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Works in Hongkong

• Inspite of the demands of his medical practice and his

project in the establishment of a colony in borneo. He
wrote the constitution and By-Laws of Desiring to
marry in the church, Miss Josefina Leopoldina Taufer,
age 18, , orphan of mother where she was residing
and also professing the roman catholic and apostolic
religion , and having been informed by the very
reverend father Antonio Obach.
Dapitan, 6 March,1895
Most Execellent and
Very Reverend Bishop
of Cebu
Chapter 10
Rizal Deported to
On June 26,1893 accompanied by his elder sister
Lucia, Rizal arrive in Manila. After lodging Himself
and his sister at the oriente hotel in Binondo, He
went to Malancanang to pay courtesy call and the
interview the Governor – General not of his brother
in law. Despujol tried to diisuade him from going to
Borneo, and Instead promised to give him lands in
any island two leagues from Calamba.
Filipino League Founded
• Rizal was enthusiastically Received by his friends
and admirens.
Andres Bonifacio, Apolinario Mabini , Ambrosio
Salvador ,Timoteo paez and Deodato Arellano
and told them the objectives of the La Liga
Filipino Which planned to established.
Encourage by the favorable reception
and response extended to hi, by his
Friends and Supporters, Rizal Formally
organized the league in Ilaya Street,
Tondo, Manila on July 3, 1892.
The Aim of la liga Filipina were:
 Unification of the whole archipelago into one
compact and homogenous body:
 mutual protection in every want and necessity.
 Defense against all violence and in justice
 Encouragement of instruction, Agriculture and
 Study and application reforms
The arrest and Deportation of Rizal
 Rizal was ordered arrested by Governor-General Despujol allegedly for
having found in his baggage, a few hours , after his arrival from
Hongkong a bundle of leaflets entitled “poor
friars”(Pobres Frailes)
Life in Dapitan
 At first he live in the residence oo Don Ricardo Carnicero, Captain of
the infantry and politic – Military Governor of Dapitan
Carniero Learned that Rizal was not a person who has committed a
felony, so he gave good reports on Rizal To Governor- General Despujol.
who are willing to subordinate their interest for the common
goods. He also taught them various cultural values of the
Filipinos “Kaayusan” , “Delicadeza” and “Palabra de
Honor”(Word of honor)
Rizal as Engineer
 Rizal as a Full – Fledged surveyor which he attained from obtained from
ateneo and passed the prescribed examination. he read about the
subject to have a better knowledge about construction works. Rizal
could built such a system of water works for he had inadequate
equipment, tool and necessary materials and finances and even
without the help of the government.
Rizal as a Scientist
 Rizal found Dapitan and other places in Zamboanga an ideal place for collecting
specimens for scientific Study. Accompanied by students they explored the forest
and seacoast looking for specimens of insects, plants seashells and other specimen
aquatic lives. He examined carefully every specimen to find out its potential value.
• He discovered NAMI a kind of root plant to be edible when cooked properly, but it
was poisonous.
• He discovered that fluid extracted form NAMI
was effective medicine and capable of producing
anesthetic. Results, he sent different types of
specimen, like insects, Birds, Fish, Snakes and
shells to Dresden.
• Rizal quest for knowledge was boundless he
also conducted researchers and studies in
Anthropological, Ethnographical, Geographical,
Archeological and geological field of
Rizal as a farmer
• He bought 16 hectares of agricultural land where he planted
fruit-bearing trees, e.g., he also raised livestock . Later he
acquired adjacent land area expanded near a river where it
became a source of that irrigation consequently doubled his
rice production.
Rizal as a Entrepreneur
• Was a person who organized, managed and assumed responsibility in any kind of human endeavor.
• His business partnership with a Dapitan Merchant, turned profitable.
• Rizal introduced a modern method of hemp --- Stripping through a machine in order to improve the quality and at
the same time increased.

Rizal as a inventor
• He invented a cigarette lighter, he called sulpukan. This unique cigarette lighter was made of Philippines wood
and “its mechanism” said Rizal , “is based on the principle of compressed air” he became very much delighted.

Rizal as a artist
• At the age of five revealed his remarkable talents for the arts. But he also developed an interest in creating
different forms and shapes with wax and clay.
• Rizal impressed his Jesuit professors in Ateneo when he was studying because of artisrtistic skill when he arrived
an image of one virgin mary on a pierce of Batikuling.(Philippines hardwood) with his pocket knife.
 “The triumph of Death over life” and “The triumph of science over death”.
 “The Mother’s Revenge” – Dapitan.

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