, or x, ch, -z, and –x also form their
add –es: Plurals with an –es:
fax faxes the Joneses
bonus bonuses the Harrises
atlas atlases the Willises
leash leashes two Gladyses in my class
watch watches the Hirsches
tax taxes the Martinezes
With other compound nouns, change the form of the word that’s
clearly the most important:
statute of limitations statutes of limitations
mother-in-law mothers-in-law
rule of thumb rules of thumb
passer-by passers-by
runner-up runners-up
bill of sale bills of sale
poet laureate poets laureates
court martial court martials
attorney general attorneys general or
attorney generals
alumnus alumni
alumna alumnae
crisis crises
analysis analyses
Nouns derived from foreign nucleus nuclei
words change their spelling parenthesis parentheses
altogether: medium media
criterion criteria
basis bases
memorandum memorandums
or memoranda
syllabus syllabuses or
bacterium bacteria
opus opera
Some nouns don’t change their
To form the plural of
symbols, letters, and words,
add an apostrophe and –s:
four S’s in the word Mississippi
no if’s, and’s, or but’s