UNIT-2 (Lecture-3) Types of Bridges

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ME (Structures)
Design and Construction Bridge Structures

Pipe Culverts
Reinforced concrete pipes are widely used as cross drainage structural elements for a road or railway embankment
when the discharge in the stream is small. During the last three decades Precast R.C.C. pipes have replaced the steel
pipes for many works due to the initial and maintenance costs.
Box Culverts
Reinforced concrete rigid frame box culverts consisting of two
horizontal and vertical slabs built monolithically are ideally suited
for a road or railway bridge crossing with high embankments,
crossing a stream with limited flow. Box culverts1 of square or
rectangular vent spans of up to 4 m are commonly used for crossing
small rivulets. The height of the vent rarely exceeds 3 m. The box
culvert generally comprises the following structural components:
1) Solid barrel or box section of sufficient length to accommodate
the road width of the carriage way along with kerbs and foot paths.
2) In the case of deep embankments, wing walls splayed at 45
degrees are used to guide the flow of water in the stream though
the box culvert.
Arch Culverts
Arch culvert is similar to pipe arch culvert but in this case an artificial floor is provided below the arch. For narrow passages
it is widely used. The artificial floor is made of concrete and arch also made of concrete. Steel arch culverts are also
available but very expensive.
It’s a Low Profile Culvert having easy installation without disturbing the causeway.
Continuous Bridges

The continuous span gives beam bridges the ability to span great

distances. A single beam bridge rarely spans more than 250 feet.

But, as in the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel, several beam bridges

can be linked together, creating what is called a continuous span.

The continuous span... gives beam bridges the ability to span great

distances. A single beam bridge rarely spans more than 250 feet.

But, as in the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel, several beam bridges

can be linked together, creating what is called a continuous span.

Types of Continuous Bridges

• Truss Bridges

• Girder Bridges

• Cable Stayed Bridges.

• Composite Bridges.

• Suspension Bridges

• Cable Stayed Bridges

Advantages & Dis-Advantages
The advantages in favor of continuous bridges are:
(i) Unlike simply supported bridges, these structures require only one line of bearings over piers thus reducing the number
of bearings in the superstructure as well as the width of the piers.
(ii) Due to reduction in the width of pier, less obstruction to flow and as such possibility of less scour.
(iii) Require less number of expansion joints due to which both the initial cost and the maintenance cost become less. The
riding quality over the bridge is thus improved.
(iv) Reduces depth at mid-span due to which vertical clearance or headroom is increased. This may bring down the bridge
deck level reducing thereby not only the cost of the approaches but also the cost of substructure due to lesser height of
piers and abutments which again reduces the cost of the foundation.
(v) Better architectural appearance.
The disadvantages are:
(i) Analysis is laborious and time consuming.
(ii) Not suitable on yielding foundations. Differential settlement may cause undesirable stresses.
Truss Bridge
A truss bridge is a bridge whose load-bearing

superstructure is composed of a truss, a structure of

connected elements, usually forming triangular units.

The connected elements (typically straight) may be

stressed from tension, compression, or sometimes both

in response to dynamic loads. The portal bracing in truss

bridge is used to transfer load from top of end posts to

bearings. They are preferred for speedy construction.

They are adopted for both highways and Roadways.

Truss Bridge
Solid slab bridge
The solid slab is the simplest form of reinforced concrete bridge deck. Ease of construction resulting from the simplicity

makes this the most economic type for short span structures.
Advantages & Dis-Advantages
i) Form work is simpler and less costly and hence economical
ii) Smaller thickness of deck thereby reducing the height of fill and consequently the cost of the approaches.
iii) Simpler arrangement of reinforcement. No stirrups or web reinforcement are required. Reinforcement are evenly
distributed throughout the full width of deck instead of being concentrated at girder points.
iv) Placing of concrete in solid slab is much easier than in slab and girder or any other similar type of bridges.
v) Chances of honey-combing in concrete are less.
vi) Cost of surface finish is less than girder bridges.
vii) Quicker construction.

i) Greater cost of materials.
ii) Larger dead loads.
Reason for selecting solid slab type

• Tight radius as straight beams would give too long cantilever slabs at curved edges. Precast curve beams

are not practically available and In situ curve beams more difficult to construct.

• Great ability to be built to suit irregular shapes

• Less expensive than more complex types of superstructure.

• Generally, a solid slab deck is more “constructable”.

• Solid slab deck is much heavier in self-weight than other more complex types of deck. When the spans are

short (± 15 m), the savings in cost, time, construction simplicity, etc. can more than compensate for the

heavier material costs.

Box Girder Bridges
A box girder bridge, or box section bridge, is a bridge in which the

main beams comprise girders in the shape of a hollow box. The box

girder normally comprises prestressed concrete, structural steel, or

a composite of steel and reinforced concrete.

The box is typically rectangular or trapezoidal in cross-section. Box

girder bridges are commonly used for highway flyovers and for

modern elevated structures of light rail transport. Although the box

girder bridge is normally a form of beam bridge, box girders may

also be used on cable-stayed and other bridges.

Development of steel box girders
In 1919, Major Gifford Martel was appointed head of the Experimental Bridging Establishment at Christchurch, Hampshire,

which researched the possibilities of using tanks for battlefield engineering purposes such as bridge-laying and mine-clearing.

Here he continued trials on modified Mark V tanks.

The bridging component involved an assault bridge, designed by Major Charles Inglis RE, the Canal Lock Bridge, which had

sufficient length to span a canal lock. Major Martel mated the bridge with the tank and used hydraulic power generated by the

tank's engine to manoeuvre the bridge into place. For mine clearance the tanks were equipped with 2-ton rollers.

Martel also developed his new bridging concept at the EBE, the Martel bridge, a modular box girder bridge suitable for military

applications. The Martel bridge was adopted by the British Army in 1925 as the Large Box Girder Bridge. A scaled down

version of this design, the Small Box Girder Bridge, was also formally adopted by the Army in 1932.
Advantages & Dis-Advantages

• Reduces the slab thickness and self-weight of bridge

• Cost effective
• Greater strength per unit area of concrete
• Quality assurance, as precast girders are made off-site


• (Mainly non-modular designs)

• Structural steel girders are costly
• Logistical inefficiencies and transportation cost
Basics of box girder bridge
Box Girder Bridge is a bridge where the key beams consist of girders shaped like a hollow box. Box girders
comprise structural steel, pre-stressed concrete, reinforced concrete or composite of steel. Such girders are
used for footbridges, railway bridges and highway bridges. Box girders are mostly used for long span
bridges where the actual self weight of the bridges has to keep minimum. They are also used for situations
that require high torsional stiffness of box girders.

Facts about box girders

1.A box girder comprises two concrete slabs — top and bottom. The slabs are connected by an array of
vertical bridge stems, also known as webs. These webs can be vertical or inclined, as per your
2.Box girders are formed by joining two web plates by a common flange at both the ends. And this makes
a closed cell that has enough strength and torsional stiffness than that of an open section. And this is the
reason for choosing box girders.
3.Box girders are not generally used for construction of buildings. However, they might be required in
Advantages & Uses
Uses of box girder bridges
A box girder bridge is a special type of bridge where the key structural element is one or multiple closed cells
that are acting in bending. Such girders are used for footbridges, railway bridges and highway bridges.
•Footbridges — Box girders are used for footbridges over 30m span. Box girder footbridges use an all-steel
configuration as the entire cross section including the parapets can be fabricated.
•Railway bridges — The only option to accommodate the railway bridges where the construction depth is tightly
constrained is box girders.
•Highway bridges — These comprise composite box girders, curved bridges, cable-supported box girders and
steel box girders.

Advantages of box girders

•Reduce the requirement for support points
•Have high strength and torsional stiffness that give greater and better suitability for horizontally curved bridges
•Ensure enhanced durability
•Require minimum maintenance of simple protective coatings as these have less exposed surface and only a few
Balanced Cantilever Bridges
Balanced cantilever bridges are adopted for comparatively longer spans where simply supported, continuous or rigid frame type

superstructures are found unsuitable. Simply supported decks of any type having spans more than 20 to 25 m. require

comparatively greater depths and therefore, become uneconomical.


(1) The structures are statically determinate and the moments, shears etc., may be found out by the basic
rules of statics and
(2) The possibility of cracks due to unequal settlement of the foundations is eliminated.
(3) This type of structure is also comparable to some extent with continuous structures since the free positive
moment at mid-span is partly balanced by the negative moment caused by the cantilever and thereby leads to
economy in materials.
(4) Balanced cantilever bridges also require one line of bearings over the piers similar to continuous bridges.
For bridging smaller channels, usually one central longer span with two shorter end spans of the types
are adopted but where the bridge length is more, repetition of the type of span.
Basic Considerations
Types of Superstructure:
The superstructures may be of solid slab, T-beam and slab, hollow box girder etc.

Proportioning of Members:
To get the most economical design, the proportioning of the members should be such that the sections at mid-
span and at support satisfy both the structural and architectural requirements and at the same time require
minimum quantity of materials.
To achieve this, the cantilever lengths are usually made from 0.20 to 0.30 of the main span. This ratio depends
on the length of the main span and the type of suspended span the cantilever has to support as well as the
number of cantilevers (single or double) available for balancing the mid-span positive moment etc.
Design Considerations

• The suspended span is a simply supported structure and therefore, may be designed. The moments and shears for the
cantilever arms are to be determined with loads on the cantilever alone or on the cantilever and the suspended span.
• The influence line diagrams for moment and shear for cantilever section near support are indicated in from which the
loading position for maximum moment or shear may be found out. In designing the cantilever sections, both the dead and
the live load moments or the shears are to be added together so as to get the design moments and shears.
• It is interesting to note from the influence line diagrams for cantilever arm that the load on the main span has no effect
either on the moment or on the shear of the cantilever section. While both the dead and live load moments and shears are
additive in designing the cantilever sections, the design of the main span sections, however, needs careful examination in
arriving at the design moments and shears.
• At some sections of the main span near mid span, the live load moment may be of opposite nature to the dead load
Long Span Bridges
• The definition of the term long-span bridge derives from the context and the historical epoch, in terms of the limits
reached at that time by the builders of bridges as large span.
• In Roman times, the maximum spans were in the order of a few tens of meters. At the start of the Industrial Revolution,
with the first railways and roads for vehicles, long spans were in the order of 150 m.
• In the twentieth century, with the construction of bridges with spans exceeding 1000 m, and up to nearly 2000 m in this
century, large span generally means a span over 300–500 m.
• However, spans of these lengths present problems that are mainly linked to the method of construction, aerodynamic
stability, and the effect of selfweight on the bridge’s static load. In fact, large span structures can be seen today as
structures in which the so-called scaling law is dominant.
• Scaling law was described as early as 1638 by Galileo Galilei in the Discorsi (Galileo, 1638); it expresses the
circumstance where, upon increase of the geometrical dimensions of an object (even if the shape does not vary), the
stress to which the object is subjected due to its weight increases.
‘Span’ is a term that may be interpreted to
relate to different dimensions of a bridge
structure. For this project, and in most
interpretations, ‘span’ is defined as the
distance between to ground supports
(pylons) of a bridge structure. For this
survey, the maximum (longest) span of
each bridge structure is its qualification for
being a ‘long span’ bridge, and should not
be confused with the overall length of the
bridge. See Figure for diagrams clearly
defining the ‘span’ dimension for each
Span dimensions per bridge type used during survey. (a) cable
bridge type included in the survey and stayed (b) suspension (c) cantilever (d) arch (e) truss
Long span

• The term ‘Long Span’ also needed to be defined in relation to the survey and database. For this project the term ‘Long

Span’ was considered a flexible and relative term, meaning; that there was no set length to be greater than, and that it

was relative to the bridge type.

• However, it was also determined that, there is a point where the mechanics and effort required to span a given distance

becomes so common place that it is no longer irregular, or special. Box girder bridges, usually associated with ‘short

span’, or more common span lengths, can span up to approximately 150 metres. Therefore, to eliminate technology

associated with smaller spans, a target was set to obtain details on all bridges across the globe with a main span greater

than approximately 150 metres. (Hewson, 2003)

Design Life
• The concept and definition of ‘Design Life’, across the various international standards varies slightly from standard to
standard, and is closely related with the concept of ‘Service Life’. What follows are the definitions of Design Life, and
Service Life, from three major international bridge and construction standards. The American Association of State
Highway and Transportation Officials Load Resistance Factor Design (AASHTO LRFD), the Eurocode (EN 1990.2002),
and the Australian Standard for Bridge Design (AS5100.1-2004).
Design Life – “period of time on which the statistical derivation of transient loads is based”
Service Life – “the period of time that the bridge is expected to be in operation”
EN 1990.2002 Design Life
Design Working Life – “assumed period for which a structure or part of it is to be used for its intended purpose with
anticipated maintenance but without major repair being necessary”
Reference Period – “chosen period of time that is used as a basis for assessing statistically variable actions, and possibly
for accidental actions”
AS5100.1-2004 Design Life
Design Life – “the period assumed in design for which a structure or structural element is required to perform its intended
purpose without replacement or major structural repairs”
Service Life – “a period over which a structure element is expected to perform its function without major maintenance or
structural repair”
Types of Long Span Bridges

• Continuous Plate Girder Bridges

• Continuous Steel Tubular or Box-Girder Bridges

• Steel Arch Bridges

• Continuous or Cantilever Truss Bridges

• Cable Stayed Bridges

• Suspension Bridges.
Suspension Bridges
A suspension bridge is a type of bridge in which the deck is hung below suspension cables on vertical suspenders. The basic
structural components of a suspension bridge system include stiffening girders/trusses, the main suspension cables, main
towers, and the anchorages for the cables at each end of the bridge. The main cables are suspended between towers and are
finally connected to the anchorage or the bridge itself, and vertical suspenders carry the weight of the deck and the traffic load
on it. Like other cable supported bridges, the superstructure of suspension bridges is constructed without false work as the
cable erection method is used. The main load carrying member is the main cables, which are tension members made of high-
strength steel. The whole cross-section of the main cable is highly efficient in carrying the loads and buckling is not problem.
Suspension Cables:
The suspension cables must be anchored at each end of the bridge since any load applied to the bridge is transformed into a
tension in these main cables. The main cables continue beyond the pillars to deck-level supports, and further continue to
connections with anchors in the ground. The roadway is supported by vertical suspender cables or rods, called hangers. In
some circumstances, the towers may sit on a bluff or canyon edge where the road may proceed directly to the main span,
otherwise the bridge will usually have two smaller spans, running between either pair of pillars and the highway, which may be
supported by suspender cables or their own trusswork. In the latter case, there will be very little arc in the outboard main
• The first wire-cable suspension bridge was the Spider Bridge at Falls of Schuylkill (1816), a modest and temporary
footbridge built following the collapse of James Finley's nearby Chain Bridge at Falls of Schuylkill (1808). The footbridge's
span was 124 m, although its deck was only 0.45 m wide.
• Development of wire-cable suspension bridges dates to the temporary simple suspension bridge at Annonay built by Marc
Seguin and his brothers in 1822. It spanned only 18 m. The first permanent wire cable suspension bridge was Guillaume
Henri Dufour's Saint Antoine Bridge in Geneva of 1823, with two 40 m spans.[12] The first with cables assembled in mid-
air in the modern method was Joseph Chaley's Grand Pont Suspendu in Fribourg, in 1834.
• In the United States, the first major wire-cable suspension bridge was the Wire Bridge at Fairmount in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania. Designed by Charles Ellet Jr. and completed in 1842, it had a span of 109 m. Ellet's Niagara Falls suspension
bridge (1847–48) was abandoned before completion. It was used as scaffolding for John A. Roebling's double decker
railroad and carriage bridge (1855).
• The Otto Beit Bridge (1938–39) was the first modern suspension bridge outside the United States built with parallel wire
Worlds longest Suspension Bridges
Worlds longest Suspension Bridges
Cable-Stayed Bridges
A cable-stayed bridge has one or more towers (or pylons), from which

cables support the bridge deck. A distinctive feature are the cables or stays,

which run directly from the tower to the deck, normally forming a fan-like

pattern or a series of parallel lines. This is in contrast to the modern

suspension bridge, where the cables supporting the deck are suspended

vertically from the main cable, anchored at both ends of the bridge and

running between the towers. The cable-stayed bridge is optimal for spans

longer than cantilever bridges and shorter than suspension bridges. This is

the range within which cantilever bridges would rapidly grow heavier, and

suspension bridge cabling would be more costly.


Cable-stayed bridges date back to 1595, where designs were found in Machinae Novae, a book by Croatian-Venetian inventor

Fausto Veranzio. Many early suspension bridges were cable-stayed construction, including the 1817 footbridge Dryburgh

Abbey Bridge, James Dredge's patented Victoria Bridge, Bath (1836), and the later Albert Bridge (1872) and Brooklyn Bridge

(1883). Their designers found that the combination of technologies created a stiffer bridge. John A. Roebling took particular

advantage of this to limit deformations due to railway loads in the Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge.

The earliest known surviving example of a true cable-stayed bridge in the United States is E.E. Runyon's largely intact steel or

iron Bluff Dale Suspension bridge with wooden stringers and decking in Bluff Dale, Texas (1890), or his weeks earlier but

ruined Barton Creek Bridge between Huckabay, Texas and Gordon, Texas (1889 or 1890).
Comparison with suspension bridge

Cable-stayed bridges may appear to be similar to suspension bridges, but in fact, they are quite different in principle and in

their construction.

In suspension bridges, large main cables (normally two) hang between the towers and are anchored at each end to the ground.

This can be difficult to implement when ground conditions are poor. The main cables, which are free to move on bearings in

the towers, bear the load of the bridge deck. Before the deck is installed, the cables are under tension from their own weight.

Along the main cables smaller cables or rods connect to the bridge deck, which is lifted in sections. As this is done, the tension

in the cables increases, as it does with the live load of traffic crossing the bridge. The tension on the main cables is transferred

to the ground at the anchorages and by downwards compression on the towers

Comparison with suspension bridge
In cable-stayed bridges, the towers are the primary load-bearing
structures that transmit the bridge loads to the ground. A
cantilever approach is often used to support the bridge deck
near the towers, but lengths further from them are supported by
cables running directly to the towers. That has the disadvantage,
unlike for the suspension bridge, that the cables pull to the sides
as opposed to directly up, which requires the bridge deck to be
stronger to resist the resulting horizontal compression loads, but
it has the advantage of not requiring firm anchorages to resist
the horizontal pull of the main cables of the suspension bridge.
By design, all static horizontal forces of the cable-stayed bridge
are balanced so that the supporting towers do not tend to tilt or
slide and so must only resist horizontal forces from the live
Key Adantages

The following are key advantages of the cable-stayed form:

• Much greater stiffness than the suspension bridge, so that deformations of the deck under live loads are reduced.

• Can be constructed by cantilevering out from the tower – the cables act both as temporary and permanent supports to the

bridge deck.

• For a symmetrical bridge (in which the spans on either side of the tower are the same), the horizontal forces balance and

large ground anchorages are not required

Designs of CSB
There are also four arrangements for support columns: single, double, portal and A-shaped.

• The single arrangement uses a single column for cable support, normally projecting through the center of the deck, but in

some cases located on one side or the other.

• The double arrangement places pairs of columns on both sides of the deck.

• The portal is similar to the double arrangement but has a third member connecting the tops of the two columns to form a

door-like shape or portal. This offers additional strength, especially against traverse loads.

• The A-shaped design is similar in concept to the portal but achieves the same goal by angling the two columns towards

each other to meet at the top, eliminating the need for the third member. The inverted Y design combines the A-shaped on

the bottom with the single on top.

• Depending on the design, the columns may be vertical or angled or curved relative to the bridge deck.
Harp arrangement
In a harp arrangement, the cables are made nearly parallel by attaching them to different points on the pylon. From

economical point of view, this type cable stayed bridges is not efficient for long span bridges. This is because such an

arrangement requires more steel for the cables, gives more compression in the deck, and produces bending moments in the

pylon. However, in terms of aesthetics it is attractive in comparison to other types of cable stayed bridges. The parallel cables

give a most pleasant appearance to the harp arrangement as stated by Bernard et al. (1988). The need for taller pylons is one

of the disadvantages of this type of cable stayed bridges.

Fan Arrangement
In this pattern, all the stay cables are attached to a single point at top of each pylon. The relatively steep slope of the stay

cables results in smaller cable cross section in comparison to the harp type. Moreover, the horizontal cable forces in the deck

in this arrangement is less than the harp type (Bernard et al., 1988). However, by increasing the number of the stay cables, the

weights of the anchorages increase and attaching the stay cables to anchorage becomes difficult. Therefore, the fan patterns

are suitable only for moderate spans with a limited number of stay cables.
Semi-fan Arrangement
Several modern cable-stayed bridges have been built around the world using semi-fan arrangement due to its efficiency are

distributed over the upper part of the pylon, which are more steeply inclined close to the pylon (Bernard et al., 1988). The

world largest cable-stayed bridge (Sutong Bridge in Jiangsu, China) was designed as a semi-fan arrangement using A-shape

pylons. The semi-fan arrangement has better appearance in comparison to the fan arrangement.
The Millau Viaduct is a multi-span cable-stayed bridge completed in 2004 across the gorge valley of the Tarn
near Millau in Southern France

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