Satyam CSR
Satyam CSR
Satyam CSR
• Details of cash balances with Scheduled banks are not there in the
Annual report
World Bank banned Satyam from doing any of its work after it found Satyam
employees had hacked into its system and gained access to sensitive information
It also did not renew their five-year contract
On Dec. 16, when Raju announced the company would spend $1.3 billion to buy
Maytas only to reverse the decision a few hours later under shareholder pressure
Satyam ADRs lost 50% of their value overnight
Dec-2008 to Jan-2009
Causes of the problem
Problems created
– External factors are fierce competition and the need to impress the investor,
– Insider trading: Sold most of his 26% stake while tweaking numbers to
keep share price high.
– Take Over code: Probable violation if he knew when his stake fell
below 5%
Analysis of the Causes of the Problem
• Satyam had incurred the loan of Rs 1230 crores from various
sources so they were under a pressure to show rosy picture of a
company otherwise creditors would have been skeptical.
• Satyam did focus on the short term gains rather than long term
However, the deal was called off.
strategies to flourish the company thereby engaging in cooking up
the accounting books
But with skeletons coming out of the closet, during the scam customers were
unlikely to renew contracts when they came up for review, analysts said.
Well, if you take the head out, tail will follow – if Satyam
clients move away, employees will ( have to) quit – and
thanks to all these ‘we won’t take you’ slogans, these
employees were available for cheap.
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This is where one has to respect a company like Wipro
which made it clear that they will treat Satyam employees as any
other candidate and will evaluate them on same scale – i.e. be fair
to clients as well as employees.
- Murthy, an electrical engineer, has been with Satyam since January 1994 and
was heading the Global Delivery Section before being appointed as CEO of the