Group 3
Group 3
Group 3
Rizal as a inventor
• He invented a cigarette lighter, he called sulpukan. This unique cigarette lighter was made of Philippines wood
and “its mechanism” said Rizal , “is based on the principle of compressed air” he became very much delighted.
Rizal as a artist
• At the age of five revealed his remarkable talents for the arts. But he also developed an interest in creating
different forms and shapes with wax and clay.
• Rizal impressed his Jesuit professors in Ateneo when he was studying because of artisrtistic skill when he arrived
an image of one virgin mary on a pierce of Batikuling.(Philippines hardwood) with his pocket knife.
“The triumph of Death over life” and “The triumph of science over death”.
“The Mother’s Revenge” – Dapitan.