3 - Main Peculiarities of Consecutive Interpreting
3 - Main Peculiarities of Consecutive Interpreting
3 - Main Peculiarities of Consecutive Interpreting
5 major interpreting
1. Simultaneous interpreting
2. Consecutive interpreting
3. Liaison or ad hoc interpreting
4. Chuchotage or whispering
5. Escort interpreting
Conference interpreting
• Simultaneous
• Consecutive
What is consecutive
• Classical definition: the interpreter
listens to a speech while taking notes.
When the speaker has finished, the
interpreter delivers the speech in his or
her native language.
• Consec is confined to situations where
simultaneous equipment is not available.
What is consecutive
• a mode of oral translation in which the
interpreter speaks after the source-
language speaker has finished speaking.
The speech is divided into segments, and
the interpreter sits or stands beside the
source-language speaker, listening and
taking notes as the speaker progresses
through the message.
The speech could be
• between a minute and twenty minutes
in length minutes and
• the interpreter will rely on a
combination of notes, memory and
general knowledge to recreate their
version of the original.
The interpretation is not a summary;
it is a complete rendition of the
original speech in another language.
Obviously this method is time
consuming as the time element is
almost doubled.
• It was used for the first time
during Paris Peace Talks.
• In international organisations it was
the main type of interpreting up till
1951 being replaced by simultaneous
Equipment required for
Consecutive Interpreting
All the equipment you will need.
•a notepad and
•a pen
When is consec used?
• ceremonial speeches
• after-dinner speeches at banquets or
to open receptions
• the opening of a cultural event
• question and answer session,
• a press conference
• visits and guided tours
• community settings
When is consec used?
• working meetings without equipment
• accreditation tests
Consecutive interpretation is very
often used in the private market for
international meetings, because it is
Despite the move away from consecutive, it
is still
• taught on all interpreting courses (an
essential part of interpreter training) and
• is part of the selection procedure for
entry into most interpreting posts
(accreditation tests).
Skills required for
Consecutive Interpreting
• ability to listen and take notes at the same
• ability to concentrate
• pleasant and loud voice
• public speaking abilities
• long-term memory
• good background knowledge
One advantage of
consecutive interpreting
• - there are no booths or equipment
between the speaker and the
• If the interpreter is unsure of a point
he or she can check with the speaker as
to what exactly was meant -
Mental tasks involved
• Phase I (while the speaker is speaking):
listening and analysis, note-taking, short-
term memory operations, coordination of
these tasks;
• Phase II (while the interpreter is
note-reading, remembering, production.
Varieties of Consecutive
• Sequence by sequence
• Idea by idea (paragraph or “complete
• Whole speech
The Basic Principles of
Consecutive Interpreting
1. Reception of the message →
2. Memorisation or note taking →
3. Mental translation →
4. Interpretation
It takes some seconds to accomplish
all these processes.
Good luck