Learning Plan 1: Scientific Problem/Question
Learning Plan 1: Scientific Problem/Question
Learning Plan 1: Scientific Problem/Question
• Learning Plan 1 discusses between the two types if scientific inquiry:
basic research and applied research. Knowing the differences between
each type of inquiry helps you identify and categorize a scientific
• When a scientific problem is established, effective approaches are
planned and designed properly, which will help in achieving the
objectives of the research. These approaches or concepts are
developed by gathering relevant literature or studies.
• A scientific problem is a
question that you have that
can be answered via an
experiment. Not all
problems that you have are
scientific problems. That's
because not all questions
can be answered with an
LESSON 1: Scientific
Problem and Question
• For example, the problem of trying to figure out
what to have for dinner isn't a scientific problem,
since you can't conduct an experiment to find the
• But the problem of trying to figure out how fast a
population of rabbits can grow is a scientific
problem as you can conduct an experiment on a
population of rabbits to observe and record just
how fast they reproduce. You can then use your
information and any patterns that you find to find
your answer.
Scientific Problem
and Question
Characteristics of a good
Scientific Question
Capstone - often a requirement for graduation in a bachelor's
or master's degree.
-- focus
focus on
on narrow
narrow andand specific
- is more detailed research endeavor aimed to
topics contribute new knowledge to exisitng scientific
-- in
in terms
terms of
of time
time frame,
frame, capstone
capstone - focus on generalized and broader topics.
will require
require atleast
atleast aa semester
semester to
to - in terms of time frame, thesis usually requires
finish. more than a semester because of the broader scope
of the problem.
LESSON 2: Scientific
• Capstone is a scientific inquiry
or research that is somehow the
similar to Investigatory Project.
• Investigatory project is an
opportunity to apply scientific
principles in solving real-word
problems or to look for answers
to research question. It also
enables you to think critically
and identify problems arising
from your own experience and
observations on everyday life.
LESSON 3: Basic Research Vs.
Applied Research
• Both basic and applied research follow the same steps of scientific
inquiry to arrive at conclusions.