Wetprocessing 130705232548 Phpapp01

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 Pretreatment is a heart of processing of textile.

In Pretreatment, all these impurities are
removed and fabric is brought to a stage where
it is more absorbent and white and can be
easily processed further.
All the processes of this stream are carried out in
an aqueous state or aqueous medium. The
main processes of this section include :
• singeing
• Desizing
• Scouring
• Bleaching
• Mercerizing
• Desizing is the process or removing the starch
or size the covering the warp yarn using 
enzyme. Oxidizing agent, or other chemicals.
There are three types of technique in desizing 
and four method of desizing that has been
Objectives Of Desizing:

•  To eliminate the water repellent nature of sized cloth.
• To increase the absorbency.
• To reduce the consumption of chemicals in subsequent
Technique of desizing:

• Enzymatic Desizing.
• Oxidative Desizing.
• Acid Steeping/Desizing.
• Rot Steein.
• Desizing with hot caustic soda treatment.
• Hot washing with detergent.
• Removable of water soluble sizes.
• Atmospheric Plasma Desizing.
Figure of desizing:
• Scouring is the process by which all natural and
additive impurities such as oil, wax, fat, hand
dust etc. are removed to produce hydrophilic
and clean textile material. It is one of the vital
processes of wet processing.
Objects of Scouring:

 To make the fabric highly hydrophilic.

 To remove impurities such as oils, waxes, gum,
husks as nearly as possible.
 To increase absorbency of fabric or textile
materials without physical and chemical
 To produce a clean material by adding alkali. To
make the fabric ready for next process. To
remove non-cellulosic substance in case of
Chemicals used in scouring
Main chemicals Use

Caustic soda Neutralize acidic materials, saponify

glycerides (waxes and oil),solubilise
Surfactants Reduce surface tension & minimize
interfacial tension.
Detergents Emulsify oil, fats, waxes and remove oil-
borne stains.
Chelating agent Deactivate metal ions.

Sodium silicate Penetrate & break drown lignin's.

Soda ash Maintain pH.

Solvent Assist emulsification by dissolving oily


• Bleaching is chemical treatment employed for

the removal of natural coloring matter from the
substrate. The material appears whiter after
the bleaching.
The aim of bleaching can be
described as following: 
• Removal of colored impurities. 
•  Removal of the seed coats. 
•  Minimum tendering of fibre. 
•  Technically reliable & simple mode of
•  Low chemical & energy consumption. 
•  Increasing the degree of whiteness.
Type of Bleaching Agents:

 Oxidative Bleaching Agents

 Reductive Bleaching Agents
 Enzymatic Bleaching Agents
Comparison of Bleaching
pH Temp. Time Wax Ash Fluidity %Reflect.
NaOCl 11 40 0C 2h 0.23 0.05 6.2 83

NaClO2 3.8 98 0C 2h 0.21 0.02 6 86

H 2O2 10.5 90 0C 2h 0.09 0.41 5.1 90

Image of Bleaching:
• Mercerization is one of the most important
finishing processes of cotton with a strong
caustic alkaline solution in order to improve the
lustre, hand and other properties. It imports
gloss to the fiber, increases its hygroscopicity,
strength and improves its dye affinity.
Mercerizing improves the reactions with a
variety of chemicals and elongation of the fibres
and also improves the stability of form.
Mercerizing process consists in treatment of
cellulosic materials with concentrated solutions
of caustic soda at a temperature of 15 to 18°C.
Purpose of mercerizing:

1.To improve the lusture.

2.To improve the strength.
3. To improve the dye uptake and moisture
Effect of Mercerization:
 Improve Luster.
  Increase ability to absorb dye.
  Improve reaction with a verity of chemicals.
  Improve stability of form.
  Improve strength/elongation.
  Improve smoothness.
  It has been shown that the increase in the luster occurs
because of an effect.
  The cotton fiber do convoluted.
  The cross-sectional shape changes.
Factors of Mercerizing:
• In mercerizing followings are important:
• Temperature
• Tension
• Time
luster of yarn after mercerization:
Image of Mercerizing M/C:

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